Ryan- performance behind the curtain

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(Y/n)= you're name
(F/m)= favorite meal
(n/c)= night clothes (whatever you sleep in)
(E/c)= eye color
It had been a long day of work at buzzfeed and You were one of the last ones at work. Working on a project that would soon be due, Shane had left and Ryan went with him to do who knows what.

You decided that what You had done was enough for tonight and the rest you would finish tomorrow. You grabbed my purse, phone, jacket, and made sure that You had your keys. You made your way out of the building and to the car, put the keys in the ignition and started the drive to the apartment You and Ryan shared.

After getting through 20-30 minutes of traffic You finally made it to the apartment, You stepped in and set the keys and purse on the counter, kicked your shoes of, and put the coat You had on the hanger by the door. You strolled in and sat on the couch, deciding that You'd make dinner for Ryan and Yourself when he showed up assuming he'd be hungry. You assumed that since Shane didn't live to far away and it was still a work night they wouldn't leave the apartment.

You got off the couch and decided to make (f/m) it didn't take long and it was starting to get late, it wasn't that You didn't trust Ryan it's just that he didn't usually stay out this late and on a work night at that. You shrugged it off and ate what You could, put the rest in the fridge and left a note for Ryan telling him that left overs where in the fridge. After You had finished with that You suddenly got tired and went to take a shower before changing into night clothes and going to bed.

You grabbed your (n/c), a speaker, and phone. Laid the clothes on the counter turned the speaker on and connected it to your phone and turned on your playlist (Spotify, pandora, ITunes what ever floats your boat) then after letting the song play for a couple of seconds, You turned to start the shower making sure it was to your preferred temperature, and got undressed leaving the dirty clothes on the floor to pick up when You got out, not really caring about them at the moment.

You started to wash your hair scrubbing, and making a thick lather of soap suds. The next song to play was "A song like you" by Bea Miller. Singing along to the song while You rinsed your hair not worrying about whether or not Ryan would be home to hear you, You don't sing in front of other people because you were shy and thought that You didn't have a good voice.

Little did You know Ryan walked in a little a while ago and had been listening to you sing, not in a creepy way but in an adoring, loving way, like nothing else but your voice mattered.

Shane had invited Ryan over to watch some crappy movies just so they could joke around and point out parts that didn't make sense or were illogical, they were just basically messing and joking around. After about 2-3 hours of watching sucky movies and throwing popcorn at each other it was getting late and He decided to come home. He knew you would have made dinner like the loving girlfriend you are, and would probably be a little worried if He showed up late.

He got out of the car and made his way to your apartment, turned the door handle and stepped in kicking his shoes off and hanging his coat up, He saw your shoes, coat, and purse. They were either hanging up, put next to his, or sitting in the counter but He didn't see you so He called your name. He shrugged it off and said that you were probably sleeping when He never got an answer.

He saw a note on the kitchen counter telling him about the left overs in the fridge, He'd eat later. As He walked farther into the apartment He heard water running and music and you...singing? You never sang in the shower or around him at least, He walked closer to the door and pressed his ear to it slightly to hear you better. You were in fact singing and sounded amazing too, your voice sounded so clear, crisp, and angelic, it was the most beautiful thing He's ever heard.

He was too caught up in your voice that He didn't hear the water shut off and you step out, you kept singing which is why He didn't hear you open the door either. He only realized that you got out when you opened the door making him slightly stumble a little.

He fell forward a little, but quickly recovered once, He did He looked down and met your dazzling (e/c) eyes. Since you were shorter than him. Only then did He notice that you were dressed in your (n/c) as a red tint littered across your cheeks.

'Uh oh busted' He thought to himself, the tint on your cheeks grew rapidly every second you shared eye contact to be honest it was adorable, and made yourself twice as lovable, in his eyes at least. You quickly took a step back into the bathroom, your right foot was slightly placed behind you with your hands slightly raised at your sides, you were clenching and unclenching them slightly, it's a habit you have when you're nervous.

You wanted to say something but Ryan beat you to it.

"Your voice is amazing, it's one of the best things I've ever heard why don't you sing more often?"

You took your hands and covered your face with them, as your face increased the crimson color if it was even achievable. You finally opened your mouth and spoke, in a quiet hushed tone, almost too soft to hear.

"I don't like singing in front of people because I get shy, and I can't sing your just exaggerating, your actually the first person besides my family that has heard me sing"

"you can't be serious, I can't be the only person who has heard you sing beside your parents"

You didn't say anything just nodded your head slightly, your hands still shielding your face.

"Well I think you sing wonderfully and I wish you'd sing more often, I'm not going to pressure you into singing in front of the others but I think they'd agree with me when I say your voice sounds like an angel"

You blushed again but not as much as before, He scooped you into his arms bridal style, you gave a tiny Yelp and held onto his shirt, He lead you to the bedroom and laid you down softly.

He changed into a pair of boxers and got under the covers, He grabbed you and held you in a hugging position and put his head on yours. He kissed your head and turned the lamp on the bedside table off. He could already tell that you had fallen asleep due to your soft snores and slow breathing.

"I love you (y/n)" 

"I love you too Ryan"

Ok so that was really long but I personally don't like reading short chapters in a book so consider yourselves blessed.

Whatever comment, vote, follow I don't care I'm not your boss ✌🏻

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