Shane- I hate to tell you told you so

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It was a normal Saturday night, you and Shane sitting in the living room with the tv playing on a random channel but neither of you paying attention to it.

You were currently sprawled on the couch upside down so your feet were over the top of the couch. You looked over at your boyfriend on the other couch scrolling through his phone not looking at you.

You blew a puff of air through your pursed lips and squinted your eyes at Shane. He honestly looked better when you squinted and chuckled to yourself. He finally looked up from his phone and trained his orbs on you.

"Two questions. One why are you sitting like that, were you raised in a barn? And two what are you laughing at?"

You flipped your legs onto the couch and moved your head onto the arm rest so you're facing the ceiling. You turned your head towards him and smiled softly.

"Sorry I used to sit like that as a kid, I feel like that's what helped me become so smart. And that's technically 3 questions"

You stuck your tongue out and blew a raspberry in his direction.

"And I'm laughing because you actually look better when I squint my eyes"

You laughed, and he laughed with you and shut his phone off and got off the couch and walked over to you. He lifted your legs, sat down and put them in his lap.

He looked into your eyes and you looked into his, squinting your eyes again so he could see them. He laughed and a devilish look plastered onto his face and his hands started to raise. You knew what his plan was and tried to back off the couch removing your legs off his lap.

"Shane... Shane don't please don't"

He jumped on top of you moving his fingers to your ribcage and moving them against your sides. You tried your best to push him off of you but he was twice as heavy plus he was also taller than you.


"No, not until you say that I'm the best boyfriend in the whole world"

"I SURRENDER... HAHA you're- you're the boyfriend in the world"

"I know I am, I just needed to hear it come out of your mouth"

He didn't move but instead put one leg on each side of your body and leaned down to kiss you, you didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

He finally got up holding out his hand for you to take it, you put your hand in his softly and he helped lift you up and pull you into his arms. You laid your head on his chest and wrapped your arms around him.

"Let's go out and do something"


You both grabbed your phone, shoes, and coats and walked out the front door and down the street. You walked not really having a place in mind, until he spotted a fence that said 'no trespassing' Shane being Shane thought that it would be a good idea to jump the fence and see what was back there. You being the smart, responsible one told him to stop.

"Shane get down your going to get in trouble"

"No I won't (y/n) no ones going to see me"

"Ok if you say so"

Just as the last word past your lips you saw red and blue flashing lights behind Shane. You smirked and watched as they put him in the car, an officer walked up to you from Shane's side of the fence.

"He belong to you?"

"Sadly yes he does"

"Ok well we're going to take him to the station want a ride?"


You got in next to Shane but didn't look or speak to him but instead turned you gaze to the window watching the houses pass. Once you got to the station they made you fill out some paperwork, and pay the fee while he sat in the little makeshift cell they had.

You walked over and waited for the officer to put the key in and open the door. You looked at him and smirked as he stood up and walked over to you. He hugged you like he hadn't seen you in years.

"It was awful in there (y/n) I thought I would never get out"

"Oh shut up you big dramatic baby if anything I should've left you in there over night"

"You wouldn't do that"

"Yes I would just means I would've had the bed to myself, stretch"

With that you both made your way back to the apartment. Neither of you said anything but you could tell that Shane kept glancing at you from the side of his eyes.

"Take a picture it'll last longer"

His face turned red once he realized you caught his stealing glances at him. you got into the apartment you turned and looked at him.

"I don't like to tell you I told you so..oh who am I kidding I love saying it, so I'm going to say it"

You took a pregnant pause and he waited.
(Pregnant pause is just a long dragged out pause in between words in a sentence that is often awkward or suspenseful. I've had a lot of confusion on this so I thought I might add something in about it in case more people get confused)

"I f*ucking TOLD YOU SO!"

With that you turned and went into the bedroom and closed the door.

Shane then proceeded to shout from the door.

"Did you at least have fun"

You shouted from your room so it sounded slightly muffled.


He smiled and walked into the bedroom.

That was a fun one to write as well. I actually enjoy doing these because a lot of ides just pop into my head.

(Edited 9/26/19)

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