Shane- I trusted you

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—he seems trustworthy enough, I don't know how to feel about this though. Last time I felt something towards someone it resulted in physical and emotional detachment, and trauma and I'm not sure if I want to feel...human just yet.

As of this moment I feel like I could place my heart in his hands and he'd keep it safe from the dangers of the outside world. I just want someone who can hold and help me. Tell me everything will be fine, and wonderful.

I wrote enough for today, I'll figure it out tomorrow, Au revoir.

You got up from your desk and took your journal with you into the kitchen, since you live alone you don't have to worry about anyone looking inside. Shane and Ryan would come over so much they basically lived there, every time you kept your journal locked in your room. Today was different. You had to go to the store your were running low on food, and other house hold items.

While you were at the store Shane and Ryan thought they'd stop by and visit. They didn't bother to knock since they just walked in and you let them. They called for you but received no answer. They were certain that you were either sleeping, or out they knew you had a life beyond them. They took their shoes and coats off and walked into the apartment.

They looked around, then at each other and shrugged. Shane made his way to the kitchen to raid your fridge and cupboards like always, Ryan went to the living room and your bed room to look for you Incase you were there.

He came back to see Shane leaning against a counter top shoveling hand fulls of chips into his mouth and holding a book in his hand. He looked at Shane and scoffed.

"Really dude every time?"

"Yeah sorry not sorry"

"Maybe that's where (y/n) went, the store because she's out of food from the constant purging of her fridge and pantries"

Shane shrugged and went back to the book in his hands.

"What do you have?"

"A book with what looks like journal entries, and thoughts. And a couple lists for groceries here and there."

"Dude you should stop I don't think that you should look in there, there could be some very private stuff she doesn't want you to know about"

"It'll be fine, there are some entries about you, and I"

That peaked Ryan's interest a little but he knew it wasn't right to look in there, yet the curiosity got the best of him. You know what they say curiosity killed the cat, but this satisfaction didn't bring it back.

They were still leaning against the counter skimming through your journal when you walked in with bags hooked on your limbs.

You saw what they had in their hands and the grip you had on the bags slipped and they fell. Making a crash and enough noise for the boys to notice. They looked up at you surprised, Ryan held a look of guilt and sadness. And Shane has a blank face having already read about 90% of the journals you have written, including the ones about him.

You started to feel tears to pool in your eyes, you started to shake and breathe heavy.

You spoke, your voice nothing higher than a whisper.

"What...what are you guys doing, where did you find that? Did you go into my bedroom?"

Ryan was the first to speak.

"(Y/n) calm down deep breathes listen to me. We didn't look in your bedroom, Shane found the journal on the counter. We saw what you wrote and it's ok. It'll be ok"

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