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"Nat!" The group of guys surround me, pulling me from Brad and into a group hug, with me in the middle.

"Hi, guys! It's been too long!" I tell them as I laugh.

"How've you been?"Jeremy, the drummer asks. I smile and blush.

"Better than I have been in a while." My eyes dart to Brad and I can see the small blush on his face.

"Yeah, Dan has been very vocal about this one." Jeremy follows my eyes to Brad and bumps me.

"You aren't supposed to tell her that, man." Dan says and pushes Jeremy playfully.

"So vocal about it that we've been forced to watch his videos on the bus." Carter pipes in and I blush. Jesus, Dan.

"Really? Whose side are y'all on?" Dan says and the poor guy is blushing. I feel bad for him, except he knows how the guys are and that they would definitely have told me.

"Well, I guess I should introduce you guys to him before you run him off." I roll my eyes and turn to Brad, holding out a hand to him. He takes it and comes to my side.

"This is Bradley, my boyfriend. This is Jeremy, Carter, and Dan." I tell him and Brad squeezes my hand softly.

"Hello, Bradley. Feels weird to call you by your name and not your channel name." Jeremy says but holds a hand out to him.

"Ya know, I get that a lot more than you would think." Brad jokes with him, before moving his hand to Carter, whose been waiting.

"Taking care of our girl, right?" He asks and Brad nods.

"As much as she'll let me." He tells them and when he turns to Dan, I already know that this is going to be a pain. His hand isn't outstretched until he looks at me and then he lifts his hand.

"Je ne fais ça que pour toi (I'm only doing this for you)." I scowl at Dan and roll my eyes. Jesus Christ.

"Oh that's cool, I didn't know you spoke another language." Brad says to him and I bite my lip. I also didn't tell him that I knew another language. I didn't really forsee this happening.

"Dan spent some time in France and learned how to speak the language." I tell Brad and he nods. It's not like he can pull of not knowing english. We literally just heard him speak it. I don't even know what he's playing at right now.

"Vous êtes belle (you look beautiful)." He looks at me and I take a deep breath. I'm going to kill him.

"Ne fais pas ça (don't do this)." I mumble under my breath to him and he rolls his eyes.

"Do y'all already have us a table?" I turn from Dan and look at the other guys. Brad rests his hand on my back and it calms me.

"Yeah, we made sure to call ahead and book the place out so we could be alone." Carter tells me and I smile.

"Sounds good to me. Where are we going to sit then?" I ask them and Jeremy shrugs.

"Wherever you want." Jeremy tells me.

"Will you guys go find us a good spot? I need a moment with Dan." I tell the guys softly before turning my attention to Brad.

"Yeah, of course." Jeremy and Carter leave us easily. I think they know what it's about anyways.

"I'll explain everything later, okay? I just need a minute with him before I pop his head off like a zit." I smile and Brad nods.

"I always get a little afraid to leave you alone at restaurants since you left me at one that one time." He jokes and I roll my eyes at him.

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