Chapter 19

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Location : Kalos Region

Ash's POV

After a couple of days of having fun with each other, especially the ones Gary brought home, who decided that they will stay on the house for a while because they are fantasized at the bunch of pokemon eggs present in my house, they got to see the eggs hatching into new offsprings, especially the newly hatched Togepi, which seems to be already energetic on her first day.

And after the couple of days thinking about what Professor Sycamore has offered to me, after Lillie, me and the others talked about this, we have concluded that I'll accept what the professor asked me to do and do it, by myself.

Lillie argued to me that she'll go but I told her that it could be dangerous, and it's better to let Lillie stay here, right?

Having done deciding what to do, we walked our way towards Professor Sycamore's lab.


"So you're accepting the challenge Ash? This is marvelous!" Sycamore exclaimed happily, to which we smiled, excitement is also running through me.

"You have a Latiasite, I'm sure it'll be just a piece of cake for you to find the other non-legend mega stones, I'm sure of it." Professor said and smiled, getting my things ready for my journey to find some stones.

"But why do you need the stones if I may ask Professor?" Mallow asked, curious.

"A good question there Mallow, you see, I'm still not done with the research on the mega stones of the pokemons who can do mega evolution, so by collecting some, with the help of Ash, the data I'm about to collect will be passed through the other professors." Professor Sycamore explained.

"And this will connect us to Ash and his Greninja's bond phenomenon, but still, we don't have the sufficient data to conclude what's going on with Ash and Greninja, and that's why we're starting with the stones and it's data." Professor Sycamore explained further.

Now I understand, this journey can also help me and Greninja, I'm glad I accepted this challenge.

"Now, remember Ash, this is quite a hard task, and I'm suggesting you to call us here occasionally, so that we can be assured that you're safe." Professor Sycamore said strictly.

"Yes professor." I said and nodded.

"Now one final thing, it's up to you where to start searching, but having you on a journey, if something happens to school, and Diantha can't handle it, I ask you to fly here immediately, I modified your Pokedexes. (Kanto to Kalos type pokedexes, because there are photos of legendary sights in each pokedexes, even if they are modified into national pokedexes, he kept them.) You can now call through it, and upgraded them further and further, the pokedexes will give you more information and many more." Professor Sycamore told me as he explained me the modified pokedexes.

I looked at my pokedexes and was surprised that they are larger and lighter than before. I thanked professor and got myself ready.

"Ash, be safe out there." Lillie cried out, softly, as she hugged me tight, I can hear the others snickering, but I ignored them.

"I'll make sure I remember that Lillie." I replied and gave her a peck on her forehead, she blushed crimson red and hugged me again, but tighter.

"Charizard!" I called out and tossed his pokeball as we broke the hug, Charizard came out and roared excitedly, who knows? We might be able to get a Charizardite X and Y, or maybe both.

I got on top of Charizard, I glanced on more time at Lillie and smiled at her, her beautiful smile is also her reply.

"Ash, take care!" Sophocles said and waved.

"Be safe out there!" Mallow called out, also waving.

Then Lillie walked towards me and Charizard.

"I love you, take care of yourself, don't force yourself too much." Lillie whispered softly. I chuckled at her and her concerned state.

"I will Lillie, I love you too." I replied back, Charizard, being the one who knows what's going on, bowed to Lillie's level so that I can give her a peck on her lips, but she kissed back and took it longer than I thought, I can hear some oohs behind Lillie, but we ignored it and enjoyed the kiss.

We parted and then we took off the skies, saying my goodbyes once again.

Now my mindset is now on this region, it'll be the place for first exploration.


Location : Unknown

???'s POV

This project, this long time dream of mine, this shouldn't fail, I took a very long time having this poject, and all credits go to my workers now I can finally control the whole world, with the two Zygarde core I have in hand, nothing can't stop me!

I stared at the two Zygarde cores sleeping on the cube, these two will be the key in order to control Kalos and the whole world, I can't let anyone stop me.

"Sir! We have a problem!" A grunt suddenly called out, running towards me, panting.

"What is it again?!" I yelled at him, another mess I have to deal, the grunt took a step back and gulped.

"T-The cores can't still be activated yet." The grunt answered, sweating.

I can feel my blood boil, this isn't the first time this kind of thing happened, I can't let another one of this ruin my plan!

"Name the problems! I can't believe another one of these happens once again, I don't appreciate fallacies!" I yelled angrily, attempting to calm myself down.

"T-The cores lacks something, and that is some of the powers of mega evolution, if we can acquire some through these machines, then we can activate the two into their hundred percent form." The grunt explained, pointing out some of the machines used for this project.

I calmed down, and since no one from these grunts are able to perform mega evolution, I may have to ask Xerosic or do it myself.

"Looks like the project shall wait, I have to do things, call out Xerosic, this is the time I pay visit to the professors, especially you, Augustine." I grinned evilly, glancing one more time at the two cores. The grunt saluted and then walked off.

To be continued...

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