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Elliot held his wife for a while until she sat up and leaned against the pillows on their bed. She stared ahead as she gently ran her hand over her stomach to at least do something. 

"So, what's in the package?" Elliot asked. Olivia looked at him before shrugging.

"My mom sent it to Pam. It was apart of her will." Olivia replied.

"Want to look in it? Maybe your mom left you a note to explain everything." Elliot spoke. Olivia shook her head before shifting up and grabbing the package. It was heavy, but that didn't make her anymore interested in looking inside.

"El, I'm scared that it contains a suicide note. If my mom would have just asked for help, then we both would have been out of Texas and here in Manhattan. She'd be alive and helping us plan for the birth of our son. She'd be there with us when he's born. But instead, she's dead and I'm so beyond pissed off. I'm surprised that I don't have smoke coming out of my ears." Olivia huffed. Elliot frowned before standing and grabbing the package from his wife. He walked over and tucked it in their closest before looking at Olivia again.

"Let's go for a walk."

"No." Olivia huffed.

"Yes. Let's go for a walk. Let's clear your mind and then you can come back and nap." Elliot replied. He walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist before rubbing her lower back gently.

"You just want me to be quiet? When I'm sleeping, I don't talk." Olivia huffed.

"I love your voice and all, but I'd rather have you sleeping and not thinking about this right now. So, get on some sneakers and let's walk."


They walked for a few hours, which was crazy for Olivia because she rarely has enough energy to walk that long lately. It was starting to get dark by the time they got back to the house, and after Olivia took a bath, she grabbed the package and sank down onto her bed and started to open it.

"You are more awake than I thought you'd be," Elliot spoke, as he walked over and sank down beside his wife. He kissed her cheek gently before softly caressing her swell.

"I'm going to look into this... I need to see what she left for me." Olivia frowned.

"Do you want to do this alone?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia shook her head before resting her hand against her husband's.

"When I married you, I don't have to do anything alone anymore. I always have a partner through everything." Olivia spoke. She felt as Elliot shifted closer to her and let her lean against his body. Elliot watched as Olivia opened the package and pulled out a large box. She opened that before looking at the contents.

"I have never seen my baby book before. I always thought my parents never made me one because we were moving around too often." Olivia sighed.

"I want to see how adorable you were as a baby. I bet you had chubby little cheeks and I want to see your toothless smiles." Elliot grinned. Olivia sighed softly before opening the book.

They flipped through tons of pictures of Olivia. Elliot watched as his wife grew up from the day she was born till her fifth birthday. He smiled at each adorable picture of the woman he loved with his whole heart. He saw her standing in a pair of her father's boots that were way too big for her, or when she was wearing her mother's sunglasses in her car seat. Elliot couldn't wait to get cute pictures of Benson doing the same things.

"I wonder why they stopped putting more pictures in here..." Elliot trailed off as he reached into the box and pulled out a pair of small knit booties. 

"Because by the time I was five, we were moving across the ocean and to the eastern hemisphere. That's where my mom and I were alone a lot because my Dad was getting deployed more often. We'd even more without him because they kept giving us where his next placement would be before he even got back."

"We are going to take so many pictures of Benson, that he will be scared of the camera by the time he's five." Elliot laughed. But his wife didn't join in on the laugh. She grabbed a large orange envelope and sighed as she opened it. Elliot was holding the baby book and examining it closely, as Olivia pulled the folder from the envelope.

She flipped it open and quickly skimmed over the paperwork. She saw things about a bank account, a safe deposit box, and even a house. Olivia was confused, and as she went to look at the front of the envelope, a smaller envelope fell out and it had Olivia's name scrawled on the front in her mother's handwriting. 

Olivia slowly opened it, before starting to read the note that her mother left behind before she committed suicide.

My Livvie,

When I held you for the first time in my arms, I knew that you were going to do amazing things. I knew that you were going to be the most amazing girl on the face of this Earth. I loved waking up in the middle of the night to see you awake in your crib, and you'd sit up and reach your arms up to me as soon as you saw me. There were lots of giggles, smiles, and hugs that melted my heart. 

Honey, when I had to make this decision... when I had to choose to either live or kill myself... I had the hardest time deciding because all I could think about was you. But your father was abusing me. He was treating me like shit all the time, and it broke my heart. I loved him in high school and clearly I loved him enough to try for years to have a child with him, but he wasn't the man I loved anymore. He cared more about work than us. 

I know what you are thinking... You are thinking about how we could have just left your father. That you and I would have had an amazing life together. Just the two of us. But it is hard to leave a man who could have gotten killed protecting our freedom. I didn't want to leave you, but I had too and I'm so sorry. But to make it up to you, I left my parents' old house to you. I left my bank account and safe deposit box too. I was saving up money to leave, and now it's all yours. 

Take care, my love. I will always love you and I will always be with you. No matter what.


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