Chapter 9

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Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

I was now in complete shock and curiousness, I just stared at the thing above Decidueye, surprisingly, she's just calm, she looks like it isn't her first time.

I can also see Calem's reaction from here, and it looks like he is as the same as me, and I don't really know what's going on.

On Lillie's group

"What is that?!" Sophocles exclaimed as they got out of their short trance.

"I've never seen anything like that in my entire life." Lana muttered.

Lillie was on deep thought, then something has struck her head.

"Guys! Quick, let your pokemon out!" Lillie quickly shouted as she thought about something as well as tossing her Snowy's pokeball. The others did their part too and then released their pokeballs. Then they widened their eyes in shock as they see the same thing above their pokemon's  head.

"Ninetails - Lv. 73"

"Turtonator - Lv. 72"

"Tsareena - Lv. 70

"Vikavolt - Lv. 66"

"Primarina - Lv. 71"

They just stared at their tags until Mallow broke the silence.

"Wow..." Mallow trailed off, she's really speechless at this.

Even Professor Sycamore is just staring at the battlefield, or more like, the tags of the pokemons, as a professor, research is part of their job, but they never encountered anything like this. And this will be a new job for them to do, what is the cause of this?

Professor Sycamore then thought of an idea, he picked up his Pokegear and Pokedex and took a photo of the battle, surprisingly, the tags were in it too, that means they are just part of the pokemon. He sent the photo to Diantha, the Kalos Champion, to have her opinion about it.

Location : Unova Region

Diantha's POV

I was resting on my office, I was about to stand up when my Pokegear suddenly beeped, I looked at it and saw a notification from Professor Sycamore.

"That's weird." I muttered but decided to go on and check it out, then something unbelievable popped up.

"Cynthia! Come here for a second!" I shouted, good thing I am with Cynthia right now, taking a vacation. Cynthia then came out from the kitchen and walked towards me. I didn't uttered a single word and just showed her the photo, she has the same reaction as I was.

"Is that what I think it is?" Cynthia managed to blurt out.

"Yes Cynthia, this is indeed level tags." I replied, still not believing the photo.

"I knew about this, I happen to play games with these kind of things, level tags indicates the level of your pokemons as well as the experience of your pokemon, but I thought these are just happening virtually. I didn't expect this to happen in reality." Cynthia explained.

"But how can that happen? Is that edited?" Cynthia asked in curiosity.

"Let me check." I said and then checked the saturation, blending etc. of the photo, and to my surprise, it wasn't, this is real.

The two of us are now speechless, then I thought of an idea.

"Cynthia, bring out your pokemon." I commanded her, she nodded and then tossed Garchomp's pokeball, as well as my Gardevoir's pokeball, they popped out and then seconds later, the same thing happened.

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