Chapter 21

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Location : Kanto Region

Ash's POV

"Legendary pokemons?" That caught Professor Oak in surprise.

"I've been thinking about what Latias said told me, and she mentioned that other legendaries will come join me in the future, even I can't belive it." I explained to them, making Professor Oak more and more interested.

"You've got to let me see them in the future Ash." Professor Oak beamed with excitement.

Mom is still having fun with Mr. Mime, Latias and Pikachu, Latias sure is socially active. Talking about Latias, I never got her level tag, maybe I should ask her. I walked towards the three.

"Hey Latias, why don't you have your level tag?" I asked the Eon Pokemon, to which she just chuckled.

"Because I let it hidden" Latias replied and giggled, I just tilted my head in confusion.

"But why does Pikachu's level tag always shown up?" I asked again, my question was answered when Pikachu giggled and then the tag was gone.

"Wait, just like that?" I asked, dumbstrucked.

"If you want to know my current level, then you should see this." Latias said and looked above her, just the same time her level tag showed up, and I can't believe what I'm seeing.

"Level one hundred..." I muttered as I stared at the unique bordered, level one hundred font also in unique and somewhat celestial style. Probably because of her being a legendary pokemon.

"That's the highest level possible!" I exclaimed in shock. "Pikachu's almost there!"

"You see Ash, to be honest, me and the other legendaries are still halfway from the possible highest level." She said and laughed nervously.

"What?" I asked in shock, wait what does that mean?

"The highest possible level for pokemons is level 200, true were already high enough and is hard to achieve this level, but it'll be harder for the next phase, we will need a lot of experience in some terms, let alone battling." Latias explained.

"Wait you said, 'level for pokemons', does that mean..." I muttered, not really knowing what I was saying.

"And that's the cue, humans will also have things like this, in the future." She said happily, to which everyone was put into shock, disbelief and excitement.

"Even us?" Professor Oak asked.

"Everyone." She reassured, now I'm really psyched.

Then suddenly, I felt a beep from my pokedex, I hurriedly picked it up and then answered the call.

"Hello brother!" Leaf beamed as her face was shown up on the modified pokedex.

"Ah, if it isn't Leaf." Professor Oak said as he saw her face.

"Hello to you too Professor Oak, wait is that mom?" Leaf said and was also surprised to see her mother.

"Leaf, oh hi sweetie, how are things going on there in Coumarine?" Mom asked.

"We're fine here mother, it is really brother's fault that the house is full of pokemon eggs." She huffed and I sweatdropped.

"Wait, you collect pokemon eggs?" Professor Oak interrupted, to which I laughed nervously.

"Of course Professor! And these are his collections!" She said as she diverted her camera towards a bunch, probably dozens of pokemon eggs on their incubators.

"My Arceus! Ash! I need to see these!" Professor said as he has those stars on his eyes.

"Feel free to visit the house at Coumarine City Professor, Leaf and Red are always there." I said and smiled, he nodded in response.

"So why did you called Leaf?" I asked.

"Oh, it's because the eggs you got five months ago hatched just now!" She said happily and showed the offsprings of the pokemon eggs I got five months ago from an old man.


"Young man, I thank you for saving me and the pokemon eggs here in daycare." The old man said thankfully.

"You're very much welcome sir, me and those Team Rocket goons have grudge with each other too." I replied.

"You made us safe from harm, and I should repay you." The old man said.

"No, I can't accept it sir." I said and put my hands up.

"My wife is sick young man, and I have to tend her, and that means no one will take care of these pokemon eggs, please young man." He said as he offered me the incubators containing eggs. Probably around two dozens of pokemon eggs

"Well, if that's the case, then I will raise them into fine pokemons sir." I said and accepted them.

"I thank you once again, young man."

Flashback Ends

On the camera showed a happy shiny Riolu, two shiny Ralts, a shiny Abra, a shiny Snivy, a Larvesta, four Charmanders, to which one of them is a shiny, two Froakies, seven Eevees, two Torchics, and three Noibats

"Shiny offsprings?!" Professor Oak yelled in surprise, that also caught mother's attention

"My, you're such a lucky trainer Ash." Mom said and awed at the sight of beautiful offsprings, tackling Leaf and Red who is behind her.

"Ash, you know these are shinies, and are ultimately rare!" Professor Oak exclaimed.

"I know, that's why I let some of my strong pokemons guard the house so that they cannot be stolen, my pokemons treat the offsprings as their own, so if something happens to them, they'll go on a rampage." I explained, and they sweatdropped.

"But can you let me examine them Ash?" He pleaded.

"For the famous Professor Oak, everything can be possible." I said happily, to which he laughed it out.

"But isn't that not normal? Five months and it just hatched now? And who knows how long it is starting from the daycare" Professor Oak asked curiously.

"As you can see, they're all special, so it's normal that they'll hatch longer than the others." I assured him, he nodded in understanding.

"Well brother, I guess it's time for us to call off now, I'll see you soon brother!" Leaf said and cut off the call.

"So Ash, when are you going to start your journey, the mega stone hunt?" Professor asked.

"That being said, I think I'll start tomorrow Professor, I'll be staying her for awhile and enjoy, and tomorrow will be a long task ahead." I said to them, they nodded and we all went inside

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