Chapter 28

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Location : Alola Region

Tapu Koko's POV

Island duties kept on getting lesser these days, well, Alola is pretty peaceful anyways, except at the Team Skull part, but that was before, all thanks to Ash because he got Guzma's respect after their battle during the Alola League.

Guzma is now taking over Nanu's place as a kahuna and Plumeria as his trial captain, and for Tapu Fini's opinion, they will be the hardest trial for trainers doing island challenges.

Until one day, Lele conducted a meeting about an important matter, she will not tell until all guardians have arrived, so Bulu, me and Fini quickly headed towards the Ruins of Life.

There, we saw Lele doing something on her altar, we hovered towards her, curious of what she's doing.

"I see you three have arrived." Lele stated, not looking at us.

"Let's get to the point already." Bulu grunted, but Lele decided to ignore him.

"I have let you come here to discuss an important matter, regarding on our gift to Ash." Lele started.

"You mean the mega stone we found?" Fini asked.

"You are correct Fini, you see, just days ago, I have noticed something on that mega stone we found, as I got curious to that mega stone, even if it is in the hands of Ash, I kept on studying it  even if it is faraway from here." She explained in a serious tone.

"At first, I didn't have any problem with it, but as I kept on studying it further, something I saw that cannot be explained." She finished.

That made the three of us look at Lele seriously. She pressed further.

"I can't believe I didn't noticed it, but normally, Latiasites are whitish purple with a streak of red right?" Lele asked, we all nodded.

"But as I looked at the stone, it has somewhat a streak of red and blue." Lele said.

"So wait, if red streak is originally for Latias, then the blue..." Bulu trailed off.

"Yes, it is also for Latios." Fini finished.

"Wait so that does mean..." I trailed off again, knowing where this one is going.

"Yes, you're right, that particular mega stone is a Latiasite and a Latiosite at the same time." Lele said and smiled.

Location : Kalos Region

Professor Sycamore's POV

The battle went on, I observed at the top floor of the battlefield, they exchanged blows of attacks, that Paul really did give Ash a challenge. But I was waiting for one thing, and I think it will happen soon.

Talking about Ash, I am more than shocked to see his entrance, that was a Latios and a Latias in the flesh! How come he managed to catch those two in just a span of three weeks!

But enough of that, the collision of Solarbeam and Dragon Pulses made a huge smoke throughout the battlefield, and I waited for the dust to disappear.

After the dust dispersed, Ash suddenly look at his wrist, I felt myself jolt in excitement because I get to see Latias mega evolve, but what I am thinking should happen too.

Just then, what I thought about for a while, what I researched day and night, what I worked hard for, finally happen! As they were expecting only one light to occur! But me, I'm expecting both eons to mega evolve at the same time as soon as Ash will trigger the keystone!

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