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Olivia sat and watched until Elliot's practice was done. Then she stood and moved to head home, but Elliot caught her by her arm.

"What are you doing here?" He smiled, and Olivia sighed softly.

"Just wanted to explore. I was gonna see if anyone was still in the school, but clearly, it's locked and closed for the night." Olivia replied. Elliot nodded before looking over where a van sat. 

"Wanna get a ride home? Or go out and get dinner with me and my Mom?" Elliot asked, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"I live really close, you know that," Olivia replied.

"I do know that. But you look sad, and I want to try and cheer you up." Elliot replied. Olivia bit her lip before rocking back and forth on her white converse. She sighed before nodding slowly.

"Yeah, I'd like to hang out with you more tonight. Would your Mom be okay with that?" Olivia asked.

"My mom is pretty chill. Well as chill as she can be." Elliot smiled. Olivia laughed softly and continued to stand in her spot as Elliot ran off and grabbed his bag. He led Olivia over to the van and he introduced her to his mother before they both climbed in and headed towards a nearby restaurant.


Elliot and Olivia sat outside on the open patio as Mrs. Stabler waited for their food. Elliot kept looking over at Elliot as she stayed quiet. She didn't even seem too bothered by his staring.

"Okay, I have to ask what is wrong... I don't like when my friends are sad." Elliot spoke, and Olivia looked over at him before swallowing hard.

"I think my Dad wants to go home."

"Home? Houston?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah, Houston. Where my Mom was and still is... Elliot, it's just that he isn't dealing with her death as well as I am."

"It was his wife, Liv. Like, he loved her. Had a kid with her. Wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He is still grieving." Elliot replied, and Olivia nodded. 

"I was the mess at her funeral and at the hospital while we were waiting to pull the plug. My father didn't cry. He wiped my tears and kept that really strong military outlook on it all. It was like my mother dying was just another casualty." Olivia sighed.

"I don't know what to say, Liv. Clearly, he is just dealing with it in a different way than you are. I've never gone through something like this, thankfully... I don't think I'd be able to be as strong as you are." Elliot replied.

"It's the army brat in me." Olivia sighed. Elliot smiled as his mother brought the tray over. She started to pass Elliot his food, before handing Olivia her soda.

They sat in silence as Elliot ate his food quickly, but it wasn't long before Mrs. Stabler started to question the new girl in her son's life.

"So, today was your first day at school?" She asked, and Olivia nodded.

"It was. I wish that I didn't have to start at the end of the school year. But at least when the very end of the school year comes, I'll have people to hang out with." Olivia replied.

"Well, you will always be welcomed at our house. It's a mess as of late because my oldest children are starting to come home from college as their classes end."

"You just met me and you are already welcoming me to your home?" Olivia asked, surprised and confused.

"We always have an open-door policy in our house. If a child needs some extra family time, they can spend time with our family." Mrs. Stabler smiled softly. Elliot looked over at Olivia before frowning when she saw how sad she looked. He couldn't help but wonder if she was thinking about having to leave Manhattan for Houston, or for some distant place on the other side of the world.

"Want a fry?" Elliot asked as he shoved his fries to Olivia. She looked at him with tears in her eyes before shaking her head.

"No. I'm sorry, I need to get home to my Dad... I need to talk to him." Olivia breathed. She thanked Elliot and his mother, before grabbing her drink and taking off towards home.


Olivia had asked her father about his feelings in regards to his new job and their new home. It wasn't long before they got into an argument when Lance told Olivia that the next job offer he gets, he's taking it. He wants one overseas and away from the pain of losing Serena had caused him. Olivia was beyond angry, and she even told her father that she wished that he had died instead of Serena.

"Your mother would be so disappointed in you, Olivia!" Lance yelled, and Olivia shook her head as tears streamed down her flushed cheeks.

"Mom wouldn't want you to be pulling me from the one place I have loved since day one! You promised me, Dad! You promised me that we could stay here! That we would not move from here! I'm 15, and I have gone to 40 schools in 10 years. That is too many schools." Olivia spat. Lance just threw his hands into the air before turning and walking to his bedroom. He opened then slammed the door shut as his daughter sank to the floor and raked her hands through her hair.

"You have never cared about me! It was always just you and Mom! Did you even want me?!" Olivia spat. The door opened, and Lance stomped out.

"Olivia, we tried for years to have you. Years. From the moment we got married, we talked about wanting to have kids. It took us 10 years to actually have you. Do you understand that by the time you came around, we wanted you more than anything else in this fucking world? Just because you are angry at me and think that I'm moving around to different places just because I want to fuck with you...  doesn't mean that I didn't want you. That I don't love you. You are my daughter and the only reminder of your mother that I have in this world. So if we move, just realize it's for the good of both of us."

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