An Embarrassing memory

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"Omg" you sat on the couch with your phone in your hand. You hand plastered across your lips and you giggled and laughed. Shane and Ryan had been on the other couch watching whatever was on tv.

Both boys looked at you and spoke in union.


You looked at them weirdly

"First that was creepy, second Shane have you seen this video?"

You turned the phone around and turned up the volume. Ryan knew what it was instantly and groaned, he hunched his shoulders and wished for the couch to swallow him whole.

The video, was Ryan and some high school friends dancing and singing about school. Shane wheezed.

"Ryan I knew you were a nerd but I didn't think you were that big of one!"

You laughed and Ryan became frustrated.

"(Y/n) turn that shit off please!"

You giggled and paused the video.

"Ok but only because you asked so nicely"

An idea popped into your head and a shit eating smirk had been put onto your face. You typed something in and started the next video.

"Rap break! I sweat but dogs don't sweat, I sweat but dogs don't sweat"

Shane's head turned toward you'd so fast you were afraid he gave himself whiplash.

"(Y/n) how could you?"

You laughed until you had tears falling from your eyes

"Sorry Shane all's fair is fair in the game of love and bringing up embarrassing memories"

"So you wouldn't care if I pulled up that video of you shit faced drunk and singing to Whitney Houston?"

You gasped and narrowed your eyes until they were slits and trained them on him.

"Don't you dare!"

He smirked and faster than you could process off key, drunk screeching filled the living room. You lunged for his phone but he put it above his head. Curse that long legged bastard, the only way to settle this was to catch him off guard.

You look at Ryan who managed to make it to the kitchen, and looked at you back. You stood in front of Shane and Ryan stood behind him. He pressed his foot to the backside of Shane's knee.

Ryan pushed Shane's knee in and it buckled enough for you to reach for his phone and shut the video off.

You and Ryan gave cries of victory and high-fives.

"That's not fair it was two against one!"

You smirked.

"Actually it is fair, you're tall enough to equal two average sized people. Or one Ryan and one of me"

"Yeah it was technically 2 versus 2 gigantor"

Shane stuck outside his tongue and blew a raspberry, Ryan had sunk off into the kitchen and grabbed a bag of popcorn and plopped it into the microwave. You looked at him with a raised brow as he did a small dance and sang an odd song while he waited.

"Yeah whatever, I can't help that you two are the size of ants"

Ryan screeched from his spot by the microwave in the kitchen.

"We can't help that you're the size of King Kong!"

"Oh I think he just called you fat Shane"

"Ryan! I thought we were friends"

"We are, I was just telling the truth!"

"The truth hurts sometimes Ryan"

"Fine next time I'll lie"


You rubbed your eyes with your thumb and index fingers

"You're both drama queens and children"

"Yeah but we don't do drunk karaoke"

"It was one time!"

"One more than we have"

"Fuck you guys, Ryan I thought you were on my side!"

"All's fair is fair in the game of love and bringing up embarrassing memories"

"Asshole you used my own words against me!"

"How's it feel to have a taste of your own medicine?"

"Piss off!"

You all burst out into giggles and sat back down on the couch with a bag of popcorn Ryan made and watched garbage tv

Hey guys it's been awhile. Now please forgive me but I wanted to write some stuff I really did but just haven't felt motivation. I've been caught up in making Christmas presents for some people and school work. I promise that you'll get more chapters for this and CFNW sometime in the next 2 weeks to a month bc I'll write and copy during thanksgiving and Christmas Break.

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