Chapter 26

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Location : Kalos Region

Lillie's POV

"Honchkrow, end this with Dark Pulse." The Paul guy commanded, deciding to end the battle, it was pretty one sided as another challenger challenged him to a battle, it seems to the challenger had the same feeling just like us.

Honchkrow glided downwards from above and critically hit the challenger's Meganium with a Dark Pulse, sending off the grass type pokemon. Meganium didn't have the energy left to stand up and soon fainted.

"Meganium is u-unable to battle, Honchkrow wins, the winner goes to Paul." The referee announced, I can feel that's he's not like it, maybe it's because it's Paul that made him not really do his work well.

Paul returned Honchkrow back in it's pokeball and said nothing, while the challenger ran towards his fainted pokemon and then returned it back and went to the local pokemon center. I feel bad for the challenger because even if he has the same tag as Paul is, he's still pretty beaten up badly.

The stadium was quiet, no one ever dared to challenge him after that battle. It's been two days since we last called Ash, I can really feel that he's now nearby and I understood that he's late, because maybe he was really from faraway region, who knows maybe he boarded his pokemon and not the plane.

Kiawe was the one who supresses his anger more than us, and we kept on telling him that Ash will do that, and I think Kiawe will also lose to that guy, I hate to admit it but he's strong, maybe me too will be having a hard time beating him up, though we also have the same tags, Experts.

"Just where is this school champion of yours? I bet he's just as pathetic as you guys here." He said while his eyes are closed. Talking about having a huge ego.

Kiawe was about to burst out but we swiftly contained him, luckily it went unnoticed, and Kiawe managed to calm down.

"He's saying those things to Ash!" He quietly shouted, still audible to us but not for someone else.

"I know, but I think we can't beat him, look at the challenger a while ago, he was bested that easily." I told him.

"You know who the challenger was right?" Mallow asked.

"I...I know that guy, I challenged him to a battle and I barely won, good thing I pulled it off..." Kiawe muttered.

"See? And that the same guy didn't even let that Paul guy unleash his full power, maybe just one fourth of it." Lana told him, he just sighed in response.

"I know, let Ash do the job." Kiawe said and then sighed again.

"Who dares to challenge me again? Paul suddenly shouted, and I think someone beside him was also excited, didn't got his name though, although I don't really wanted to know. He's a guy with his Lycanroc in midnight form beside him, looks pretty strong too, a tag says it's level is 80, somewhat really high already.

I've seen Ash's pokemon, he'll sweep this up easily.

No one answered his question, and it seems that it ticked him off, he was about to shout something again when something suddenly entered on the entrance.

Two blurs swiftly appeared and surrounded the huge battlefield, everyone is staring at it with awe, even Paul stared at it too, but kept a passive emotion.

I noticed that the two blurs were colored red and blue, it took it's time flying around the battlefield with great speed, and finally descending at the other side of battlefield.

The whole stadium was now in shock as the two blurs were now able to be seen, and as it was descending to the battlefield, we held up our jaws as we can't believe what we are seeing.

"A...A Latias and a Latios..." I muttered, still staring at the beautiful creatures with awe, and it wasn't really the one I noticed, it's more on the thing on their backs, after being able to see clearly, one name was being shouted.


Ash's POV

We were now on the outskirts of Kalos Region, still heading to the Kalos Academy located at Vaniville Town, we're now at Lumiouse City still flying on Staraptor, letting Charizard rest from the flight before.

I have decided to let out Latias too, since it's been so long since I let her out, she happily flew around us when she sensed something, then while flying, a blur passed through us with great speed, I wasn't able to see the blur but I noticed it's color blue. Staraptor halted mid air and looked around, and no one's there. Latias was uneasy but soon gained relief as something appeared in front of us, the familiar blue jet pokemon.

"Latios..." I stared at it with awe, he was hovering wonderfully, a tag then appeared.

'Latios - Lv. 100'

Pretty much normal to me seeing a hundred leveled pokemon now.

"It's nice to see you again Ash, and Latios, how are you doing?" Latios greeted telepathically, well I was expecting that since we already saw each other at Altomare unlike the mysterious Absol, which is really quite pretty cool, I have already trained her a lot and it seems that her level is catching up with the others fast.

"I'm perfectly fine brother, Ash here trained us very well." Latias replied happily, Staraptor also squawked in response, not really feeling the heaviness on his back, and I also noticed a week ago that he's gotten larger, the same situation with Pidgeot.

"What brings you here brother? Have already decided aren't we?" Latias asked and gave Latios a sly smile, while me? I was just staring at the two, no idea what they are talking about.

"Yes Latias, but we shoudl've go to him together, and not you running off just like that." He replied, chuckling, while looking at me.

I took a moment, then I realized it.

"You mean-" I was cut off.

"Yes Ash, I also wanted to come with you." He quickly said, I processed what he just said and quickly picked up a spare pokeball on my backpack and gently tapped Latios' head with the button, then he was sucked with a red energy, the pokeball wiggled four times and then made a notification sound that it has been caught.


We are now outside of the school, it's pretty weird that no one was outside so maybe they're in the battlefield, and seems like that Paul guy is having his good time beating some students here.

Maybe Calem was also defeated.

"Pikachu, do you want to go in with a nice entrance?" I asked the mouse pokemon on my shoulder and we both smirked as we agreed each other. I let out Latias and Latios and told them the plan. I remembered that when you are a champion, either you will be making the rules or the challenger, since it's urgent, I'll be the one to make the rules.

I rode on Latios and Pikachu on Latias, and we swiftly entered the battlefield.

As we entered the battlefield, I can already see Lillie and the others looking at Latias and Latios, although I don't really think that they clearly see them, we flew around the battlefield with great speed to attract everyone's attention.

Then it's time we'll finally enter the field, we descended to the battlefield, unmounted Latios and stared at the guy in front of me coldly.

"So you are the one who dared to have a good time without me around, I'll make sure I will beat you up and end your carrier."

To be continued...

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