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Elliot stood near the baggage claim at the airport. He kept looking out for Olivia, but he didn't know if she looked the same or had changed. He was wondering if she had cut her hair or gotten a nose ring or something. He didn't know if he'd recognize his best friend, and it made the wait seem even longer than it actually was.

"You look lost. Like as if your best friend had been living in Germany for three years and is now back." Olivia spoke, as she walked towards Elliot. He stopped looking around and just stared right at her.

"Your hair has gotten so long, Liv." Elliot smiled, and Olivia grinned as she walked over to him. She sat her bag onto the ground before stepping forward and hugged him tightly. Elliot held her close and couldn't help but feel the crush he had for Olivia ignite again.

"I feel like you got taller, El. But you are still a weirdo." Olivia laughed, as she stepped back and smiled at him.

"How was your flight?" Elliot asked as he grabbed Olivia's suitcase before they turned to leave.

"It was long. But it was so worth it. I can't believe that I'm finally home." Olivia smiled. Elliot stopped and looked at her before leaning close and kissing her temple.

"I'm so thankful that you are home. I have missed you so much since you left."


Elliot called his parents and told them that he was taking Liv out for lunch because she was starving after her flight. They were not surprised that he wanted some private time with the girl he hasn't stopped talking about since he met her three years earlier.

"So, did you make a best friend over there?" Elliot asked, and Olivia looked up from lemonade and smiled at him.

"No. I never could make a friend that compared to you. I love you, Elliot." Olivia smiled. She had a hard time not laughing when she saw how beet red Elliot's face turned when she told him that she loved him.

"I haven't dated anyone yet, Liv. And you telling me that you love me-"

"Elliot, I love you like a friend right now. And if we were to ever date, it would have to be once I can get a dorm on campus. Not while I'm living here." Olivia spoke.

Elliot nodded slowly before reaching across the table and giving her hand a squeeze.

"Germany, eh?" He asked, and she smiled and nodded. She could tell he was a bit disappointed, but they needed to stay friends till she was living somewhere else. She didn't want to hurt him and she didn't want to do something and regret it.

"It was really nice, Elliot. My Dad has a girlfriend and she's super nice. She's his superior, which is really funny. And I have made a few really good friends, but none of them can compare to you." Olivia breathed.

Elliot smiled before looking at Olivia for a long moment.

"Ever gonna go back?" He asked, and she nodded.

"I want to visit my Dad again. We got closer once we moved, and we talk a lot more about our feelings and thoughts. Especially about my mom. Like he told me about how truly hard it was for them when they were trying to have me. And how they wanted more kids but after I was born, the doctor said it would be too dangerous." Olivia spoke.

"How long did it take them?" Elliot asked as he thought about his life without Olivia Benson in it. He was wondering about how different everything would be without his ray of sunshine.

"Several years. They were in their mid-thirties when I was born, so it was already a high-risk pregnancy for my mother." Olivia spoke.

"Do you want kids?" Elliot asked, and Olivia's eyes went wide.

"What? What is up with you today?" Olivia asked as she got a little shy about answering a question like that.

"I'm sorry-"

"You have a very big crush on me, don't you?" Olivia asked, and Elliot's face turned beet red.

"I have a huge crush on you, Liv. And you have one on me too." Elliot huffed. Olivia eyed him for several moments before sighing softly.

"I think that maybe we should call it a day. I'm exhausted from the flight." Olivia breathed. She slowly slid her chair back before standing. Elliot didn't follow her.

"El?" She asked.

"Get a ride home from someone else." He huffed.


Elliot was so very upset. He hated Olivia for not just wanting to date him. He didn't know why she had to push everything off until she moved out of his parents' house. It pissed him off because he wanted to kiss her so badly, but he couldn't just force himself onto her.

Olivia got a cab from the restaurant and took it straight to the Stabler's house. She got out and quickly pulled her bags from the trunk before heading up the path. She rang the doorbell before waiting there for a few moments. Eventually, Elliot's mother came and opened the door.

"Olivia? Why did you ring the doorbell?" Bernie asked, and Olivia bit her lip as tears welled in her eyes.

"Because Elliot isn't here with me. He kinda told me to get a ride myself because I said something..."

"What did you say?" Bernie asked, as he reached out and grabbed Olivia's bag and let her into the house.

"He likes me, Mrs. Stabler. And I really like him. But I don't want to date him until I am living in a dorm. I don't want to complicate things here." Olivia breathed. Bernie frowned before gently touching the girl's cheek.

"We knew he liked you when you left." Bernie breathed.

"He liked me when I left? Three years ago?" Olivia asked shocked.

"He did. He even told his father about it the night I drove you home. He's such a great boy, and he's been waiting for you to get back to the states. He has missed you so much, and he's been trying his hardest to not get his hopes up... but it's hard when he's completely in love with you." Bernie breathed.

"I told him I loved him..."

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