Ryan- up for round two? (Smut)

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The chirp of birds and the dazzling rays of light peaking through the curtains caused you to turn over in bed trying to block the light out and go back to sleep. You turned over and saw another body in your bed, an unknown stranger, laying next to you facing your way. A very handsome stranger. You looked at him for a second taking in the little things about his face...and the top half of his body that wasn't cased in the sheets.

The slight 5 o'clock shadow and his sculpted jaws, the messy strands of hair descending down his forehead, his lanky eyelashes. His body, having explored every inch, every single inch of his fine looking body was burned into your brain. The way his arms held you, gentle yet dominate and commanding. Definitely some of the best sex you've had in a long while, you were to busy day dreaming and looking at this handsome stranger next to you that you didn't notice he was staring back at you. He was doing what you were doing taking in the little things on your face and body.

To someone else staring at a person like this would be weird, but it wasn't weird it was calming, comfortable, and even a little humorous it felt like you've known each other your whole lives. You let out a content sigh and decided to speak. You decided to go the flirtatious route.

"Morning handsome"

He let out a chuckle and turned over to stretch and not hit you in the face. Once he did he turned back to look at you.

"Morning. I gotta ask something though"


"How's the most beautiful woman on the planet doing this morning?"

That made you let out a hearty laugh, clutching your stomach and sitting up.

"Ah there it is"

"There it is what?"

"Your smile, most beautiful I've ever seen"

"Stop you're gonna make me blush"

"You know out of every curve on your body your smile is my personal favorite"

That did it for you. You blushed, he laughed triumphantly.

"If you want to explore my curves again I wouldn't object"

You winked and he stopped laughing. Shock replacing his smile, after a few seconds a devilish look plastered itself instead.

"I might... scratch that I will take you up on that offer"

"Come keep your end of the bargain then"


With that he climbed over the bed to meet you, you looked into each other's eyes, and saw one thing. Lust. He placing his hands on the side of your face rough but in a certain way gently. He smashed your lips together, it wasn't sweet it was lustful but passionate, and electric. You stuck your hands into his messy strands and tugged getting a gentle moan out of him. The air was hot and steamy. He licked your lips asking for entrance into your mouth. You granted him permission, tongues pressing, and exploring each other's mouths.

He moved his mouth to your jaw and collar bone bitting and nipping, gliding his tongue over the red and probably bruised spot. You laid back down on your bed arms wrapped around each other in an embrace of sorts. Not doing anything but looking into each other's eyes, it was comfortable, you decided to break the silence.



"That's my name, (y/n)"

"Oh, I'm Ryan. And (y/n) is a nice name. Nice name for a nice body"

You laughed and pressed your mouths together once more, repeating the same actions you both preformed earlier. He nipped and marked you again, some spots new and some old. In his mind it was his way of making sure you knew that you belong to him at the moment. He took his tongue gliding from your neck and collar down to your breasts placing a combination of gentle and rough kisses on each one.

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