Ryan-One mistake, and one miricale

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(B/f/n)= best friends name

   It wasn't supposed to happen like this, you didn't plan for this, it was just one night nothing was supposed to happen.

You thought that one night to let loose and have fun wasn't to much harm, one drink wouldn't hurt after all your supposed to be having fun and letting loose, not sitting on the toilet in your bathroom gawking at the little plastic stick with two pink lines in your grasp. You sit with tears in your eyes 50% shock and the other 50% is happiness. (I personally do not like babies or children younger than 8)

You rack your brain for any sign or memory of what happened the night before. Everything came in flashes and even those were hazy and not easy to see. You saw bright flashing lights, could remember the loud blaring music, having more than one drink, dancing with...Ryan, and the concluding flash was your arms wrapped around his bare torso, in his bed.

You remember being invited to a very popular club with Shane, Ryan, and some other buzzfeed co-workers, and out of all the sweaty, drunk people you could've gone home with it had to be one of your best friends and co-worker. What are you supposed to tell him?

"Hey remember last night when we went home together? Yeah well I'm kinda knocked up with your baby"

You can't tell him he won't be ready for it, you especially don't want to ruin what you have, what if he stops talking to you and doesn't want to be apart of the babies life?

It doesn't matter you can't tell him, if someone asks tell them that it was a stranger you took home that night. They'll offer to help you with it, you could tell a mile away but I guess we'll burn that bridge when we cross it. You hope that Ryan didn't remember that night either, otherwise things would get a lot harder.

You get off the toilet and walk into the kitchen to fix something to eat before you start your day you decided to make yourself a bowl of cereal and sit on the couch. You don't get more than 3 bites before you had to set your bowl down briskly and rush to the bathroom where you proceeded to crouch and throw up the contents of your stomach into the ivory bowl.

Flushing the toilet and standing up you start your journey to the counter where you brushed you teeth and hair. Your second stop was the bedroom to change for day clothes, it was the weekend so you didn't have to work. you decided to call up your parents and closest friends everyone but the ones at buzzfeed of course to tell them the news.

You started with your parents

"Hey mom, is dad next to or near you?"

"Yeah he is, why?"

"I have news to share so put the phone on speaker please"

"Sure, so what did you want to share?"

"I just wanted to tell you that in 9 months you'll be grandparents"

You heard silence for about 30 seconds and every second felt like it dragged onto an eternity.

"Hello are you still there?"


You heard your mom shout it to your father, you smiled slightly and put your hand on your tummy subconsciously.

"Who's the father?"

You froze for a second thinking about how to word it. "About that, it doesn't have one" you winced as the words left your lips.

"Oh honey that's ok, we'll be here to help and support you when you need it, even if it doesn't have a father it'll have a wonderful mother who loves it very much"

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