Ryan- You're sick

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In front of a computer screen is where you spent your night, tissues scattered across your work space and a warm cup of tea in your hand. Ryan And Shane sat on the other side of your desk editing the next episode of Buzzfeed Unsolved.

Small sniffles came from you, every once in a while a slight shudder shook your body. You were freezing and boiling at the same time. You took a sip of your tea only to find it had gone cold, you pressed your fingers to your face and found them to be frigid cold. You couldn't feel your drink going cold in your hand.

Ryan and Shane had both noticed your sniffles and shudders but chose to ignore them, looking up at you sometimes to make sure you hadn't dropped dead at the desk. They only did anything when you went to get up and almost fell over. They both rushed to your side making sure you didn't fall, they both looked worried. Ryan especially.

"(Y/n) are you alright?"

You didn't get a chance to speak because you sneezed instead, you moved your head so it wasn't in Ryan's face but you did get it on Shane's shirt. Shane made a slight face of disgust and looked at Ryan. They nodded and Shane left, Ryan took your hand and was shocked to find how cold they were.

He placed both of his hands around yours, the size of his hand was drastically bigger than yours.

"(Y/n) your hands are freezing and you don't look alright!"

He took his hand away from yours and placed it behind your head. He pressed his forehead against yours, you tried not to breathe on him. He smelled like pine and a tiny bit of Axe, it's was musky but you enjoyed the amount you could smell through your stuffy nose.

"(Y/n) you're burning up, I'm taking you home come on"

You nodded and tried to walk but almost fell once again. Ryan scooped you up from under your legs and back and started to walk towards the door.


"Yeah Ryan?"

"Can you come help me?"

"With what?"

"The door, I have (y/n) in my arms and I can't open the door"

"Yeah, coming"

Shane jogged over to Ryan and held the door open, he wiggled his eyebrows and Ryan rolled his eyes and walked out the door. Shane walked with Ryan to the car and looked at you sadly, he opened the car door and Ryan put you in the passenger seat.

Ryan mouthed a 'thank you' to Shane and drove off. He pulled up to your house and got you out of the seat. He walked to the front door with great difficulty opened it and walked in.

He re-adjusted you in his arms and headed to the bedroom. He placed you on the bed and as gingerly as he could he took your shoes off and started to undress you. His face turned a beet red due to being this close to you and getting you undressed, he checked your closet and dressers for some pajamas.

He found a pair hanging in the closet and walked over to you. He pulled the pajama shirt over your head and the bottoms over your legs. He lifted your ass up so he could get them on all the way. His face turned a deeper shade of red, once finished with that he crawled in the bed and sat against the head board.

He lifted you under the arms and pulled you so you were laying in his chest with your back. He lifted the covers from under the both of you and pulled them over you. Once comfortable he wrapped his arms around you and sat there enjoying the feeling.

"Ryan, you need to go"

"No (y/n) you're sick and someone needs to take care of you"

"If you stay you'll get sick too"

"I'm willing to take that risk"

"Ryan I-"

"Don't say anything just go to sleep"

"Ok, I love you Ryan"

He stopped for a second letting your words play in his head before a small smile played at his lips and he held you tighter.

"I love you too (y/n)"

This is just a quickie I wrote at my sisters volleyball game bc I was messing around with a prompt generator and this was the first one that came up. I need two names so I used mine 😳 but this was a cute prompt and I did not do it justice.

This is absolutely uncreative and it just sucks I didn't get a chance to take a screenshot of the prompt before it changed 😕

Although I think I might have an idea on how to continue "coming from nowhere" bc I've had some writers block and I've been too busy to pay attention to it atm.

Also should I start preferences. Instead of doing just imagines? Like your name in his phone or favorite sex position?

But whatever vote, comment, follow I don't care I'm not your boss ✌🏻

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