A Meeting

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"Do you get nervous about these things anymore?" Jordan asks me and I shrug.

"Sometimes. I think it helps that I know the guys so well." I tell her and finally sit down. I've been going all day and my feet already ache.

"But Dan won't be here?" She asks and I find a dark spot on the table to stare at.

"I don't think so. I can't imagine he ever wants anything to do with me. I mean, I'm still so upset about everything but I miss him. I miss the goofy friend that just wanted to hang out." I haven't voiced this out loud to anyone. I've tried, and for the most part been successful, to not think about him.

"You guys knew each other for a long time. It's normal to miss your friend."

"I know." I half smile and take a deep breath in.

"So Jeremy and Carter are the other guys in the band, right?"

"Yeah, theyre good guys. Well, at least I think they are." I don't know anything anymore when it comes to them.

"Is everything okay?" She asks and I shrug.

"I'm meeting Brad's parents this week and to say I'm stressed is an understatement." I turn my head to her and she nods slowly.

"That's why you've been off this week. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"Because it shouldn't be a big deal. I shouldn't be this stressed about meeting them."

"But it is, obviously."

"He's just older than I am and you know how people look at that situation. Plus, I've only ever met Alexs parents and they never really liked me."

"But you're not that kind of person. They'll love you. You're the kind of person parents wish their kids brought home." I roll my eyes with a smile.

"Thanks, Jordan. I should have talked to you about it sooner."

We turn our heads to the door when someone knocks on the frame. Jeremy is standing there, blazer open, one hand in his pocket and the other on the frame, making it obvious that he's the one who knocked.

"Hi, Jeremy. How're you?" I stand and walk to him. I hold my hand out and he looks at it.

"We've known each other for how long?" He asks, looking back up to me and I blush as he pulls me into a tight hug. I lightly rub his back before pulling away from him. Well, that was unprofessional at its finest.

"This is Jordan Milosh. She's my best friend and our newest hire in training. Jordan, this is Jeremy." I introduce them and they shake hands.

"It's nice to meet you." Jordan says with a smile.

"Yeah, you too." Jeremy says before turning back to me. "What're you doing after this? I've got an update on Dan." He tells me and I look at him confused.

"We can talk about Dan here. This meeting is about the band after all." I remind him and that's when I notice Jordan's expression. It's a mix between confusion and realization. Oh what I would give to read her mind.

"I thought the meeting was just going to be us. I don't think he'd like for me to tell anyone else but you." He says and I take a deep breath in.

"I can give you guys a minute if I need to." Jordan offers and I shake my head.

"That's not necessary. We can have our meeting and then have a minute." I tell her. Put off being alone with him as long as you can. We sit down and Jordan takes out her notepad.

"So, lets start with where Carter is." I say and Jeremy rolls his eyes.

"The band is taking a break. Dan wants to stay in the program a little longer, Carter needs a mental break to be with his wife, and I would like to start a solo project." My eyes are wide. What. The. Fuck.

"So you let us go through with a whole meeting for something that could have been discussed over an email?" I ask confused. That's all he ever had to say. We were talking dates and deadlines and tours and concerts. all of that is null and void now.

"I tried calling you." He says and I take a deep breath in. He did. On my personal phone. During my off time. While I was with Bradley.

"I need for all of you to start calling my work phone." I tell him. I don't know why I'm so frustrated with him. Jordan coughs and I look over to her.

"I think I'm going to go to the office." She stands you and I try to plead with my eyes for her to stay. She shuts the door softly behind her.

"Can I take you out for lunch?" Jeremy breaks the silence and my eyes flick to him.

"No, you can say whatever you need to say here." I tell him.

"Is this about Brad?" He asks confused.

"No. This is about business. You can't each take a turn trying to win me over." I tell him sternly and he goes wide eyed.

"I thought you showed interest in me after the situation with Dan. I must've read the room wrong." I don't feel anything for Jeremy. Nothing that I'm willing to act on or leave Brad for. I just find a protective man attractive and that's what he's been. He's been protective and caring of me. He doesn't deserve this attitude.

"Things are serous with Brad and I. We're happy and we're meeting each other's parents soon."

"So, I didn't read the room wrong, you're just happily committed to someone else." Deny. Deny. Deny.

"Very happily committed." Or evade the first part of that. That's fine.

"You keep saying that." He says softly and I shake my head.

"I don't even know you."

"Don't have to know someone to be attracted to them." Jesus. What is it with these guys?

"As true as that statement is, attraction does not equal a relationship or wanting a relationship." I stand up and grab their file.

"So you are attracted to me?" He asks and I roll my eyes.

"Stop putting words in my mouth. Stop trying to get me to admit something. You dumb boys have one more strike before I take this to my boss." He stands up and I immediately wish the door was open or that I had sat on the side with the door.

"I'm not going to do anything to you. Stop looking at me like I'm Dan. I'm just attracted to you." He tells me and I close my eyes.

"You shouldn't be." I whisper.

"Neither should you. It's not a sin to think someone else looks good or has a nice voice, or perfect long legs." I begin walking around the table, away from him  and to the door. I trip over my heels and catch myself, dropping the file. I go down and start picking up the papers. I stop when I see another pair of shoes.

"Do not even think about it. This isn't a movie. Just leave." I tell him and to my disappointment he leans down and starts picking the papers up. I lean back away from him. We've all seen the movies where this happens. I'm so not doing that.

"Look, I would never really make a move on you. You're in a relationship. I get that. I just can't stop looking at you." Our eyes meet and instead of doing what most people would do, I stand up and walk away from the mess of papers.

"I'll send Jordan to grab the file once you've picked it up. Thank you for meeting me today." I grab the door and fling it open, hurrying to my office.


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