Shane- put me down

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*thank you to my sister abrown279 for the idea*

Living in LA had its equal amount of pros and cons. One of the biggest cons was the heat, seeing as it was a normal day in LA the temperature was scorching. It was tropical enough to cook an egg on the sidewalk, or bake sweets in your car.

Sitting In a huge office building with tons of sweltering bodies definitely was not helping you either. You tried to wear less clothing but still appealed to buzzfeed's dress codes, you were still hot.

You weren't sweating either, not because you couldn't but because it would evaporate before it made it past your forehead. You sat at your computer basically panting like a hound along with your fellow co-workers, your boyfriend Shane, and your best friend Ryan.

The boys being the dramatic people they are had sprawled themselves across their chairs, arms over their foreheads and eyes, or having scoot down so their backs were touching the bottom of their seat and legs resting on the ground.

You tried to focus on your work but it was just too hot so you looked amongst the faces of your fellow workers and friends. All matching or having similar looks as well. You pushed away from your desk and spread your arms and legs in a starfish formation. You don't know how long you sat there staring at your screen, co-workers, or anything around the office.

Finally a group of people walked through one of the doors, one stood up on a chair and started to shout things out. Everyone stopped working turning their heads it look at them.

"Hey, you sweaty meat sacks"

That grabbed everyone's attention having them chuckle a little.

"We can all tell that everyone is dying from the heat so we decided to do something fun"

Puzzled looks spread and plastered themselves on people's faces.

"We are going to have a water ballon fight, that's right water balloons"

Everyone let relief and excitement wash over them, the boys and yourself included.

"What ever you're wearing is what your stuck with, for those in dresses you better hope you  have a pair of pants or shorts with you. And may the odds be ever in your favor"

Some people laughed, others whooped or cheered and everyone started to move and get ready. They all walk out the door of the back of the building. The boys and yourself got out of your chairs and start to walk to the back, one boy on each side. Shane grabbed your hand, raised it to his mouth and kissed it. You smiled and pulled him down to kiss his cheek.

Completely forgetting that Ryan was still next to you, He gaged, clutching his stomach and stoping his tracks. He doubled over and put one hand out and like he was stoping something, in other words he's being his over dramatic self.

"Guys you gotta stop with the PDA I might vomit and die"

You and Shane rolled your eyes, you looked at Shane and pulled him by the collar of his shirt and met lips, pressing them into a passionate kiss. Ryan made louder gags and put a hand to his mouth like he was going to seriously vomit. You pulled away from the kiss and rolled your eyes again, continuing to walk leaving Ryan where he was.

He eventually realized that you two had walked ahead and he jogged to catch up. All three of you entered the door to see boys on one side and girls on the other. (I honestly think that this is sexist and I'm sorry if it is😬)

Getting the hint you and the boys went separate ways, girls on one side boys on the other a yellow line dividing sides. Once everyone had found their appropriate side someone with a whistle planted themself on the yellow line.

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