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Olivia went home after her first day of class and she was exhausted. She had chased after kids all day, but now she was so thankful to go home and take a nice long bath to try and relax.

"Momma!" Benson cried as soon as he heard the front door open. He pushed his body up and went as fast to the front door as his little legs would take him.

"Oh, hey sweetie. How was your day with Daddy?" Olivia asked tiredly, as she sat her bag down before swinging her son up and holding him close.

"Good! Why you leave?" Benson asked as Elliot came to the door before leaning close and kissing his wife's cheek.

"I had work this morning, Benny. And tomorrow. The day after that too." Olivia spoke.

"No. Stay." Benson huffed, as he wrapped his arms around his mother's neck and gave her a squeeze. Olivia closed her eyes as she caressed Benson's curls.

"Baby, why don't you come to help me get dinner ready. Momma probably wants to take a bath or just relax for a bit." Elliot spoke. Olivia hesitantly let Benson go, before moving quickly to the stairs. She walked up them slowly as she fought off tears.

All she wanted was to work and be there for Benson, but she can't do both and it hurts her not to be able to do both.


Olivia didn't come to dinner, so Elliot just fed Benson and himself before taking a plate upstairs to his wife. Benson was stuck in the living room, so Elliot had a few minutes while he tried to escape as usual.

"Livvie?" Elliot asked as he opened the bedroom door. He found his wife curled up on the bed snoring softly. He smiled, before moving over and sitting the plate on her bedside table.

"You must have really worked hard today," Elliot whispered, before leaning close and kissing his wife's temple. Olivia shook a bit, before rolling over and looking at her husband.

"El... I slept through dinner... didn't I?" Olivia asked.

"You did, beautiful... but not only did you work today... you are also growing a baby," Elliot spoke. He sank down on the edge of the bed before running his hand across Olivia's stomach. He stopped for a moment before smiling.

"What?" Olivia asked.

"I feel like in the week since you found out we were having a baby, you got a tiny bump." Elliot grinned. 

They sat there together, and Olivia kept insisting that she wasn't showing yet, and Elliot argued with her. 

"Fuck," Elliot spoke, before quickly leaving the room. Olivia watched as he left before slowly climbing out of the bed and grabbing her plate. She left the room and walked downstairs, before frowning when she saw Elliot lifted Benson up from where he had been trying to climb over the baby gate.

"Forgot you fenced our kid in?" Olivia asked, and Elliot gave her a sheepish smile.



The next morning, Olivia woke up earlier than usual. She sat on the edge of the bed for a few moments before getting out of bed. She walked to the bathroom before starting the shower up. She just stood there for a few moments before starting to cry. She didn't know why all of a sudden she was sobbing, but it was taking everything to stop.

"Fuck." Olivia whimpered, as she paced and tried to stop crying. The door opened slowly and Elliot eyed her in confusion.


"Hey, I'm fine. Just go back to bed." Olivia spoke, as she fanned her husband away.

"Clearly you aren't fine. Honey-"

"When this baby is born, he won't have me around. Benson doesn't have me around. You don't have me around. I work from 6 in the morning until almost 5 at night. I came home yesterday completely exhausted just to have my son break my heart. He doesn't want me to go to work, but we need the money especially because this is really happening!" Olivia cried.

"Honey, what is really happening?" Elliot asked as he stopped his wife from pacing. She brushed some tears from her cheeks before rolling her shirt up.

"I'm showing Elliot... we are having our second baby before we know it, and I am not ready. I'm not ready for work and I'm not ready to be a mother to two babies." Olivia sniffled.

"Oh, babe." Elliot breathed.

"I'm sorry... I'm just a mess." Olivia laughed, as more tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Don't apologize. You are in a different type of situation now."

"I think Angie can sense that something is up with me. She stopped me before I left yesterday and asked if I was okay... I'm scared that if I tell her that my boss will find out. I'm also so nervous to schedule my maternity leave." Olivia breathed.

"Don't worry, Liv. You've got this. Just go to work and enjoy your day teaching those kids that I know you will be super attached to by the end of the year."

"They are so cute and sweet." Olivia breathed.

"You may be attached to them already."


Olivia's second day of school was a lot harder than her first day. The kids were all exhausted and were whining and throwing fits. Olivia tried her hardest to not freak out on them, but she was at her wits end by lunchtime.

"You look exhausted," Angie spoke, as she came to Olivia's room for lunch.

"These kids are driving me nuts." Olivia breathed, as she tied her hair back.

"It's just the first week. They get better as they get more used to this. You'll get used to it too." Angie spoke. Olivia nodded slowly before running her hands over her legs.

"You used to tell me when you first started to work here... and I was wondering if you had any tips on telling the principal and superintendent about something important?" Olivia asked.

"Like a baby?" Angie questioned, and Olivia's eyes went wide.


"I'm a mother to five kids. Most of the teachers around here have been pregnant at least one year as a teacher. Just go tell them what's happening and how you'll need to schedule your mandated maternity leave." Angie smiled.

"Being an adult is making me so much more anxious than I thought it would." Olivia laughed.

"Don't worry. That won't change, but as your years go on at least you'll get used to being a teacher."

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