Chapter 4

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Location : Alola Region

Ash's POV

"I guess uhh, you two are...a thing?" Mallow started as she saw us cuddling with each other.

"Mallow! S-Since when did you get in here?!" Lillie yelled in embarassment, her face is as red as a Tamato Berry.

"Everyone is downstairs you know, and Ash, stop messing around and get yourselves ready, I'll be heading back down." Mallow said and winked at us, before heading down and meet the others.

We just sighed in relief and unconsciously, our face heated up as to what Mallow just said.

"She seriously saw it." I murmured and then sighed, but to my surprise, she just giggled at this and grinned.

"That's good, at least Mallow had already saw us together, she'll tell the others and you might take the consequences." She said and then grinned happily, seriously, this girl.

"What about you?" I asked, clearly not accepting the fact that I'm gonna be barraged by questions from everyone.

"I'm just gonna ready myself and the things." She winked and then headed downstairs leaving me speechless. I just sighed at this and regained myself.

"Pikachu, let's just do one final touches and then get ourselves ready." I said to my partner, he just cried in response and then did his thing.

Everything seems fine now, me and Pikachu already checked everything as well as Lillie. We were finished getting ourselves ready and then headed down.

We then saw everyone on their travel outfits, I saw Mallow staring at me, smirking, I saw Lillie's face redenned a bit and I just chuckled.

"So kids, are you ready?" Professor Kukui, on his usual outfit, said.

All of us cheered in response and then headed towards our destination.

Kalos Region

Location : Kalos Region

Gary's POV

"And the winner is...Calem! Give it up folks for our outstanding, unbeatable champion in the school!" The announcer yelled as Calem returned back his pokemon, Aegislash.

"Aww man, not another win again..." I murmured, not enough for anyone to hear.

It was another trainer from the school who dared to challenge Calem, but he managed to faint his pokemon Absol but got whitewashed by his Aegislash, it was a 6 versus 6 pokemon battle.

Calem just shrugged and then walked off, the other student also did the same. And there goes the two.

"That is all for today folks! Maybe we can have another battle later!" The announcer boomed, then we all went off from the battle arena.

"Just who can defeat Calem?" Dawn asked while were walking, we just shook our heads.

"I guess he'll remain the champion here forever." May added, and she sighed, everybody did the same, except me.

"I may now a person who can defeat him." I suddenly blurted out, the others perked up and then looked at me with curiosity.

"What do you mean Gary? You have a person in mind?" Serena asked. I'm just really surprised that the popular Kalos Queen is here hanging out with us, probably because of Dawn and May being here.

Yes, Serena is the Kalos Queen after defeating Aria in the Pokemon Contest, she did great with her pokemon out there. And after that day, she was invited to the school, she accepted the offer, and I don't really care why.

"Yes, but this person seems to be on a journey right now." I told them, now that I've got their attention, maybe I can add some words to support what I just said.

"He's my childhood friend, and he already travelled every regions, from Kanto, to Alola." I added, now they are now in serious listening mode. I just mentally chuckled at this.

By the way, in this story, Serena and the others haven't met Ash yet, only Gary since he is his childhood friend, so just think that Ash is travelling around the regions without travelling companions, well, except Alola. Back to the story!

"Do you, by any chance, know his name?" Brock asked, clearly interested from the topic.

"He goes by the name of Ash, he's a Pokemon Trainer. It was in a picture the last time I saw him, he's petting a Latias." I told them, I got the photo from a girl in Kalos that goes by the name of Alexa, but then I forgot to ask her about his whereabouts.

"A LATIAS!" Everyone exclaimed, much to there surprises, but it was all true though.

"Calm your nerves guys. And yes, a Latias." I reassured, minimizing their curiosity.

"I'm searching a Latias for my whole life and there he is, just petting her." Brock said between his sobs, I just chuckled at that.

"I really admired his strength and the bond from him and every pokemon he sees, he just really loves pokemon. I wish he can attend this school and kick Calem's butt." I said, fist curling up in determination.

"Hopefully he'll come." May added.

"Gary, I'm interested in what you said." Serena said, now that's a surprise, I'm jealous for Ash, how can he get girls through my talk?

Location : Still Kalos Region

Ash's POV

"We have finally arrived!" I yelled as I climbed down the stairs, I looked around, Kalos is still the same, and there it is, the Lumiose Tower, I can see it from here!

The others caught up behind me, I think Lillie and the others are adjusting to the Kalos climate, since Alola is pretty tropical. I suggested to go to the pokemon center and we headed out to Lumiose pokemon center.

We arrived at the pokemon center and then I quickly headed to Nurse Joy.

"Hello Nurse Joy!" I greeted her, the others did the same.

"My, if I am not mistaken, you're Ash!" Nurse Joy said happily, I just chuckled in embarassment as I scratched the back of my head.

"I'm surprised you still remember Nurse Joy." I gave her a sheepish smile. She just smiled at me.

"How can I forget? And what can I help you?" Nurse Joy asked. Thank you Nurse Joy, I almost forgot what I came here for.

"Do you know where the Kalos Academy is located?" I asked her, she put a finger on her chin and did thinking stance, then moments later, she beamed up.

"Kalos Academy is located at Vaniville Town Ash, you got an invitation from Professor Sycamore I assume?" Nurse Joy asked, I just smiled and nodded in response.

"Well, you guys better head out now! Have a safe trip!" Nurse Joy said, we thanked her and headed out.

We went out when I heared a whisper from my ear, and I think Pikachu heard it, but to my surprise, no other one heard it, instead, they just went on walking, I halted and looked around, they noticed me and also stopped walking.

"Ash? What is it?" Lillie asked as she stopped.

"Can you guys go ahead? I have something to do, I'll catch up later. I'll leave RotomDex with you so that you guys can be guided." I said, they all gave me curious look but decided not to push through and just nodded.

"RotomDex can you please go with them and guide them to Kalos Academy?" I asked the flying Pokedex, he first analyzed the location of the academy and saluted at me, before following the others.

They are now out of my sight, I grabbed Charizard's pokeball and headed towards a nearby forest. And one thing I said in my mind.

'Tapu Koko, why are you following me?'

To be continued...

I'm sorry if there is no action or suspense here, but I need this one for my next chapter, hopefully you guys will understand.

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