Ryan- our house is still a mess

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(F/n)= first name
(M/n)= middle name

It was just another one of those days, you were home and Ryan was at work. You were currently 40 weeks pregnant and ready to pop at any moment. Ryan being the loving husband he is had told you to rest easy, and stay home. Being the woman you are you had to get up and do something it didn't matter what it was. You looked around you and saw clutter in some places, things that could be re-arranged, along with counters that needed to wiped and floors swept.

Deciding that you couldn't sit around any longer you turned on your playlist and got to work. Sweeping, moving stuff, cleaning counters...dancing 50% of the time. You never realized how messy Ryan was until you had to clean the house due to boredom. You where bending over to pick something up off the ground when two arms slithered their way around your waist on rested upon your swollen tummy. Ryan was home early.

You turned around to give him a quick kiss on the lips and look him in the eyes.

"Your supposed to be relaxing"

"And your supposed to be at work still"

"Touché, got off early to make sure you were ok and not in labor yet, who knows when it could happen"

"Ryan I doubt I'll go into labor at.."

You checked the clock hanging on the wall.

"4 pm on a Tuesday"

"Hey you never know a baby doesn't care what time or weekday it is"

"Good point love"

"I know I'm the smartest"

"That you are"

You pecked his cheek. He mocked an offended look and placed a hand over his heart like he was shocked.

"You missed"

"No I didn't, I never miss"

"Why you little-"

"What? Sweetheart? Ryan I already know"

He laughed and walked into the kitchen to start getting dinner ready. At the exact moment you walked into the living room you felt sharp pains in your sides and stomach. You had tiny contractions before but none as strong as that one. It was gone as fast as it arrived so you shrugged it off as nothing, you probably moved too fast. You waddled your way to the living room and sat on the couch channel surfing.

Little by little more of those sharp stabbing pains would come and go. Each one would be longer than the last. Eventually you sat down for dinner. 4 bites into your meal you felt something trickle down your legs, along with more pain. You lifted your head swiftly and looked at Ryan who looked just as confused.

"My water just broke"

"Sh*t right now!? We haven't even finished dinner"

The wave of pain came faster and stronger, your face contorted into a look of pain, and you audibly groaned.

"I swear to Castiel an all that is holy if you don't get me to a f*cking hospital I will rip out your throat"

"Jesus Christ chill (y/n) I'm going"

"Ryan Steven Bergara you f*cking did this to me, this is all your damn fault. I will scream if I damn well please. I'm pushing a melon sized child through my vagina I don't see you doing this!!"

"You're right this is my fault I'm sorry, but we need to get to the car. Preferably before you push this child out in our dinning room."

"F*cking finally took you long enough"

"Sorry. Also the house is still kinda messy"

"Ryan don't make me drop kick you in the throat"

"Sorry love"

With that you made it to the hospital, had a beautiful baby girl, and you named her (f/n) (m/n) Bergara.

Sorry the ending was rushed I ran out of inspiration 😅

But whatever comment, vote follow I don't care I'm not your boss ✌🏻

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