How Would You Feel

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"Was it everything you wish for?" Brad asks and I sigh. How is it possible to still feel so disgusting after a scalding shower and so many hours of kind, loving touches?

"For the most part." I smile, pushing the memory far back into my mind. I shouldn't focus on that. I shouldn't even think about it anymore.

"You look like something is on your mind." Brad says and I sigh. I can't play that off. Even with the short amount of time that we've been together, he knows me too well.

"Just this morning. I'm trying not to think about it."

"Pushing it down will only make it worse." He tells me and I shrug.

"I know. I know."

"Then tell me whats bothering you."

"Even though I let it happen, I just feel disgusting. It's like I can't shake it off. I can still feel his hands and God, I can still smell the liquor." I shiver.

"How can I help you?" He asks and I take a deep breath in.

"Just give me time and keep reminding me what it's like to have a caring touch." He pulls me to his chest and holds me tightly in his arms. This is more like it. This is what I wanted. This is what makes me forget.

"And just like that, things aren't as bad as they were before." I bury my face into his shirt and he rubs my back softly.

"Where to now?" He kisses my head. I pull my watch up to check the time. We have time to do really anything before we grab some dinner and go to the stadium to finish my job up.

"Anywhere you want to go. I would like to grab dinner before heading back though so we need to make time for that."

"Consider it penciled in." He jokes and I can't help but smile.

"Did you know how amazing you are?" I raise my head to him and he touches my face softly, rubbing my cheeks with his thumbs.

"I thought I was the one who stole all the good things to say." He jokes and I grab his shirt to pull myself to his lips. I kiss him hard and for a moment, it's just us again. This crazy weekend is behind us and we are just us again.

"Have you ever been to the botanical gardens?" He asks, his lips grazing mine so softly, it tickles.

"I have not but I would love to go."

"You okay with walking? It's not far."

"Of course." I smile. I let Brad lead us towards the garden, seeing as I don't know where I am and we just left the Coca-Cola Factory.

Our hands find each others like they always have. The pull between us is strong and I remember the first time I ever thought about kissing him. I remember referring to it as a gravitational pull. Even then, even fighting our urges to be close, to touch in some way, we always failed somehow. We always ended up together. I'm just so thankful that I don't have to fight the urges anymore. I don't have to fight to stay away from him.

"Where did you grow up?" Brad breaks the silence.

"A super tiny town about an hour from here."

"I grew up in a tiny town too. Just no where close to here. It's outside of Columbus."

"Hmm, I used to visit Columbus. My grandparents lived there."

"Mine did too. Do you think they knew each other?"

"Probably not. They moved down there not too long before they passed away."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It was a long time ago."

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