Chapter 14

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Quick Note : Important A/N at the last part, you guys have to check it out!

Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

Pikachu quickly ran through me and tackled me, and we both laugh at our accomplishment, I saw Calem returning his Absol, sighed, and then walked towards me.

"By the occurence of these level tags, I was sure that I'll lose, and it did." Calem said and sighed.

"I still don't have the clue why it happened though." I said back and chuckled.

"Anyways, congratulations on your win." He said as he offered his hand on me, I accepted it and we both shook hands.

The crowd once again cheered, and I can here footsteps coming to us.

"Congratulations Ash, I know you can do it." Lana said and then giggled.

"But Calem here put up a challenge though." I said back and then smiled.

"Now Ash, either you take the title or having me stay on my title, your choice." Calem said.

I thought about it carefully, I really don't know if I should take the title or not, part of me says I want to, but also another part of me says I don't want to. I just don't know what to do with this title.

"Ash, I suggest you take it." This time, Professor Sycamore said as he walked in.

"Professor Sycamore!" I greeted.

"Having the title makes you responsible in protecting the school from outsiders, and I think you can handle it, and I think you're fine with it." He explained, I nodded subconsciously, but that doesn't matter.

"Also, being the champion means you can teach the newbies here on how to battle, I guess you want to inspire trainers to battle with their hearts aren't we?" Professor Sycamore said.

"I guess I should take it then." I said in defeat and sighed.

"But professor, may I have a word with you later?" I asked him, almost about to forget something.

"Sure, now then, let's present you as a school champion."


We walked towards Professor Sycamore's lab, as the declaration for the new school champion is done. Lillie and the other's also followed us.

"Now Ash, what can I do for you?" Professor Sycamore asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"You see..." I started out as I plucked the stone from my pocket. "I want you to check this one out professor."

The professor widened his eyes in shock, as well as the others, He looked carefully at the stone.

"This is indeed a mega stone, it'll just take few minutes to recognize who this one belong to." Professor said as we followed him towards his lab.

After few minutes of analyzing the stone, his eyes widened in shock and disbelief, and we share the same feelings.

"N-No way, if the machine is correct, it is a mega stone for...Latias." Professor Sycamore said, still can't believing the fact that the stone belongs to a legendary pokemon.

"But Ash, where did it came from?" This time, Sophocles asked.

'Might as well tell them.'

"I uhh, it came from Tapu Koko." I said.

This made them gasp in surprise.

"But why?" Mallow asked.

"Remember the time I told you to go first?" I asked and they nodded.

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