Chapter 18

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Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

I felt something on me, I look beside me and saw Pikachu sleeping soundly, then I gazed on what's on me, and my mind suddenly realized something.

"You must be a newly hatched Riolu!" I exclaimed as I looked at the small bipedal pokemon, it cried and nodded in response. Pikachu then also woke up from the noise I made. Pikachu looked at the newly hatched offspring and greeted it.

"Good morning Ash." Lillie called out as she went in to the room, I guess they woke up earlier than me.

"Good morning too Lillie, where are the others?" I asked her.

"They are downstairs, eating their breakfast, I have made one for you too, ready yourself and come down okay?" Lillie said, I nodded and then she went out and readied myself

I uses up good twenty minutes getting myself ready, then me and Pikachu headed downstairs and saw them still eating their breakfast, but I can see that we have company, and I widened my eyes as I saw Gary on the couch.

"Gary! Long time no see!" I exclaimed, he hurriedly got up from his couch and lunged towards me, we did brotherly hug.

"Well, Ashy-boy, it seems that someones really growing up now." He said with a smirk.

"Yeah, and by the way, who are these?" I asked as I pointed out my finger to a group of people.

"Oh, let me introduce you, these is Serena, the Kalos Queen." He started off, I noticed that she has a long honey blonde hair with those cerulean eyes.

"Then those are May, Dawn Iris and Cilan, basically the two girls are coordinators." He continued on.

"Hello, nice to meet you!" They greeted as they heared their names being introduced.

"Likewise, now Gary, how did you find me?" I asked him.

"Well, we got helped out by Professor Sycamore." He said as he scratched his head. I nodded in response.

"Well Ash, it is truly remarkable that you have these pokemon eggs in your house." This time, the guy with green hair, Cilan, spoke up.

"Tell me Ash, when did you start collecting eggs?" I think May is her name, asked me.

"Since the very beginning of my journey, I took a liking of raising eggs while being a pokemon trainer." I shared to them and smiled.

"Ash, your breakfast." Lillie came up and glared at me, I sweatdropped and then we all decided to chat on the table while eating.

"So Ash, we saw your battle few days ago, and you're so strong now." Gary started off.

"Well, your looking at the Alola Champion you know." I said and then laughed, they widened their eyes in surprise and shock, except the Alola gang, they just chuckled at their reactions.

"That makes your responsibility doubled now." Cilan said as he took a sip of his tea.

"Yeah, but it seems kind of fun though." I said.

The chat went through, they have interest in looking through the eggs, so I served as the guide for them to stroll around the house, showing them the eggs, again.

Location : Unova Region

Paul's POV

"The challenger's Rhydon is unable to battle! Paul's Electivire is the winner!" The announcer boomed.

Yells are ripped out through the battlefield, I can see him returning his Rhydon and then walked out.

"Pathetic." I said and then exited from the battlefield.

"That's the last battle, do you want to go to Kalos now?" Trip asked, his Serperior on his side.

"I'll do some check ups and we'll head there and conquer that pathetic excuse of a school." I said and then smirked evilly, I can't wait to own that place.

Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

They all stayed inside to chat a little, I went out to get some Coumarine fresh air, Pikachu's now on my shoulder, as he doesn't want to be left out there.

I strolled around the nearby forest, hoping I can catch some pokemons, when I heared rustles from the bushes, Pikachu noticed this as danger and landed in front of me, getting on his stance.

I looked around, and the leaves of the trees are shaking, it is somewhat getting chilly, even if the sun is still up.

Then the bushes are still rustling, until something familiar popped up from it, and flew around me, I stared at it with awe, it seems that it's the cause of the trees shaking.

"I...I uhh..." I was lost in words, she heard me and laughed with sweet voice, then she flew infront of me. It's been a long time since I saw her in person, and there she is now.

"AHHH!" Pikachu distracted me from my trance being giving me a nasty Thunderbolt.

"What was that for?!" I yelled at Pikachu, he just humphed me and then pointed towards the figure in front of me.

"I uhh, hi Latias." I said awkwardly and waved my hands at her.

"You're pretty awkward Ash, still the same you." She said and laughed, I just stared at her and mentally slapped myself.

"Well, it's not everyday you see legendary pokemon just popping out from nowhere." I argued back, regained back my consciousness, and gave her a smirk.

"Say's the one who already saw me before." She retorted back, I mentally facepalmed.

"So Latias, what are you doing here? I though you are in Altomare?" I asked her, proceeding to go in to the topic.

"Altomare is safe now, the Soul Dew is protected, so I decided to stroll around, and decided to find you, I got Arceus' permission." She said happily and flew around me.

"Arceus?" I asked, surprised at the mention of the name Arceus.

"Yes, and just to let you know, he's the one responsible for these so called level tags." She explained, much to my interest.

"So why did you find me?" I asked her, deciding to drop the topic.

"Because..."  She smirked and then motioned her hand to one of my spare pokeballs clipped on my belt, she touched it and then let herself get caught, I just stared at nowhere blankly, then I looked at the pokeball Latias was sucked in.

"I...caught a Latias?"

To be continued...

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