Chapter 16

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Location : Kalos Region

Gary's POV

It was another morning, and everything seems new to me, the other day, the school champion is defeating trainers, and now, he was just defeated like he is just an ordinary trainer.

I need to find him, I need to see him, because it's really been a while since I saw him. It's been a long time back at Kanto when we started our journey and went separate ways trying to achieve our goals and dreams.

Well, here he is now, just popped up from nowhere and even defeated the school champion easily, which is too hard for the others.

"Gary." I was cut off from my thoughts, and then I see Dawn looking at me.

"Y-Yeah?" I asked, sweatdropping.

"I asked if you know where we can find this Ash?" Dawn asked, probably again.

"Yeah, I'm somewhat intrigued with his Greninja." Misty said while her eyes beaming in excitement.

"I am also intersted in the form Greninja showed yesterday." Clemont said while fixing his glasses.

"I don't know, maybe he went to Professor Sycamore." I said as I thought about Ash and Professor somewhat have known each other.

"Wouldn't hurt if we try checking out the lab. right?" Iris said, we all nodded and then headed towards Professor Sycamore's lab.

Ash's POV

I woke up with something on my chest, I looked down and see beautiful blonde hair laid down on my chest, then I see Lillie's face, sleeping peacefully.

"Guess she moved bed and laid beside me." I muttered and chuckled.

I caressed her hair for seconds and then heard yawn from above me, I look up and then saw Pikachu rubbing his eyes and then proceeded on me with a yawn.

Then moments after, Lillie decided to wake up and then looked at me, somewhat, embarassed?

"Ash? Are you a-awake already?" She asked while stuttering, I can see her cheeks flaring brightly.

"Yeah, just having time playing with your hair." I said and chuckled, she glared at me, and I sweatdropped.

"Why didn't you wake me up though." She pouted playfully.

"I can't stop looking at you while sleeping peacefully." I said and then stuck my tongue out, much to her embarassment.

We got up and then readied ourselves to our next destination, we called the others and they're now too excited to see the pokemon eggs being cared by his siblings.

We did final touches and then finally, headed towards his house, which is he said, it is in Coumarine. We contacted professor first and then told him we have somewhere to go. Then we went first to the pokemon center to switch some pokemons for us to have an easier tranportation.

"Charizard, Pidgeot, Staraptor, Noivern, Garchomp, come on out!" I yelled and tossed five pokeballs, the capsules opened and then revealed my pokemons, they all roared happily, just then, the same tags appeared.

'Charizard - Lv. 87'

'Pidgeot - Lv. 85'

'Staraptor - Lv. 83'

'Noivern - Lv. 79'

'Garchomp - Lv. 84'

But to my surprise, they didn't mind the tags, like they are not seeing it, although I know they are probably seeing it.

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