A Crashing Thought

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"Please be careful." Jordan leans against her car and I smile.

"I'm always careful."

"I know but it's late and I think it's about to start storming. Just call someone on your way home. I know Brad wouldn't have let you get a car without Bluetooth." She's right. When we were looking at cars, he made sure that was the feature they had. It's dangerous to have your phone and drive. Thankfully, I can talk to him through the car and it's no more distracting than if he was here with me.

"I'll call Bradley when I hit the highway unless you want to talk, then you call me when you get home."

"I'll call you if I don't hear anything. I'll talk with Collin and Thomas about scheduling the meetings earlier so this doesn't happen again."

"I'll bring it up in my email tomorrow. Did you still want to come down for the holiday?" I ask, changing the subject. I hate the drive home from here. It's not terribly long, maybe an hour if traffic isn't awful but long enough that it does make me nervous. But talking about it makes it worse. It reminds me of all the things that could go wrong.

"Yes! I'm so excited! I can't wait to wrap up in front of the fireplace with a glass of wine and watch a good cliche movie with my girl!" I laugh. That does sound wonderful. Well, except that I'll have to take a pregnancy test before we do that. And just like that my anxiety is spiking.

"I'm looking forward to it too. In fact, Bradley and I have an entire 2 weeks off. A week with you and his cousin and then a week for us."

"You mean a week of fucking in the bedroom and then a week of fucking like rabbits all over the house?" I blush.

"Jesus Jordan. I'm going home." I unlock the car and open the door.

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with that! I'm honestly amazed that you two are still getting it on so much after all this time."

"I mean, if his cousin is anything like him, I think you'll understand." She blushes and shakes her head.

"Go home. I can't deal with you." She shoos me.

"I love you, Jordan. I'll talk to you soon."

"Love you too. Be careful."

We get in our cars and I sit while my phone connects to the car before pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards the highway.

I press the button to call Brad once I merge and set the cruise. It doesn't ring long before he picks up.

"Hey, is everything okay?" He asks and I smile.

"Yeah, I just forgot to text you that I was on my way home." I tell him softly.

"No, I meant is the weather okay? It's storming here and if it's bad there, you should stay with Jordan for tonight. I knew I should have cancelled my meeting and came with you."

"Bradley, calm down. It's okay. The weather is fine and if it gets bad, I'll find a well lit place to stop."

"I'm really worried, Natalie."

"I'm a decent driver, babe. Super safe."

"I'm not worried about you. You know when to stop. I'm worried about the idiots on the road that just keep going."

"Did you know I love you?" I tell him and he pauses, taking a deep breath.

"I love you. How was the meeting? How is Jordan and the guys?"

"Meeting was good. Jordan and I are going to have a talk with Collin and Tomas about scheduling the meetings earlier. Um, the band is good. We've got their year planned out for the most part, just waiting on some emails and sponsors to come through."

"I love it when you talk marketing to me." I roll my eyes.

"How was your meeting? And filming? How close are we to hitting our vacation time?"

"Almost done actually. I grinded out today and plan to do the same tomorrow." I swallow as the drops of rain begin to hit the windshield. Well, shit.

"Good. I got my time off approved and made sure everyone knew that we would be without technology for a week." It's just a little rain. It's okay.

"I know taking a cruise sounded like a good idea at the time, but I think we both know what we'll be doing."

"Bradley!" I scold him and his laugh soothes away some of my anxiety.

"Mostly kidding but am I? Can't wait to see you in all of the bikinis." I blush.

"Whose to say I'll wear a bikini?"

"Ah, so you'll be nude then?" He asks and I cough.

"Bradley." I whine.

"Natalie." He whines back and I smile, until the bottom decides to fall out of the sky. The rain pounds against the car.

"Fuck me." A loud crack makes me jump and I see a long string of lightning stretch across the sky.

"Pull over. I'm slipping my shoes on and coming to you." Brad says and I sigh, pulling into the emergency lane and turning my emergency lights on.

"I'm pulled over. Don't come get me. I can wait out the storm. I don't think it'll last long." I tel him and adjust the heat to take my mind off of what's going on outside.

"I think I should head to you. You shouldn't be alone on the road. We can come back for your car tomorrow." I breathe out as another car pulls over and turns their flashers on.

"Multiple cars are pulling over Brad. We can't all die."

"Don't day that. I don't even want to entertain the idea of the love of my life dying."

"Love of your life, eh?" I ask playfully.

"Love of my life, mother of my future children, hopefully my wife one day."

"Wife?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

"That's the one you get stuck on?" He asks softly and I look down at my lap.

"I didn't know you had been thinking about that."

"Surprise?" He whispers.

"Would you want that before or after we get pregnant?"

"I was going to ask what you prefer actually. I can get a ring tomorrow morning if you want me to."

"You know my thoughts on marriage but I'm a little cynical."

"I know. That's why I wanted to talk to you first." I look up and sigh.

"I would marry you in a heartbeat if you asked me, just because it's you. Just because I love you so much that dating forever doesn't feel like a big enough proclamation." I tell him and glance in the rearview mirror, squinting. Those aren't headlights. No one is crazy enough to drive in this. I can hardly see in front of me.

"You've made that easy enough for me. How could I ever just date you after that?" He jokes and it should register. I should say something. But the headlights are so close and so bright. It's not until a jolt brings a noise from my throat that it clicks. Shit. My head lurches forward and bangs against the steering wheel.

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