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Elliot walked into his wife's hospital room as he brushed tears from his cheeks. He was so scared that he was going to lose both Olivia and their daughter, just because his wife couldn't take a break and relax.

"Livvie?" Elliot breathed. He looked at his wife and noticed that she didn't look almost 24. She looked so much older at this moment.

"I'm going to be the reason our daughter dies." Olivia sobbed. Elliot looked at her with horror in his eyes. He hesitantly stumbled to where she laid before grabbing her hand.

"She's not going to make it?" He whispered. Dr. Yin hadn't told him that. She told him that Olivia and the baby were weak, but if the medicine did its thing, Olivia and the baby would live.

"I'm weak... she's weak... it's all my fault! I should have just stayed home and listened to Dr. Yin!" Olivia sobbed. 

"Liv, if all this medicine helps with your condition... then everything will be okay. We will be bringing her home in February or early March." Elliot breathed. He went to caress his wife's hair, but Olivia smacked his hand away.

"You need to take Benny and this baby from me... I'm not a good mother... cleary because I can barely grow our daughter without making her sick!" Olivia screamed. Elliot stood up and stumbled over the chair before falling to the floor. He started to sob, as he scrambled to his feet and ran from the room.

Their family was falling apart quickly, and it was going to be hard to recover from this all.


Bernie and Joseph came up to the hospital after Elliot went home to take care of Benson. They told him that he should stay with Olivia, but Elliot said he couldn't be there with her now or for a while. It wasn't what they expected to hear from their son while his wife was in the hospital.

"Hey, sweetie." Bernie smiled as she walked into Olivia's hospital room. Olivia was numb now as she laid in bed because she had cried herself dry.

"Hi," Olivia whispered.

"How are you and the baby? The one no one will tell us the gender of." Bernie chuckled. Olivia bit her lip as she rubbed her bump gently.

"It's a girl. But who even says that I'll get to meet her or hold while she's still breathing." Olivia whimpered. She closed her eyes tightly as she ran her hands over her face.

"What? What's happening?" Joseph asked before his wife could.

"She is showing early signs of preeclampsia. She fainted at her school and was brought here with high blood pressure and protein in her urine." Dr. Yin spoke, as she came into the room and pushed the ultrasound machine. Bernie's eyes went wide.

"What? Doesn't that usually only happen in the first pregnancy?" Bernie questioned.

"Sometimes, but other times it's because the mother overdoes it. Once she gets worn down, everything else ends up falling down around her. That is what happened to Olivia." Dr. Yin sighed. She turned on the machine as Bernie moved closer to Olivia and held her hand tightly.

"But they will both be okay, right? Like, everything seemed fine the last time we talked." Bernie spoke.

"It depends if the medication does its job. But for now, I'm going to look at the baby. If you two would like to stay, you can. But if you don't, please excuse us." Dr. Yin spoke. Olivia closed her eyes tightly and pushed her hands against her ears as the scan started.

Dr. Yin watched as her patient closed herself off from even seeing her daughter on the screen. Bernie watched, and she could clearly hear that her granddaughter's heartbeat was weak.

"Has her heartbeat gotten stronger at all?" Bernie whispered, as her husband placed his hand to her back as she shook. This was their grandbaby that was so weak and sick, and they hated to think that they might not even get to meet this beautiful soul.

"A little bit. But it will take a few days to really see if she'll get stronger. I'm going to move Olivia to a quieter room so she can rest and relax. She won't be allowed visitors there unless it's during the two hours during lunchtime. Okay?"

"Of course, Dr. Yin... uh, please don't give up on our girls." Bernie breathed before she and Joseph left the room as Dr. Yin started to talk to Olivia.


The medicine that Olivia was on helped her slowly get stronger. It was just that the baby was weak and exhausted. Dr. Yin was talking with other doctors to decide if they should deliver the baby to prevent anymore strain on her small and delicate body.

It was a week after Olivia had fainted when she knew her daughter was going to make it. It had been so long since she felt her baby move, that she was sure that she was going to die. But then when Olivia was trying to sleep, her little girl kicked hard within her stomach.

"Hey..." Olivia breathed, as she opened her eyes and rested her hand against her belly. She could see as her stomach moved a bit as her daughter squirmed. Olivia fought off tears as she gently caressed where she could feel her daughter's head pressing against her side.

"Olivia?" Dr. Yin questioned. She had been passing by her room and eyed her with a confused expression.

"Dr. Yin, she's moving," Olivia spoke. She didn't move her body because she didn't want her daughter to settle and calm down. She wanted to feel her kicks and little punches.

"Are you sure?" Dr. Yin asked.

"Yeah. She's moving around and kicking me... it kinda hurts. But I love it. She's moving." Olivia whispered. Dr. Yin came over and placed her hand against Olivia's stomach before feeling the baby move. Dr. Yin gave Olivia a small smile before nodding.

"I guess that we don't need to deliver her early." Dr. Yin spoke.

"What? You were going to deliver her early?!" Olivia squeaked.

"We were going to do that because we wanted her to have a chance of living."

"You never told me! You were just going to take my baby from me without letting me help decide?!" Olivia spat.

"You weren't taking care of yourself for so long that we were going to make the decisions, but we were going to tell you. Now, settle down and get some rest. We will talk about releasing you soon." Dr. Yin spoke. Olivia shook her head as she grew angry.

She grabbed the phone that was beside her bed before dialing the house number. She didn't know if Elliot would answer, but she was praying he would. And that he'd give her another chance.

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