Chapter 10

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(A/N) Good job on answering the question Ashton_Ketchum2005👏

Location : Hall Of Origin

Arceus' POV

'Father, why do you have a more than a hundred level?' Mew asked, I just smiled at my child.

'I'm the creator, so it's pretty obvious that the creator should be high experienced.' I explained to her.

'Oh, right.' Mew said and sweat-dropped

'But don't worry my child, maybe someday you can surpass me, or together with the other legendaries.' I quickly said while staring at Mew's tag with a unique fonted 'L' icon beside her name. The boarders of the tag of her name is somewhat celestial, as well as mine.

What I said made Mew poke her ears up and then looked at me with excitement, I just chuckled at her and petted her head.

'You see, eventually, when you go on, the level you are right now will surely increase, so there's no worry on getting stuck with that hundred level for a lifetime.' I explained to her and she nodded.

'Trainers who are also powerful can achieve the more than a hundred level, but it'll get harder to gain experience on leveling up. And the only fastest way to gain experience quick is by facing off champions, even powerful trainers than him or her, and us, legendaries.' I continued, I think I caught Mew's full attention and interest.

'Yours and the others are put on a hundred level, and that's beyond champion's level, which is somewhere between 75 and 85. Level 90 and up pokemons are those who already encountered us and battled us before I made my world into this. And I think I know a trainer who will possibly have a high level pokemon in his arsenal.' I said and chuckled, Mew also agreed, I'm assuming that she thought of the same person as I am.

'And hear this Mew, I might add some spice on this.' I said to Mew, hoping to get her interest on this and approval.

'What is it father?' Mew asked with curiosity with a hint of excitement in her voice.

'Do you agree on me also having Trainer Levels?'

Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

"Dragonite return." Calem said as the red beam engulfed the unconscious Dragonite and was sent back to its pokeball, Calem gritted his teeth after.

"That was quick, I need to pull through, Lycanroc, come out!" Calem shouted as he tossed a pokeball, revealing a Midnight Lycanroc. Seconds later, the same thing happened to Lycanroc.

'Lycanroc (Midnight) - Lv. 70'

"Interesting, you've already visited Alola, weird I didn't saw you there." I commented as I returned back Decidueye in her pokeball, I smirked and then grabbed a pokeball and then tossed it, revealing my own Lycanroc, as I released it, I can hear gasps from crowd as soon as Lycanroc managed to get out from its pokeball. Lycanroc cried and then the tag came out.

'Lycanroc (Dusk) - Lv. 89'

On the stand

"What is that thing?!" Brock exclaimed as soon as the weird Lycanroc came out from its pokeball.

They read it's name, and their faces were now filled with confusion.

"What in the world is a Dusk form?" Cilan asked the same, but the answer is no avail, until someone answered their question.

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