House Warming

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"This place is perfect." Jordan looks around and I smile.

"It really is. We got lucky when Gregory found this place." Probably luckier when we got a steal for this house.

"So, you got the man and the house, anymore talk on the babies?" She asks and I blush. It's a topic we haven't brought up since I closed off the room that'll be the nursery. I want it to stay pristine until we find out I'm actually pregnant.

"I finished my last pack of birth control last Monday."I bite my lip, thankful that Bradley is on a jog. I haven't told him that we're officially trying. In fact, I still have my alarm on my phone set.

"Oh my God, Natalie!" She squeals and I cant help but smile.

"I know. I know. I had a follow up and prepregnancy checkup and she told me that if I wanted to, I was perfectly healthy and ready to have a baby. Just to finish the pack I was on."

"That's so exciting. God, I'm so jealous. Is the sex better?" She tilts her head to the side.

"Sex with Bradley is already earth shattering. If it got any better, I think an orgasm would kill me."

"So it's not worth it for someone like me? Everyone says it's better without protection."

"I mean, I think I may be wetter but if you want that, I'd pick some lube up. However, sex without a condom is better. So much better that I let Bradley stop using one when he was ready to commit like that."

"I knew you were secretly kinky." She winks and I blush. Jeez, Jordan.

"Whatever. I am not. I'm plain old vanilla."

"Yeah, with chocolate drizzled on top." And now I'm maroon. Thanks.

"Moving on from this conversation." I pull a blanket over my legs.

"We haven't talked about work yet." I sigh and watch her pull the blanket towards her.

"Work from home, travel for meetings. At least for now. I don't know. With the podcast taking off and us adding more episodes through the week now, I feel a little stretched thin."

"Have you told Brad?"

"No, I don't even know where to start honestly. I love my job but I love doing the podcast with him and I'm kinda good at it. I don't know if I could give either of them up."

"Yeah, but what about when you do get pregnant? Isn't that a lot of stress?"

"It's not so much stress though. It's just doing a lot. Staying busy. I'm good at what I do. I'm efficient. I'm only worried that I won't be able to keep up. With my last pregnancies, just the little bit that I was pregnant, I was exhausted and barely able to stay away from some sort of vessel that would catch my vomit."

"I get that. Just don't stretch yourself too thin and make time for fun sex and not baby making sex."

"I mean, it's all fun sex. I did tell you about the whole "don't tell me" thing, right?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"What thing?" She looks intrigued.

"Bradley told me that he was ready for kids and when I was ready, to throw my birth control away and don't tell him so he won't get all weird about it." Her jaw drops.

"He has no clue that you guys are trying? Doesn't that feel a little wrong?"

"It does but I've told him so many times that I just wanted to be settled in the house before we start trying. He knows we're settled. I think he knows but he isn't sure enough to take it too seriously. It's not like you can do it much more than everyday anyways."

"Wait, you have earth shattering sex every day?" I bite my lip.

"I guess I'm not just plain old vanilla."

"Jesus, woman. No wonder you want to have his babies so bad."

"Jordan!" I cover my face and laugh.

"God damn, no wonder you're always in such a good mood."

"Oh, girl. You know the extra peppy mornings I have? That's when I get it at night and in the morning."

"Is it always just sex?" I shrug.

"We have a lot of sex in a lot of places. But we do a lot of other stuff too. It's a lot actually. You'd think after almost 3 years that we would have slowed down."

"An orgasm everyday for 3 years." She says dreamily and I blush.

"Oh, Except period days but that's all me. He said he's willing to try other ways but honestly I don't want anything close to my girl parts during my time of the month."

"I feel you. I've done it a couple times and every single time it has been more of a hassle than pleasurable."

"Pause girl talk." Bradley opens the front door and I turn to him. Jesus Christ almighty. Basketball shorts, a black hoodie with the arms cut out, the sweat slipping down. I'm hornier than I used to be. Sweat is not cute. But god does it look good on him. Jesus.

"How was your run?" I asks and he smiles as he looks at me.

"I'm glad to be home." He leans over the couch and kisses me softly. "How was girl time? Should I make myself scarce?" He looks at me and then to Jordan.

"I have no shame in my game but I think I'm gonna excuse myself to my room and you," Jordan looks at me, "can come get me in a little bit." She stands, taking the blanket with her.

"Why'd she scurry off?" I ask brad and he rubs my head.

"You have 'fuck me' eyes and 'horny' blush." He tugs my hair back and I look up to him.

"She has always been so good at reading the room." He kisses me again and I sigh. Dear god I love this man.

"You've been a dirty girl." He whispers and I smile.

"So very, very dirty." His eyes are playful and dark and every part of me is excited.

"I think a hot," he kisses my neck and I lean my head to the side. "Steamy," he nips at the crook of my neck and I bite my lip to keep from being loud. "Shower ought to clean you up." He sucks my earlobe into his mouth and I reach my hands into his hair.

"I don't think a shower will be enough. I might need a firm spanking to really send the message home." I tug his hair with a small smile and he growls under his breath.

His hands slide under me, picking me up from the couch and he carries me to our bedroom.

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