Chapter 7

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Location : Kalos Region

Lillie's POV

"Delphox, hold it through, use Psychic!" The girl commanded, I was surprised it learned the move but I have something in mind.

"Snowy, run around while using Ice Beam on the ground beside you!" I quickly commanded back.

As soon as Delphox's eyes glowed, Snowy quickly ran around while firing off Ice Beams beside her, to repel the Psychic, preventing it from seeing her.

"Charge in and use Shadow Ball!" I yelled and threw my fist above victoriously.

As Delphox is just standing there while using her move, Snowy got the momentum to charge in and fired Shadow Ball point blank range. Delphox was hit badly, and cannot endure the attack, resulting for it to collapse and faint.

"Delphox is unable to battle! Ninetails wins!" The referee yelled, signaling the red flag to me.

Cheers burst throughout the battlefield, Serena sighed and then returned back her Delphox.

"That was a fine battle, now I know Alolan trainers are really strong." Serena commented. I just giggled and then smiled at her.

May's POV

"The girl is quite remarkable." I murmured. I still can't believe that Serena lost, I mean, it's been a long time since I saw her lose to a trainer.

"The girl might have few tricks on her sleeves." Dawn said.

"I agree, Alolan trainers are very well known in terms of intelligence in battling and stuff, I can't be surprised at this since she's one of them." Cilan commented.

"I wish I can battle her too, I want to experience battling a strong Alolan Trainer." Iris also said with excitement in her.

"But Serena has to pull this one through." I said.

Lillie's POV

"Here goes my second pokemon, Sylveon, come on out!" Serena yelled and tossed another pokeball, revealing the fairy type eeveelution.

"Snowy return." I said and returned back Snowy, that caught Serena off guard, well, I have this someone who would like to battle now.

"Froslass, let's go!" I yelled and tossed it's pokeball, Froslass went out and cried.

"I assume you're an Ice Type specialist?" Serena asked. I chuckled at that.

"Not really, I use different types of pokemon too, but these two just wants to battle." I replied with a smile.

"Battle start!" The referee yelled.

"Sylveon, Moonblast!" Serena decided to start off, Sylveon charged a Moonblast and then fired it towards Froslass.

"Froslass, intercept with Shadow Ball." I commanded, she nodded and then repelled the Moonblast with Shadow Ball.

"Now! Ice Beam!" I quickly reacted, Froslass too was quick to response and then shot an Ice Beam towards Sylveon.

"Quick! Protect!" Serena desperately shouted, just as Ice Beam is about to hit Sylveon, a transparent barrier repelled the Ice Beam from hitting Sylveon.

The collision created a smoke and some chunks of ice around Sylveon, but both pokemons stood still, ready for battle.

The battle went through with both pokemons giving their all, both sides exchanged attacks, knowing on when the round will end.

Tapu Koko's POV

Location : Alola Region

I arrived at Melemele Island, from Kalos, it was a really long flight, but it was all worth it.

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