Chapter 17

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Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

"This place is incredible Ash." Sophocles called out, still checking out the pokemon eggs in the incubators.

"I agree, no wonder you're such a responsible trainer." Kiawe agreed and nodded at what Sophocles said.

"It's nothing guys, really." I said and sweatdropped, I can also see Lillie giggling.

"This place is just a temporary one for the pokemon eggs here, you see, we have a special room just for pokemon eggs, and it's quite really full at this point." Leaf said and nervously laughed.

"Can we see it?" Mallow and Lana asked in excitement.

I nodded and then headed them towards the place, as soon as I opened the door, we are greeted with the beautiful sight of the pokemon eggs laid on every corners and every space of the room, considering the place is large, almost half of a gym battlefield, the pokemon eggs still really outstands, I can see Flechinder moving from one egg from another, also Ash's Talonflame, probably switched out one of his pokemon using the portable pokemon transfer machine which I saw outside.

"Ash, this is magnificent." Kiawe said, awestrucked at the sight.

"These here are the pokemon eggs which brother caught recently, or eggs that we assume it's still a long time before it hatches, in other words, these are rare eggs." Red said as he gestured his hand towards a group of pokemon eggs laid on the left side of the place.

"It's still over a dozen! Probably 5 dozens! Sophocles exclaimed as he looked at the eggs which is assumed to be rare ones.

We chuckled and then continued on.

"And these are the pokemon eggs which is somewhat close to hatch, or several days or weeks later before these eggs hatches." Leaf took the cue to say and gestured her hands towards a group of pokemon eggs, which is placed on the right side of room.

"Wow..." Lana muttered as she stroked her hand on a pokemon egg, gently.

"Come on! Let's go to another special room! I want to show you something!" I exclaimed and then called them out, then we all went out from the pokemon egg room and proceeded to the next door.

As I opened the door, we were greeted by somewhat a display of some rocks on the shelves.

"Are these..." Mallow trailed off.

"Yes it is Mallow. these are fossils." I say as I gestured my hands to the rocks being placed neatly.

They all widened in shock and excitement, minus Leaf and Red of course, then all of them took a closer look.

"We have all kinds of fossils here, from Helix and Dome to Jaw and Sail fossils." Red said as we focused on the stones.

Then I somewhat notice a shelf but with different things being displayed, I took a closer look and then I widened my eyes in shock.

"These are evolution stones!" I exclaimed, they all looked towards me and hurriedly went to the shelf where the mentioned things are placed.

"While brother is in a journey, I suggested him that he should find evolution stones in case if the pokemons here wants to evolve." Red said.

"But as you can see, brother overdid it." Leaf said and  then glared at me

"What? I just did what you guys asked me to do!" I quickly said and put my hands up for defense.

"We didn't exactly told you to get too many evolution stones!" Leaf yelled playfully and then giggled.

"I was having fun digging them up though." I said and then playfully pouted. The others just snickered, but one curiosity popped up on my mind.

"Where's the eight?" I asked the two.

"Eight what?" Lillie and the others asked.

"They're in the bedroom, sleeping." Red said.

"They're somewhat tired from playing around. especially with Turtwig." Leaf said and then sighed.

"Turtwig sure is energetic, alright let's go to the bedroom, I wanna see them." I said and then went to the bedroom.

I opened the door and smiled as I see the eight sleeping peacefully, the others widened their eyes again in shock and awe, but did their best not to wake them up.

"These are eeveelution pokemons!" Mallow whispered yelled.

I smiled at the tags they got.

'Eevee - Lv. 40'

'Vaporeon - Lv. 42'

'Flareon - Lv.43'

'Jolteon - Lv. 43'

'Umbreon - Lv. 45'

'Espeon - Lv. 45'

'Leafeon - Lv. 44'

'Sylveon - Lv. 46'

I know they still have a long way to go, and my encounter with them is the most unforgettable one.

"Look at all of them..." Lana muttered and smiled as she stared at them.

"Eevee looks so cute, I wonder what evolution it will choose." Lillie said as she looked at Eevee sleeping on a swing

"It's a female Eevee, and it's up to her what evolution she will choose." Red said.

"It's getting late guys, I think we should prepare dinner now." I suggested then they all nodded. Mallow took the cue to cook for all of us, Leaf decided to help.

Location : Unova Region

???'s POV

Unova University, just like Kalos Academy, a prestigious school where strong trainers also learn. But the style is somewhat different from other schools, the school only focuses on power and not on knowledge and care for pokemons.

The school's way of training is somewhat brutal, which is why, in fact, almost all trainers here are exceptionally strong.

"So Paul, heard of the news about Calem's loss?" A guy in red hair questioned, his Lycanroc in Midnight form by his side.

"That guy is being too soft Damien, I'll show him what real power is." I said and grinned evilly, Electivire did the same.

"Although you can pass me the responsibility of being the one who will defeat the guy he lose from." Damien said and I eyed him, darkly.

"I will be the one to defeat whoever that guy is, you understand?" I said to him in a more strict tone.

"Y-yes, of course." He said and then walked out.

"The time is near, I'll be the one to rule Unova and Kalos." I said to no one and then laughed evilly.

To be continued...

(A/N) The entrance of antagonist! Sorry for making Paul being the antagonist, but I'll promise you that he'll not stay like that forever!

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