Chapter 20

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Location : Kanto Region

Ash's POV

I arrived at Kanto peacefully, particularly in my hometown, Pallet Town. It's really a long ride but we manage to arrive here as fast as we could, and it's understandable that I should switch Charizard during the flight, so I went with Pidgeot and then Staraptor next. It's been a long time since I step foot here, and I even forgot to go home first after finishing up my journey at Alola.

I landed at the outskirts of Pallet Town, I took a gaze at the scenery of my small hometown, which I can see my house further. I returned back Staraptor and thanked it.

"Glad to be back here, right Pikachu?" I said to my partner, who was on my shoulder all the time, he cried out happily, as if he was also ecstatic to meet mother or Professor Oak again.

"We should stop by at the house and pay a visit to mother and Professor Oak Pikachu, what do you say?" I asked at the mouse pokemon, and I recieved a nod in approval.

We hurriedly went towards our house and it was expected to see Mr. Mime happily watering the plants, I ran and then greeted it.

"Hey Mr. Mime! It's been so long!" I happily cried out as I ran towards the psychic pokemon, it looked towards me and was happy to see me. He also ran towards me and we both embraced each other.

"Say, do you know where mother is?" I asked the pokemon, it nodded and then pointed it's finger towards the house.

"So I take that she's in the house, come on Mr. Mime, follow me!" I happily said as I went inside. There I saw my mom cooking lunch, so I decided to catch her attention.

"Mom I'm home!" I yelled through the house, catching my mom's attention, she turned towards me and widened her eyes in surprise, before tackling me into a hug.

"Mom, I'm happy to see you too." I managed to say between the hugs.

"You didn't even gave me a call Mr. Ketchum." She scolded playfully, I just laughed at her.

"I wanted this to be a surprise though, and I succeeded." I grinned, she ruffled my hair, resulting for me to pout playfully.

"Come on Ash, lunch is almost ready, a coincidence since Professor Oak will also stop by here, also Pikachu, I manage to have a bottle of ketchup at the kitchen, you better get it." She said and I was surprised that Professor Oak will stop by here, Pikachu's ears perked up at the word ketchup and hurriedly went to the kitchen.

Just as I was about to sit on a chair, Professor Oak went in, and our eyes met.

"My, if it is Ash. Welcome home my boy." Professor Oak said.

"Good to be home professor." I replied back.

"Say young man, what are you doing here if I may ask?" Professor asked politely.

"You see, I have an errand for Professor Sycamore back at Kalos Region." I answered, to which he was interested.

"Ahh, Augustine, what will he have favored you young man, knowing him, I think it's quite a hard one." He said as he put a hand on his chin.

"This topic is better discussed when the food is ready professor, let's wait for my mother." I said as a grumble was heard from my stomach, I scratched my head nervously.

"Very well young man, and you must also share with us your journey through Alola, and how you became a champion." He said with a grin.

We waited for minutes until the food is ready, Pikachu came back with a bottle of ketchup and it's face also covered with ketchup.

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