Shane- How could you?

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Thanks ytorres5662 for the request because all are getting angst twice in a row 😂
(Y/s)= your state

Thanks ytorres5662 for the request because all are getting angst twice in a row 😂(Y/s)= your state

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You were excited to see Shane, his fluffy locks That you liked to run your fingers through, the warm hugs he would give when you were sad, and giant hoodies that you would steal and wear around the house. They were definitely some of your favorite things about him. Your most favorite thing about him was how soft he'd kiss you, it was gentle yet passionate and showed just how much he loved you.

You had left last week to visit your family and some close friends since you hadn't seen them in years. Shane wasn't able to come since he and Ryan were filming at a new location at least that's what Shane told you, you hadn't heard it from Ryan but you just assumed he was too busy to give you the heads up that he and Shane were leaving. You jus shrugged it off.

The trip had been long since they lived in (y/s) it was a long flight home and you had just landed. You got off the plane and went to find Shane, he told you he'd be there to pick you up. He wasn't there but you did see Ryan and he looked all types of emotions. Happy, anxious, remorseful, and sad. It definitely confused you but like before you ignored it. Big mistake.

You walked up to him and gave him a hug, you pulled out of it and gave him a confused look tilting your head a little too.

"Where's Shane?" You looked around trying to Crain your neck and look for him. Ryan shook his head, he grabbed your bags and started to walk towards the car.

"He had some...stuff to do, so he asked if I could pick you up instead"

He put your stuff in the trunk and walked around to the drivers seat as you got in the passenger seat. You buckled your seat belt and Ryan started the journey back to your house. He had not said anything since he put your stuff in the car. It made you anxious and it was definitely off putting. You thought he'd be asking about your flight or ask about your family was doing, or something. Either way you just assumed he was tired but you were starting to get suspicious.

The car ride was silent except the small sound of the radio in the background, your mind was drifting between seeing Shane and why Ryan was acting so weird. You were trying to connect the dots on what's going on with Ryan. You spoke for the first time since being in the car.

"Hey Ryan, Shane told me that you guys were filming at a new location where did you go?"

He looked at you confused and then went back to the road.

"New location? We didn't go to a new location, that's not for another 2 weeks"

"2 weeks? Shane lied to me?"

Ryan's face suddenly got panicky. You felt a little betrayed, a tiny prick started in your heart as well. You and Shane had agreed when you started dating that neither of you would keep secrets from each other. It made you question what else he hasn't told you, you told Shane everything.

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