Chapter 23

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Location : Hall of Origins

Arceus POV

I looked at my disc shaped mirror used for me to see my world, although I spectate thousands of trainers doing their things, there's this one young man of my liking the took my interest the most, my chosen one, Ash.

It seems that he's now bidding farewell for his mother for him to go to his journey in finding pokemon mega stones, I placed them throughout the regions, and it's not a surprise that very few or possibly no one, have acquired legendary mega stones, well, now except for him, I may have to give my gratitudes to those four who gave him Latias' mega stone.

I looked through the mirror and I see him currently flying, I read his mind and his destination will be at the Cerulean Cave, pretty much a good choice since I've put up some rare mega stones in there, I can say they are quite rare, but for me, I have to test my chosen one in terms of finding them.

Also, having acquired the rank Legend, I can safely assume and say that it's a benefit for him to acquire a strong pokemon in hand, and I have a pokemon in mind and will be happy to be with him as her rightful trainer.

"I summon you, Absol." I called out, and for split seconds, in front of me was a portal and there stood, one of the magnificent Absols. It stood all fours and it's quite larger than the other Absols, probably enough for Ash to ride it, I smiled at the tag as I saw it.

'Absol - Lv. 80      {Boss Pokemon}'

"Greetings my lord." Absol greeted with a bow.

"Formal as usual Absol." I chuckled at her genuine characteristic. For some reason, I find this Absol really and incredibly strong even though she's a female.

"It's normal that we Pokemons show formal greetings, especially if we're summoned by our creator." She replied and bowed politely, guess I'll just leave it at that for now.

"So you've summoned me my lord, in what circumstances if I may ask?" She asked.

"It's really not dangerous Absol, besides, I want you to have a trainer, despite being a boss pokemon." I said, and to my surprise, she remained passive and instead, smiled.

"Perhaps, you already foresaw this meeting, do you?" I asked, amused, still can't believe this Absol has quite the ability to do foreseeing, a remarkable ability for someone who is especially an Absol.

"Some other days, despite being known as the disaster pokemon, I felt pure inside for some moments, then I foresaw this meeting right now and how you mentioned of me having a trainer." She explained and smiled.

"Although I'll not be angry about me having a trainer, in fact, back when I was just a wee Absol, I've always been jealous for the other Absols having their trainers, although I'm not happy when I knew my fellow Absols were treated badly. But I've also foresaw that good things might happen to me, and I just let destiny do it's part." She continued on.

"But you've chosen me lord Arceus to become one of your boss pokemons, and to repay you, I'll accept whoever I will be belonged to without any grudge or regret, although I didn't really foresaw whose trainer I'll be going to, but if it is from your choice my lord then I'll respect it, your decisions are always accurate." She finished, the speech brought me to a thinking, and I've never expected that she's having a hard time in her past, guess I have chosen the right Absol for him. I nodded at her and proceeded to the next part.

"The trainer you'll be going to is my chosen one, and I chose you to be his first boss pokemon, though he has some higher leveled pokemons, boss pokemons tends to gain more experience than original ones."

"This trainer is known as Ash Ketchum, a champion in Alola recently, he's current destination is at Cerulean Cave, tasked to find mega stones he see from his journey, the task just started days ago, and I want you to become his pokemon after you aid him towards some mega stones I placed at the cave, coincidentally, I placed an Absolite there, so you should sense it once I teleport you there." I explained to her, she's a fast catcher as I can see.

"A really worthy trainer fit for using my power my lord, I'll gladly accept him as his pokemon my lord." She replied and bowed.

"Shortly, he'll arrive at the entrance of Cerulean Cave, I want you to meet him there." I said to her, and she nodded in reply.

"Now then, I'll teleport you now."

Location : Kanto Region

Ash's POV

The beautiful place called Cerulean City is now on sight, I felt like I was the past trainer back then and battled the three water type gym leaders, too reckless for me since I battled the three of them and managed to won.

But I decided to pass through the city and proceeded to my first destination, minutes later, the path towards the cave is now on sight.

"Charizard, land on that clearing." I commanded the flyint lizard pokemon, he roared and then obeyed the command, he gently landed on the clearing and I can see some other small pokemons around, mostly are native to Kanto.

"Charizard, just stay out, just in case." I patted the dragon and he nodded in approval. We headed towards the entrance and minutes later of walking, something unbelievable was on sight.

"T-that's a..." I croaked out, not believing what I was seeing, Charizard glared at the pokemon with uneasiness, and moved forward in front of me.

"I-I can't believe..." I continued on to croak out, there stood a magnificent and unbelievably larger Absol than the others, it stood all fours with it's eyes closed, this thing is really beautiful. I looked at the tag above it, and I tilted my head in confusion as I read what's in it.

'Absol - Lv. 80      {Boss Pokemon}'

What's a boss pokemon? That caught me confused and intrigued.

"Greetings human." That caught me off guard, Absol just spoke telepathically?!

" just talked." I trailed off, as far as I know, usual Absols don't talk telepathically.

"One of the gifts I recieved for being the boss pokemon is the ability to talk telepathically." It replied back, I nodded in response, and Charizard seems to calm down.

"So what are you doing here Absol?" I asked the disaster pokemon, I knew that seeing an Absol means something not really good.

"I was summoned here for me to become your aid here in Cerulean Cave." It answered, wait, she knew my task?

"How did you-" I was cut off.

"My Lord originally told me, and it's my duty to obey what he asked me to do." It quickly answered.

"'My lord, you mean...?" I trailed off.

"Something you'll learn in the future human." It replied.

"Oh, and by the way Absol, are you a male or female?" I asked it politely, it giggled.

"I'm a female Absol." She briefly replied.

"And stop asking questions human, do you want the mega stones to keep on waiting or not?"  She asked with a sly smile, I sweatdropped and then decided to follow her lead, still can't believe that I'm with a rideable Absol.

To be continued...

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