Chapter 12

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Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

I looked at the tag, and it says,

'Metagross - Lv. 73'

'Pretty much his ace maybe.' I thought, not really knowing if that is his ace or not, judging by the fact that it has higher level compared to others.

And I can really say that these level tags help, a lot.

"Sceptile?" I asked knowing Sceptile what he has to do, he nodded and then I recalled him back to his capsule, then I searched through my belt and picked up the 5th pokeball, I plucked it out and tossed it, the ball opened and revealed the blue bipedal frog like pokemon, it jumped and then stood there magnificently, as if he is a true ninja.

'Greninja - Lv. 91'

The level bought gasps throughout the audience, and I can see the battlefield somewhat full of small pokemons, and I'm guessing they are testing out what is happening to pokemons, and yes, it really happened to everyone, that small shake earlier bought major change to this pokemon world.

"You may do the first move." I said calmly.

"First one to do the move wins, they say, Metagross, Meteor Mash!" Calem said in determination, good choice really making the first move but bad choice commanding a move.

"Gotcha, Greninja, duck and use Water Shuriken point blank range." I calmly commanded while sensing Calem's wrong move.

Metagross hovered and then charged towards Greninja in a blinding white light, but Greninja managed to duck swiftly, good thing theres a gap from the ground and Metagross enough for Greninja to pass through. Metagross is now on top of Greninja before Greninja firing off Water Shuriken on it's body.

Metagross lost balance and fell to the ground, wincing in pain.

"Metagross! Stand strong!" Calem yelled, clearly filled with concern. Metagross got up and gave a strong cry.

"Good, Metagross, let's attack in long distance, use Flash Cannon!" Calem commanded.

"Cut Flash Cannon with Night Slash." I commanded.

Metagross fired a strong Flash Cannon, enough for Greninja to have difficulty cutting through it, but managed nontheless.

"Charge and end this with Water Shuriken." I commanded, not sure if I can really end this.

"Quick, Protect!" Calem quickly yelled, should've thought of that, I mentally facepalmed.

Greninja charged in blinding speed and attempted to use Water Shuriken, but was repelled with the move Protect.

"Quickly use Shadow Sneak." I followed.

'What do I do?' Calem thought, then it hit it.

"Quick! Flash Cannon below you and hover yourself up!" Calem quickly yelled.

That pretty much got me.

Greninja was sucked into the shadow, then Metagross quickly propelled itself by using Flash Cannon below him, and let himself hover, clearly removing the shadow below him, just then, Greninja reappeared on the side of the battlefield, failed on fainting Metagross.

"That was good." I complemented.

"Thank you." Calem replied.

"However, fun time is over, Greninja?" I asked the frog pokemon, he smirked and then looked at Metagross, before enveloping itself in a vortex of water, I can also feel my body generated with power.

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