Shane- you sleeptalk?

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"-I think that we should let them know that we're entering. You know a quick 'hey ghouls the boys are here"

You were all sat in chairs in a hallway of the Waverly Hills hospital. You sat in the middle of the boys, Shane on your right Ryan on your left facing the camera. You waited while Ryan did the intro to the episode.

"This week on buzzfeed unsolved we explore the Waverly Hills Sanatorium as part of our on going investigation into the question: are ghosts real?"

Shane shook he head and looked into the camera like he was on the office. You looked at him with confusion but shrugged and let Ryan continue.

"like most places we investigate it doesn't have the most pleasant history making it one of the most haunted places in the world, but unlike usual we have a guest who will be joining us for our investigation, and will be spending the night here with us as well. This is my old friend (y/n) say hi to the people watching"

You lifted your hand and gave a cute smile.

"Hi people watching"

Shane felt something pull at his heart, but he ignored it and let Ryan talk.

"Cute isn't she?" He said sarcastically.

"Anyway I'm sure as all of you can see this is the place where nightmares are made"

He turned his head to look down the dark hallways behind you, you gave and shudder and shook your head. Shane saw and tired to lighten the mood.

"It's very dark, it's a very dark hallway"

You looked at him like he was crazy, so did Ryan.

"I just don't...I don't understand anything right here" He waved his hand over Shane's figure.

You nodded your head and agreed.

"I know"

He sighed but continued anyway.

"Let's just break down the history for mr. robot over here"


He started to explain what the building was for, what parts were added, how many patients lived and died here all the good jazz, but you couldn't stop staring at Shane.

Eventually you got up and started exploring the building, making your way over to a flight of stairs. Ryan and your self held terrified gazes, Ryan being the only one to speak but said exactly what you were thinking.

"Oh f*ck me, I feel awful right now"

You nodded, following him as you held your flashlight.

"It's looks like one of the conjuring films, I've got a spoiler for ya. Everything in the building is going to look like this"

he smiled, he had a nice smile for sure but he was f*cking nuts. You finally spoke for only the second time that night.

"Oh we've done it now haven't we?"

Both boys agreed.

"We have definitely done it"

"Yes ma'am we have"

Ryan went into more back ground about the patients, and tuberculosis. While Ryan talked you looked back at Shane who was looking around the place not noticing your gaze on him. You saw he has something in his hair like a cobweb or a piece of rubble. You called him over to get it out.

"Shane, come here for a second please"

"Sure (y/n)"

When he finally got over to you, you noticed the huge height difference.

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