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Elliot was honestly so shocked that he had punched Lance in the nose. But he tried not to show it.

"I gave you a warning. Just be thankful that I didn't shoot you. Now, get in your car and go away. Stay away from us all." Elliot spat, before slamming the door in Lance's face. He moved from the door, but turned back and locked it before heading back upstairs. He walked straight into his bedroom and towards the bathroom as Olivia quickly followed him.

"What happened, El?" Olivia questioned tearfully.

"I punched him. Probably broke his nose." Elliot sighed as he washed the blood from his knuckles.

"What? Elliot-"

"Honey, just go get changed and I'll stay here with Benny until my mother gets here. Okay?" Elliot spoke, as he turned and looked at his wife.


"Everything is dealt with. I will always stand up for you, no matter what. Just go to work and have fun. When you get home I'll be here and so will our sweet little boy." Elliot spoke, before pressing a soft kiss to his wife's lips.

"Are you sure?" She asked hesitantly. She didn't want to leave Benson here at the house with only Bernie if Lance were to return.

"I'm gonna call my parents and see if and my Dad can take the morning off."

"Alright... just be careful."

"I will. I promise."


Olivia left the house and was scared to death of what might be waiting outside her house, but Lance had left and she could drive to work with no problem. She got out at Hempstead Elementary and smoothed her skirt before looking in her review mirror to make sure her hair was neat and didn't have baby poop or vomit in it. Benny usually managed to get something in his mother's hair, and she was hoping that today was not one of those days.

Olivia walked into the front office and signed in before getting her badge and a spare key to the room she was helping in before she walked down to the preschool wing and opened the door.

"Mrs. Olsen?" Olivia questioned, and an older woman with graying hair turned around and smiled at Olivia.

"Mrs. Stabler! It is so good to finally meet you. When the superintendent said that I was going to be getting some help, it made me super happy and excited! And please, around just us and other teachers call me Angie."

"And I'm Olivia." Olivia smiled, before shaking her hand. Olivia let out a sigh of relief as she got a tour of the classroom and then got a list of things she'd have to do every morning.

"So I get the kids off the bus?" Olivia questioned, as she was given a rainbow rope with small rings coming off of it. The kids would grab onto the rings and then she could lead them back to the classroom once she picked all the students up.

"Yes. And you'll be taking them to their buses at night. Preschool students get out at 2:45 so they don't get trampled by the older students. I'll be waiting in here for the students who get picked up to leave, and then when you come back you and I can start passing out the assignments to grade."

"Sounds good. Now should I head out?" Olivia questioned.

"You probably should. We only have ten buses so there won't be too many students getting off them for our class. About a kid per bus and then the other four come from drop off. Are you ready?" Mrs. Olsen asked, and Olivia nodded.

"I'm so excited to start."


While Olivia was working hard, Elliot was trying to make it through his classes and then to practice. This was his first season where he'd have his wife and son there to cheer him on. So he was going to try his hardest to be his best. As Elliot was putting his cleats on, university security approached the coach. They talked quietly before Coach Sommerfield walked over to Elliot.

"Stabler, security said you need to follow them." 

"Why?" Elliot asked, as he stood and crossed his arms over his chest.

"NYPD is here and they said that they need to talk to you about an incident at your house. Do you want me to tag along?" Coach Sommerfield asked.

"No. But I won't be back for practice." Elliot sighed, before going and pulling his sneakers on before grabbing his bag and walking towards security.

"Elliot Stabler?" One of the men asked.

"Yeah. I'm assuming that Lance Benson said that I broke his nose this morning?" Elliot questioned as they walked towards the front of the campus.

"He said that he'd like to press charges against you. NYPD is here and is going to interview you and make sure that nothing happened. Do you understand?"

"Yeah, I understand. I broke his nose, but it's because he trespassed on my property. Didn't leave when I asked him kindly too. And he was scaring my wife and kid. He deserved it."


Olivia was on recess duty when her phone rang. She kept her eyes glued to her students as she answered her phone.

"Hello?" She questioned.

"Uh, babe... your father is pressing charges against me for breaking his nose... I'm currently chilling at the 6th precinct waiting for my lawyer and for my mother to come to bail me out." Elliot sighed.

"Are you kidding me? Elliot." Olivia sighed, as she waved at a student that had waved at her.

"I'm so sorry, Liv. They showed up to practice. I'm going to get this all cleared up. Because I was just protecting you and Benson. He could have hurt us all. He's ex-army."

"What? He's still-"

"He got fired for drinking on the job. He's ex-army now." Elliot spoke. Olivia groaned before shaking her head.

"Okay. Well just go home and take care of Benson. I'll be home after work and we can talk about it then. I love you."

"Love you too. I'm sorry, Liv. I really am."

"I know." Olivia sighed before hanging up. She moved from her spot and walked over to where a few of her students were poking at something by a tree.

"Mrs. Stabler! Look at this snake!" One exclaimed, and Olivia groaned before reaching up and picking up the small green snake behind its head.

"Go back and play, boys. Don't mess with snakes because they can bite you and you can get hurt." Olivia spoke. She carried the snake over to the fence and let it go on the other side. She turned around and brushed her hands off before thinking about how Lance was a snake. If Elliot poked him enough, he'd bite and they'd all be fucked.

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