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Olivia sat with Detective Munch for a few hours as they waited for news on Benson and Elliot. Bernie and Joseph were taking forever to show up, so the detective just sat with Olivia in silence.

"Olivia!" Bernie called, once they finally got to the hospital. Olivia stood on shaky legs before meeting her mother-in-law halfway. She hugged her tightly as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Benson had to be taken to the OR to get shards of glass removed from his legs and arms. A few from his chubby little cheeks... Elliot had his head bashed into a window and he's in surgery right now... they haven't told us more than that." Olivia sniffled.

"Us?" Joseph questioned, as he eyed the man that Olivia had been sitting beside. Detective Munch stood before walking towards them.

"I'm Detective John Munch. I'm with the Manhattan Special Victims Unit. We are investigating this attack." He spoke, as he shook hands with Joseph and then with Bernie.

"Do you know who did it yet?" Bernie asked as she looked back to Olivia before brushing tears from her flushed cheeks.

"I think my Dad did it," Olivia spoke, and Bernie and Joseph's eyes went wide as they looked at Olivia.

"What do you mean? Lance isn't-"

"He got fired and moved back here. You know that. He is out to get us, and was even willing to hurt my baby in the process! Detective, arrest him and make him pay for this!"


Benson was in surgery for nearly three hours before he was taken to the pediatric wing. He was still having a hard time breathing, but it was only because he had been crying for so damn long.

"He'll be okay, right? Full recovery?" Olivia asked, as she sat beside her son and rubbed his chest as he slept off the sedation.

"He'll be fine. We are just hoping that he won't be left with scars." The doctor spoke, as he stood beside Olivia and smiled at the little boy. 

"He is too young to have to go through this. Fuck, I'm too young to be going through this." Olivia sighed, as she brushed a curl away from Benson's forehead.

"He won't remember a thing. Now, I'm going to go write up some directions for the care of his wounds, and then tomorrow morning you can take him home."

"Tomorrow? I don't even want to be near my house anymore." Olivia breathed.

"Do you want me to send in a social worker? Someone to help you through this hard time?"

"You mean a shrink. I don't want to talk to someone who will make this seem like something small. My husband and baby were attacked. This is a huge thing!" Olivia exclaimed, before closing herself off from the doctor. He left the room quietly and stood at the nurses' station as another doctor approached him.

"Denny, Mr. Stabler is out of surgery. How is his son?"

"He is fine. He can go home tomorrow. How is his father?" Benson's doctor sighed.

"It's touch and go. But he may be blind." 


Later that night, Olivia held Benson in her arms as he took a bottle. He was in pain still, but at least he was doing better.

"How is he doing?" A voice questioned, and Olivia turned and saw Detective Munch standing in the doorway of Benson's room.

"Better than his father. He's hungry, which is a good sign." Olivia replied. She leaned down and kissed Benson's forehead before looking at the detective.

"We can't find your father. We have officers searching for him as we speak."

"Good. I want him to pay for what he did."

"Any news on your husband yet?" Detective Munch asked, as he walked over and sat on the chair in front of Olivia.

"He's still sleeping. Uh, they think his brain was damaged in the accident and that he may be blind. Either completely or partially... he'll never be able to see what our son looks like as he grows up." Olivia whispered. A large tear slipped down her cheek, and Detective Munch frowned deeply.

"I'm probably not the best guy to be talking to you about being optimistic or praying and stuff... but if you are involved in church, I'd start praying."

"What can you charge my father with?" Olivia questioned, as she tried to think about anything but her husband's current condition.

"Attempted murder. Endangering a child. Assault."

"Possibly murder... depends if my husband wakes up or not." Olivia frowned.


Olivia spent as much time with Benson as possible, but eventually, she was sent from the room to give the little boy time to sleep. Olivia wandered around for a bit before hesitantly walking towards Elliot's room in the ICU. She saw her inlaws sitting together by Elliot's bed, and she was wondering if she could run right now instead of facing something this hard. 

"Liv." Bernie breathed, as she came out of the room.

"It's like when my mom died," Olivia whispered as tears welled in her eyes.

"What?" Bernie questioned.

"She was in the ICU. They had her hooked up to so many wires and machines. It was like they were just waiting and waiting for her to wake up. Just like we are waiting for Elliot to wake up."

"He will wake up. He isn't leaving us yet." Bernie spoke.

"I thought my Mom wouldn't leave me when she did... but she did. She fucking left me with that bastard... and now what if my Dad takes yet another super important person from my life?! I want to spend the rest of my life with Elliot! I want more kids... so many more kids! But what if my father kills another person in my life..." Olivia sobbed. She turned to leave, but Bernie stopped her.

She held her close for several moments as she rubbed her back and cooed gently words to her. Bernie felt horrible for the girl that had lost so much already. 

"In the end, everything will happen how it's supposed to happen. I know you don't believe that and don't want to believe that... but you need to believe in something. Joseph and I are here for you three."

"Can you do me a favor?" Olivia asked.


"Can you get Elliot's siblings here? Just in case..."

"Nothing will happen to him, but if that makes you feel better I'll do anything."

Hey guys! Thanks for reading and please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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