The Move: One-Shot

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This is just to help you all know what is happening since this whole book is based on this one-shot. So, please re-read if you'd like!

A young Olivia Benson sat in her bedroom as tears ran down her cheeks. Her father had just broken the news to her that they were moving once again. But each time that they moved, she lost friends, she even lost her mother on one of the stops. But it wasn't the fact that she didn't want to move. It was the fact that she fell down the stairs and Olivia nor Lance had found her on time.

"Livvie, can you open your door so we can talk about this?" Lance asked as he rested his head against the light brown door that leads into his daughter's room.

"You said that this would be the last base, Dad! But we just keep moving! I keep losing friends!" Olivia sobbed.

"This is the last one, Liv. I promise. I'm getting a great position where I won't even be getting deployed. I'll just be dealing with different matters from the base. Now, open the door so I can take you to dinner." Lance replied. His teenage daughter opened the door to her bedroom and stared her father down.

"Next time you say we have to move, I'm not leaving. I'm staying wherever this next station is." She growled. Lance reached out and brushed a tear from her cheek before nodding slowly.

"Okay. Maybe your Grandma would like you to stay with her." Lance spoke.

"It would be better than moving four times a year," Olivia grumbled, before stepping back into her room and slamming the door again.


It was a month after Lance told Olivia about the move, did they actually move. They had to drive nearly full day drive to get to New York from Houston, so by the time they got there, they were both exhausted.

"Where am I going to school?" Olivia yawned, as she looked over at her father as they waited at a stoplight.

"Sacred Heart of Jesus. It's a Catholic school, but it's where your mother went and it's where she wanted you to go if we moved here." Lance replied.

"Great." Olivia sighed softly. She ran her fingers through her hair before looking out the window and at the bright lights of the city. It was late, but the city was still alive and loud.

They arrived at their loft in Hell's Kitchen and grabbed the bags they needed before heading inside.

Lance blew up an air mattress while Olivia waited downstairs for the pizza they had ordered.

They sat together on the air mattress as they ate their pizza. Olivia was quiet because she was tired and also still angry at her father for making them move.

"You'll make friends here, Livvie," Lance spoke.

"I doubt I will. It's hard enough as it is moving away from the place Mom is buried, but now I have to try and make friends at a Catholic school." Olivia sighed. She stood up and grabbed another piece of pizza before sinking back down on the mattress.

"Just join a club, play a sport, be as nice as you possibly can. They won't be making fun of you for wearing different clothes because you will be wearing a uniform."

"You really hate me, don't you?" Olivia huffed.

"I love you, Livvie. You are just a very angry teenager."


Olivia started school on Monday. She had three days to get used to her new home, and to figure out the fastest way to her new school. Her father had taken her to pick up her uniform and to get her schedule, but she still felt very unprepared for yet another new school.

When she walked in on the first day, she rushed to her locker and opened it as quickly as possible before looking around for her first class.

"Lost?" A boy's voice questioned, and Olivia turned around to see a boy with bright blue eyes and messy brown hair standing behind her.

"Uh, kinda. I'm looking for Latin with Mr. Logan." Olivia replied. He nodded before walking away. Olivia sighed as she turned and walked in the direction she just came, but then the boy spoke.

"I'm trying to lead you to your class, girly. Gonna follow me or be lost all day?" He smirked, and Olivia blushed before picking up her pace and catching up with him.

They walked for a while before the boy spoke.

"I'm Elliot Stabler by the way. You?" He questioned.

"Olivia Benson."

"Nice to meet you, Liv." He smiled, and Olivia stopped and looked at him.

"Liv? No one has ever called me that before." Olivia spoke.

"Really? I think it's nice. Short and easy to say." He replied.

"How long have you went here?" Olivia questioned.

"My whole life. My parents went here and my siblings have gone here. It's kinda just where we go." Elliot replied.

"Nice." Olivia breathed. She didn't want him to ask about where she went before she came here. But she knew that he would as soon as he stopped and moved in front of her.

"Where'd you go before here?" He asked.

"Depends on how many schools back you want me to go," Olivia replied.


"My Dad is in the Army and we move a lot. Either he's deployed or just getting moved from base to base. I've been to lots of school in America, the last being one in Houston. Then I've been to a German school before too." Olivia replied.

"Oh," Elliot spoke, and Olivia thought that he'd just walk away because she was that weird kid that moved a lot. But instead, he smiled at her and started to ask her a ton of questions about her schools before.

Olivia answered them all with a smile on her lips because she knew that she had already made a friend, even if it was only her first day of school.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, but we have all the same classes... I'm your buddy. The principal put you in all my classes so I could help you out and show you where everything is." Elliot smiled, as they got to Mr. Logan's class.

"Really?" She asked, happily.

"Yeah. So, be ready to be annoyed by me. But at least you aren't alone."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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