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3 Months Later

Benson brought so much happiness to his parents' life in a time where there was a lot of darkness. By the time he was 3 months old, his parents had finally made the big move to Hempstead. It was an hour's drive from their home back to Manhattan for school, but it was worth it. Benson wasn't going to be right in the middle of the city, but he was still very close to his grandparents.

"Welcome home, Benny." Olivia cooed, as she carried her son into the house that she and Elliot had been fixing up for the first three months of their baby's life.

"He's already looking at that picture of him above the fireplace." Elliot laughed, as he took his son from his wife and walked him over to the picture. Olivia sat the diaper bag down on the table behind the couch before watched as Elliot held Benson up to his picture and laughed when he hit the picture with his little hand.

"He knows that he's cute," Olivia spoke, and Elliot nodded in agreement. They walked around the house to give their baby his first-ever tour of his forever home, before taking him upstairs and laying him in her nursery for his nap.

When they walked back downstairs, they just kinda looked at their living room before Olivia sighed.

"I didn't want to live here," Olivia spoke.

"I know," Elliot replied.

"But I kinda feel closer to my family now. I never met my grandparents. I knew my grandma, my father's mother, but she passed away shortly after we moved to Germany. Other than that, it was just my father and me after my mother died." Olivia breathed.

"Do you still want to talk to him about everything?" Elliot questioned, as he sat down on the couch and turned up the baby monitor that he had been carrying. Olivia and Elliot didn't want to move into their house until after the roof had been fixed and they had the whole house set up, because then they didn't have to unpack boxes and work around Benny's schedule while trying to find what he needed.

"To my Dad?" Olivia asked, as she walked over and put her shoes and Elliot's shoes up on the rack.

"Yeah to your Dad," Elliot replied.

"I think that if he finds out about what my mother left me, that he'll try and get his hands on some of it. But Elliot, we still have so much left. What is left of the money is what is going to Benson's college fund. Then we need to try and get a big enough one for all of our children to come so they all have the same chance to go to college." Olivia spoke.

"Legally, all of the stuff your mother left you is ours. It was apart of her will. He doesn't have any right to it. Maybe you should at least try and call him."

"I'm in a good place, Elliot. I'm happy because I'm so close to finishing school and becoming a teacher. I have you and Benny. I have your family. I'm good and he just ruins everything good." 


During summer vacation before their last year of school, Elliot was training to go to the police academy and Olivia was busy taking care of her little man. But now that it was nearly September, their summer was almost done and Olivia was no longer going to Hudson but was instead doing student teaching at a local elementary school in Hempstead.

"So, are you sure that you are ready for today?" Elliot asked, after coming back from his run. He took Benson from the baby sling thing that he had used while running with his son, before passing the happy baby to his mother.

"I have no choice, El. I have to get my teaching hours in. I need to be able to interact with children and teach them without faltering. I hate being away from Benson, but at least your Mom is going to be taking care of him while we are away." Olivia spoke, as she kissed her son's messy hair.

"Alright, but if you need anything at all, just call me. Okay? I have practice after class but I'll be done with that by 3." Elliot spoke.

"Thanks, baby. Now, would you mind going and showering? I have to leave soon." Olivia spoke. Elliot kissed his wife and son before running upstairs to take a shower. Olivia looked down at her son before smiling as he rubbed his cheek with his hand.

"Did you have a good run, Benny? Are you getting buff? Ripped?" Olivia laughed softly, as she bounced her son a bit before taking him into the kitchen to nurse him.

Once Benny was fed and laying down for a nap, Olivia started to get ready for work. She ran downstairs when she heard the doorbell rang, and she opened it and swallowed hard.

"Excited to see me?"


Olivia didn't speak to her father. She just slammed the door and locked it before going and grabbing Benny. She took him upstairs before going into her bedroom where Elliot was barely awake on the bed.

"El. Wake up." Olivia spoke quickly.

"What's wrong?" He yawned, as he reached out for Benson.

"Go downstairs and make him leave." Olivia whimpered.

"What?" Elliot asked.

"My father! He's here and I need you to get him to leave. I can't leave Benson here with your mother if my father was here. Either get him out or I'm going to call the cops on him."

"Okay. Just call my mom and see if she is on her way. I'll go talk to your father and get him to leave." Elliot replied, before leaving the room. He walked downstairs before opening the front door and staring at his father-in-law.

"Why are you here, Lance?" Elliot questioned.

"I want to see my daughter. Not you." Lance replied.

"My wife isn't too happy that you are here. So please leave us alone or else I'll have to call the cops." Elliot replied.

"Where's the baby?" Lance asked, ignoring Elliot's threat.


"What?" Lance sighed.

"Two." Elliot continued.

"Are you trying to-"

"Three," Elliot spoke before punching Lance straight in the nose.

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