Ryan- bless you

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The blinds let very little light into the small room. Dust and other small dirt particles could be seen through the slim rays that escaped the shades. A few articles of clothing, two pairs shoes, and other things were scattered around the room waiting to be picked up and put back in their rightful places.

The things lying on the floor were ignored by the two warm bodies in the bed, covers pulled up to their chests and arms wrapped around each other. They weren't doing anything except simply laying there foreheads touching, arms wrapped around each other, hands tracing small messages or incoherent shapes into the others back or legs, and ankles encased within each other.

The gentle light, the soft caresses, the whispers of sweet nothings, and the delicate breathing made the moment splendid, pure, and the ideal situation of every romantic movie.

The two bodies happened to be Ryan and yours. In this moment you felt like nothing could ruin it, and it was perfect. Neither of you have had a chance to just sit and enjoy each other's presence and company like it was only the two of you in the whole world. Ryan was your whole world, you couldn't and wouldn't trade it for anything. It had been a while since you could just ask about his day or share a small kiss here and there.

Ryan was always occupied with finding a new location or doing research for buzzfeed unsolved, and you had your own big important projects to work on. It made getting time to yourselves difficult but you always ended up in the same bed at night and managed to end up in each other's arms in the morning.

Today was one of those rare days where you both had nothing to do and could just enjoy being around one another. Instead of going out and doing something you both wanted to savor as much of this moment as possible. There is no better way to do so than refresh your brain of all of the little details of your lovers face and body. Oh what a wonderful face it is.

You were laying there facing each other Ryan's head in your neck planting a delicate, amiable kiss on your shoulders and neck slowly making his way up to your cheek and face. He was so gentle that if you weren't paying attention you wouldn't even know they were being placed.

You had your left hand under the pillow that Ryan had his head placed upon, and your right one interlaced and locked in his ruffled and untamed strands. Your hand softly picked at strands simply lifting them by the ends and letting them fall back down to his scalp, or just scratching and rubbing his head.

Ryan closed his eyes and let out a contempt sigh nuzzling his head deeper into your neck. You could feel the steady stream of air entering and escaping his nose, loose strands of your hair moved with the current.

Ryan gave a deeper sigh and took in a couple strands with him, causing him to let out a loud but kittenish Like sneeze. The jolt of Ryan's body caused yours to jump out of shock. You fell off the bed and onto the cold hardwood floor, your exposed skin gave a loud slap when it came into contact.

You stared at the ceiling for a second before giving out lively, joyous laughs and giggles. You laid on the floor your back firm against it, holding your stomach as tears sprang to the corners of your eyes. Ryan crawled over from his side to look down at you from the edge of the mattress, he laid down on his tummy so he could somewhat get down to your level. He looked a little worried but flashed a dazzling smile anyway.

"Hey babe are you ok?"

You hadn't stopped laughing and the tears were freely falling down your cheeks without any restraint. Your stomach hurt from all the laughing and there wasn't even sound coming out, it sound more like short gasps of air being released. You tried to slow down your laughs/gasps as you could catch your breath and talk to your boyfriend.

You were finally able to settle down and looked up at him with a beaming smile.

"You have a cute sneeze"

The laughing started again, Ryan rolled his eyes and sat up on the bed, crossed his arms, and started to pout like a child.

"I do not"

You sat up and saw him pouting, and started to laugh again falling back onto the floor rolling side to side slowly. Ryan rolled his eyes again and sighed.

"(Y/n) it's not even that funny"

"You're right Ryan, it's hilarious"

"F*cking stop and get back into bed pls, I wasn't done cuddling you I was just about to fall asleep"

"Fine. On one condition"

He gave you a weary look

"name it"

You gave him a smart ass grin

"Admit you have a cute sneeze"


"Fine no cuddles, I'll get dressed and go make dinner"

"No I'm sorry. Here 'I Ryan Steven Bergara have a cute sneeze and have 100% voluntarily agreed due to being promised cuddles'"

"yeah you do have a cute sneeze Ryan"

You crawled back in bed and he wrapped himself around you again, like a child clinging to their mother. You stuck your hand back in his hair and continued to play with it. Ryan's breathing became lethargic and shallow, he fell asleep.

You kissed the top of his head and continued to whisper sweet nothings into his ear.

"I love you with all my heart Ryan Steven Bergara, don't ever forget that"

You never made dinner or picked up the items and articles of clothing scattered along the floor. For the rest of that night you both laid wrapped around each other and basked in the heat coming from your bodies. Nothing could be more perfect, you wouldn't trade this moment for anything else in the world. Because You already had your world, he's wrapped up in your arms.

Ok well hello it's been a while and I'm sorry for that. I've been dealing with moving and getting school sh*t ready. I went to orientation for my new high school and cried before I even got into the meeting because it was just so overwhelming. I'm a big baby sue me.

Also Death_Blaze123 I want to get around to your request but I also haven't felt any motivation to do so, and I haven't felt motivation to write anything at all. This chapter took 2 days because I put it off, if I don't do it soon then I'm sorry, if I never do it or write anymore it's because I'm starting as a freshman on August 23rd.

Hopefully I'll have time to update and shit because they do things differently at this school and apparently it lets me get more work done so I have more time on my hands So updates could possible be fit in there who knows?

But the point is I really want to do your guys requests and if I don't it's because A) I put it off B) I don't have time or C) I just don't have motivation or ideas but hopefully that won't happen.

But whatever comment, vote, follow I don't care I'm not your boss ✌🏻

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