Chapter 29

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Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

I arrived at professor's lab, and as expected, him and the whole gang we're there, Lillie saw me and she immediately went for a tackle towards me.

"Oww." I said as we both fell on the floor, Lillie and the others just laughed at it and I decided to join.

"So Ash, you finally came." Sophocles said as I got up and helped Lillie.

"Yeah, I flew here as fast as I can." I said and laughed nervously.

"Where were you anyways?" Kiawe asked.

"I was from Sinnoh when I decided to call you guys." I said was nervous as I thought about forgotting not to call them as soon as I got my first mega stone.

"Anyways, the battle a while ago was splendid Ash, especially that two legendary of yours." Professor Sycamore said.

"When did you caught them?" Lana and Mallow asked in excitement.

"Uhh about that, Latias was caught earlier, before I went on my journey, I'm sorry I didn't told you guys." I said and looked down, but they just smiled and nodded, so that kind of cheered me up.

"And then Latios was caught not too long ago, it was when I was already at the skies of Lumiose, he decided to show up, and you know the rest." I finished, they stared at me with awe.

"And about the-" I said but was cut off.

"Yeah I know this one is going Ash, but first, may I see the stone?" Professor asked as he pointed his finger to the bracelet on my wrist.

"Yeah sure." I said and ejected the stone off the bracelet. Then he held it up, enough for all of us to see it clearly, on his other hand is a picture of another stone.

"This is a normal Latiasite." He started as he slightly raised his hand with the picture of what he just said.

"And this, is not an ordinary Latiasite, in fact, it is really not a Latiasite." Professor said as he also raised the other hand where the stone is put, I raised my eyebrows in curiosity.

"Wait what do you mean professor?" I asked.

"There are rumors of two mega stones that have merged together and formed into a single mega stone, the merged mega stones have the ability to mega evolve two pokemons at the same time, but in my theory, only Latias and Latios can do it, unless there are other different pokemons that have different mega stones and has the same appearance as Latios and Latias." Professor Sycamore explained.

"What about Mewtwo?" Lillie asked, she sure does know many pokemons.

"Mewtwo, yes, it can mega evolve into two forms, however, there can't be merged mega stone for Mewtwo as to Mew can't mega evolve." Professor Sycamore replied with a smile, we nodded in understanding.

"So that means that I just got a Latiasite and at the same time, a Latiosite?" I concluded.

"You are correct Ash, but I have to analyze it further for me to get the origin of these kinds of mega stone." Professor replied.

"And by the way, what is your progress on your journey Ash?" Professor asked.

I smiled and then held up my backpack, I opened it and then gently picked up the stones I got three weeks ago. They all widened in shock as I placed the 12 stones one by one on the tray.

"Ash...this is..." Professor trailed off.

"In just three weeks? This many already? Sophocles said in shock as he kept staring on the mega stones.

"Although I got help from someone though." I said.

"From who?" Kiawe asked in curiosity.

"Her." I briefly said as I tossed a pokeball and revealed the double sized pokemon I got.

"Absol - Lv. 88 {Boss Pokemon}"

Everyone in the room we're now speechless, well, they should have the reaction I got when I also saw Absol for the first time.

Absol stood magnificently. It was really quite a moment before Professor broke the silence.

"It's..." Professor Sycamore trailed off.

The others we're still in there trance, I really feel like I could take a pokedex and capture their faces, but I didn't do it anyways.

"Ash it's beautiful." Lillie said as she kept staring at the giant Absol with awe. Absol cried out and then snuggled Lillie's cheek, I guess she likes her already.

"Where did you catch it?" Professor Sycamore asked.

"Well, it was when I was about to enter Cerulean Cave, as it would be my first destination in finding mega stones, she showed up and helped me first in getting mega stones, then she soon joined my team." I explained in summary, they nodded in reply.

"So Ash, are you gonna go and continue your journey?" Lillie asked, I swear I saw a hint of frown on her face.

"Maybe I have to stay here for awhile, and so that I can rest too, is that okay professor?" I said and asked the professor.

"It is more than okay Ash, you really did a great job, I knew it'll be easy for you, twelve mega stones in three weeks is a big deal, you made it look really like a piece of cake." Professor replied and laughed.

"I cannot find them without Absol here." I said and patted Absol on the head gently, she cooed in comfort.

"So Ash, head back to the house for dinner? you know, at Coumarine, at least you can see again Leaf and Red." Lillie asked innocently.

Then I can notice Lana and Mallow snicker, I looked at them curiously and shifted my gaze to Lillie, who is now bright red and covered her face.

"Wait what?" I asked, not really knowing what's going on.

Professor and the others just laughed while me? I don't really have a single clue what's going on.

Lillie grabbed my hand and we walked out from the lab, I quickly said my goodbyes to professor and the others also followed, I can see professor waving his hand back.

"Come get your mega stones when I'm done researching with them!" I can hear professor shout in reply and I mentally pasted that thought in my mind.

And I can't wait to see Leaf and Red again, especially the ones they raised, I wonder what have hatched for these past weeks of my absence.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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