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It was a few weeks before Elliot got a large letter from NYPD's police academy. It was hand-delivered and Elliot was shocked. He was sure that he wouldn't be let into the program since he hadn't finished college, but as soon as he opened the envelope and before Benson had gotten drool on it, Elliot saw that he had been accepted to the program.

"We've got to tell Momma, Benny! Let's go wait for her to get out of school. I know she'll be proud." Elliot smiled, before tucking the papers away before standing with Benson. He went and packed up a diaper bag before moving outside to the vehicle. Elliot had just shut the door after putting Benson in the car when he felt a hand grab him by his neck and give it a tight squeeze.

"I heard you applied to the academy and got in. But guess what? I'm going to pull strings until you are out of that program and in jail." Lance growled.

"I have a restraining order against you." Elliot groaned. He could feel as Lance started to dig his fingers into his throat as he turned him around. He slammed him against the car and started to choke Elliot.

"Who cares?! You ruined my life, Stabler! First, you fell for my daughter. You married her without my permission. Then you got her pregnant! You cannot even support her, and it's because you are worthless! Now, I hope you are fine with dying." Lance spat before he slammed Elliot's head against the car window. It broke and not only did Elliot sink down onto the ground unconscious, but Benson was also covered in glass that cut into his skin.


Olivia had expected Elliot and Benson to pick her up as usual, but since they had dropped her off at the school but never came to pick her up she was stranded. She asked Angie for a ride home, and she was so thankful for that because once they pulled into the parking lot, Olivia felt like getting sick. She quickly scrambled from the car and went running to where her husband was slumped over.

"El, baby. Wake up." Olivia cooed as she continued to hear her baby crying from the back seat. Angie went around and quickly climbed into the back seat before removing the baby.

"He's barely breathing and his head is bleeding really bad. Uh, I need to call an ambulance." Olivia whimpered.

"Benson is bleeding too. He has glass in his legs and arms." Angie replied, as Olivia stopped dialing 911 and looked at her son.

"Who would do this?" Olivia whimpered, before putting her phone back to her ear.

"911 what is your emergency."

"Uh, my husband and son have been hurt. My husband's head is bleeding and he is barely breathing."

"Ma'am, I'm tracking your number right now. Can you lay your husband flat and keep his neck steady?"

"I can try. But I need help as quickly as possible. Please." Olivia sobbed, before turning the phone on speakerphone. She slipped her husband down so that he was laying on his back and quickly pulled her jacket off before putting it under her husband's head.

"Now, if he is to stop breathing, please start compressions. Now, what is the current condition of your son? How old is he?"

"He has a lot of cuts on his legs and arms. He is bleeding and is covered in glass. He's only 3 and a half months old."

"Alright, there is an ambulance on it's way to your current location. I'm going to stay on the line until they arrive."


Olivia was in tears as she road with Benson to the hospital. He was crying and his breathing was all messed up because he had been crying for nearly an hour before his mother got home.

"It's okay, Benson. It's okay. You'll be fine, Benny." Olivia cooed, as she caressed her son's dark brown hair. He continued to flail his little arms and legs as he tried to get free of the makeshift bandages that were on his arms and legs.

"Ma'am, do you know what happened?" The EMT asked as he placed the smallest oxygen mask he could find over Benson's mouth.

"I have a feeling it was my father. He hates my husband and for some reason my son. He hates my baby." Olivia breathed.

"We will be at the hospital soon and your son can get the glass removed from his limbs. Then your husband will be taken care of."

"Can I stay with my son?" Olivia asked because she knew there was no chance in hell that she'd be able to see Elliot until after surgery and whatever they had to do with him.

"Probably not. But you need to talk to officers about this all."

"I don't want to leave him. He's just a little thing." Olivia whispered.

"There are amazing nurses here that will take care of him."


Olivia sat motionless in her chair as she waited for someone to show up to sit with her. Bernie and Joseph were rushing to the hospital, but they still were awhile away and Olivia was alone.

"Olivia Stabler?" A detective questioned as he came up and stood in front of Olivia. She blinked a few times before moving her eyes to the man in front of her.

"That's me." She whispered.

"Mrs. Stabler, I'm Detective John Munch. I was sent over here because-"

"Because my son and husband were hurt. I know. I was the one that called 911." Olivia breathed.

"Someone said that you might know who did this?" Detective Munch asked as he sat down beside Olivia. He handed her his handkerchief and Olivia brushed a tear from her cheek with it before holding it tightly in her hands.

"My father, Lance Benson. He has had it out for me and my husband for so long. I just don't understand how he could hate my baby." Olivia whispered.

"I've been in this business for so long, and I've seen things like this. We will go pick up your father and question him. Until then, do you have someone to sit with you?" Detective Munch asked.

"No. Not yet. My inlaws are on their way, but they are still an hour out. But I'm fine. I'm used to being alone when bad things happen." Olivia laughed bitterly.

"I'll sit with you until they arrive."

"What?" Olivia asked shocked.

"I can ask you more questions. So, just relax and we can wait together for news on your husband and son."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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