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The phone loudly in the living room. Elliot was upstairs putting his eye drops in when it started ringing, so he couldn't really run to it. Once Elliot was done, the answering machine had turned on and he heard his wife's voice.

"Hey, El... Uh, so our daughter is moving again. Kicking around like crazy as we speak. Uh, I'm also 27 weeks today. I don't know why I told you that because I'm guessing that you know... Dr. Yin was planning on delivering her early without telling me, but I guess I deserved that because I'm such a shitty mother. Um, I love you. I love Benson too. But if you want her when she's born, I'd understand." Olivia spoke. The call ended and Elliot hadn't even moved to answer. He went and deleted the message before moving to the stairs.

"Fuck..." Elliot breathed, before quickly climbing the stairs to get Benson. They were going to visit Olivia, even if he didn't want too. She needed to at least see them.

"Daddy?" Benson yawned when his father woke him up.

"Yeah?" Elliot questioned, as he started to pull clothes on his son so he wasn't just wearing his diaper.

"Where are we going?" He asked. He had the same little slur in his voice that Olivia does when she first wakes up.

"To see Momma and your baby sister. Thankfully, she's still nestled in her belly." Elliot explained.

"I've missed Momma," Benson spoke, before reaching his small arms out to where his teddy bear that said big brother on it, sat.

"I know you have."

"Have you?" Benson yawned.

"Let's get going, Benny. Want that bear for the ride?"



Olivia sat in her bed, rubbing her swell gently when her husband and son arrived. She was zoned out and just focusing on the movements in her stomach, so she didn't hear when Benson squealed Momma.

"Olivia." Elliot sighed, and Olivia quickly turned her head to look at her husband and son.

"What are you two doing here?" Olivia asked nervously. It was less than an hour since she called her husband and told him to keep their kids.

"We came to see you, Momma!" Benson exclaimed. Elliot sat him on the bed, and he crawled over his mother's legs and quickly pecked her belly before moving up to hug her.

"I've missed you, Benny. How are you?" Olivia breathed, as she caressed his soft brown hair. Benson leaned back and grinned at his mother before shrugging.

"I don't know!" He giggled. Olivia tickled him for a few moments before Elliot stopped that.

"You don't want him to accidentally hit your stomach. So don't tickle him." Elliot warned. Olivia didn't even make eye contact with him as he lifted Benson up and held him.

"El, your parents are out in the hall talking to my doctor... can you give them Benson so we can talk?" Olivia asked.

"There is nothing to talk about, Olivia. Even if there was, I wouldn't want to talk. I never want to talk again." Elliot mumbled. He grabbed the stuff he brought for Benson, before taking their son and leaving the room. Olivia closed her eyes tightly as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"Do not walk away from me!" Olivia screamed, and Elliot stopped right outside of the door. He turned around slowly and eyed his wife.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Elliot Stabler. Get your ass back in here before I get out of this bed and kick it!"


They sat in silence. Elliot wouldn't look at his wife, even if she was staring him down. She wanted to talk. To possibly make up. But Elliot didn't want anything to do with her. He was really considering what she said. Take the babies and leave her behind.

"Are you ever going to talk to me? Because I know you are scared because I am too. I'm so fucking scared about everything because I'm the one that is harming our daughter. I was the one that put too much time in at work, and now I don't even know if I can work there again after everything I have been through. You are still having a hard time seeing so I have to be the only one that works. Not only am I still scared that I'll lose this sweet little girl, but that I will never be around you and the kids because I'll be working constantly." Olivia spoke. Elliot rolled his eyes before looking slowly at her.

"I'll get a fucking job."


"Is that why you have been such a freak about work?!" He boomed.

"I want our family to be fine, Elliot! All of that money my mom left us... it's going straight to hospital bills and to our children's college funds! I just won't be able to work until after she's born, and who even says the school will want me back? I fucked everything up after reporting them all and getting everyone fired." Olivia exclaimed.

"I can reapply to take the officer's exam and to go to the academy," Elliot grumbled.

"If you want to stay home with the kids, then I'll figure everything out. I can look into different schools. I could look into private schools with openings." Olivia spoke.

"Do you want to stay with the kids?" Elliot asked.

"Do you?" Olivia replied. Elliot groaned as he stood and ran his fingers over his short cut hair.

"I love being home with Benson. I love seeing him grow and discover new things. Everything about him makes me feel so happy and content. But I hate that you keep missing out on everything." Elliot spoke.

"You know me, Elliot. You know that I'm more than willing to give up everything for you. And if you want to stay home-"

"I want to be a cop. I want you to stay at home and stay healthy."


"I'm not telling you to quit your job, but I am telling you to relax for a bit. To focus on the life that we have built together but you haven't been focusing on much lately. I'll see if I can still be a cop, even after the accident. If not, I'll go through my other options. Like working in a lab, even law school. I'll figure this out so it isn't resting on you anymore."

"Are you sure?" Olivia breathed.

"Completely sure."

"Thanks," Olivia whispered. She looked down for a few moments, before feeling Elliot's fingers on her chin. He lifted her head and moved close. He pressed several kisses to her lips before sitting beside her.

"Is she moving?" Elliot breathed, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Like crazy." Olivia breathed, before drawing his hand to her stomach. Elliot smiled as he felt his daughter move, and fought off tears as he thought about how horrible he had been lately.

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