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Lance got home after work and found his daughter packing up her bedroom. She had laid out her uniforms for the last two days she'd be attending Sacred Heart of Jesus. He stood in the doorway and watched his daughter as she moved around her room quietly.

"I'm going over to Elliot's Friday night. He and I are going to be hanging out with his family. I'll be home by curfew." Olivia spoke because she knew her father was watching her. He used to do the same thing when Serena and Olivia would be watching movies or hanging out in Olivia's room. He'd just watch his girls with a smile on his lips. But now he wasn't smiling.

"We move Saturday morning. Early Saturday morning." Lance replied.

"I don't care. I'm spending my last night in Manhattan with my friend. The only friend that has promised to write to me when I leave." Olivia spoke. She took a few pictures of her mother from her bedside table and wrapped them in a newspaper before tucking them into a box that was labeled fragile.

"Olivia, it's just a move. You haven't even been here long enough to really get attached. To let roots grow. You'll be fine about moving to Germany. You've been there before, it's just this time it's a different base."

"I hope you know that this moving is ruining our relationship even more," Olivia spoke. She wasn't yelling tonight because she was so exhausted from crying this morning.

"So dramatic." Lance huffed. Olivia turned around and looked at him. She just shook her head before walking over to the door and shutting it in his face. Lance went to open it, but then he heard as Olivia locked the door.

"Real mature, Olivia!" Lance yelled.

He didn't know that on the inside of the room his daughter was sitting at the foot of her bed staring at the door as hot tears streamed down her cheeks.


Thursday went by slowly, which Olivia was thankful for. She and Elliot hung out as much as possible, before having to part of the night because Elliot had practice every day. She went home and found that most of the loft was empty. Lance wasn't home, but Olivia knew that he had started to ship their items to Germany.

Olivia walked into the kitchen and went to find something to eat, but the fridge was empty and the cabinets were barren. She just stared blankly into them because she had no idea why he was so happy to move. So ready to get it over with.

Olivia was drawn from her angry thoughts when she heard a knock on the door. Olivia moved from the kitchen and opened the front door. She felt her eyes light up when she saw Elliot standing there.

"Practice?" She asked, and he sighed before looking down at his feet.

"I lied to my coach. Said I was sick." Elliot replied, a little sheepishly.

"Oh. You didn't need to do that. It's not like I have anything here we can do. I literally don't have food in the house either." Olivia sighed. She let Elliot in, and he stood in shock at how empty the loft was.

"It looks very different from the first time you showed me around... so the move is really happening, huh?" Elliot breathed, and Olivia nodded.

"Yup. We are leaving early on Saturday morning. My Dad told me that last night because I don't know if he wants me to hang out with you tomorrow night." Olivia sighed.

"Did you get the address yet?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded before going towards her bedroom. Elliot followed and took the sticky note that she had held out to him.

"It's on a base so they have to screen the mail, but other than that it should be good." Olivia breathed.

"Can I send you like a package or something? Like maybe stuff from the states you might not be able to get over there?" Elliot asked.

"That would be really nice of you, Elliot. But you don't have too. You don't even have to send me letters if you don't want too. I'm sure that by the time we see each other again you'll have like a really hot girlfriend and I'll be dressing like an old woman when I'm only 18." Olivia spoke. Elliot laughed but he could tell that Olivia was serious.

"I'm not allowed to date till college, so you might get here and be my wing woman." Elliot smiled.

Olivia nodded slowly before sighing softly.

"I'm gonna miss you so much. Like honestly, tomorrow better be the longest day of my life so I don't have to leave you." Olivia sighed deeply. She stepped forward and hugged Elliot tightly and they stood like that for a while. Then Elliot sighed and stepped back as he pulled his phone from his pocket.

"Shit." He sighed, and Olivia looked at him.


"My Dad is on his way to watch me practice. I have to get back... Uh, I'll see you tomorrow." Elliot spoke before he quickly leaned forward and kissed Olivia's cheek. He turned and left her room as she stood there blushing.

"I'm moving to Germany... ignore the crush you have on him." She grumbled.


Olivia spent all Friday with Elliot, and when it was time for her to go home, she was crying. She held onto Elliot as they said their goodbyes before she went to the subway station to go home. 

"I'll miss you so much." Olivia sobbed into Elliot's shoulder as she clung to him.

"I'll miss you too, Liv... I really do mean it when I promise to write to you. And I'll see you in a few years when you come back home. We can go to college together!" Elliot exclaimed as he rubbed her back as his own tears ran down his cheeks.

"I have to go now, El. I'll call you if I can... Uh, thanks for everything." Olivia breathed. She stepped back and wiped the tears from her cheeks before seeing that Elliot had been crying too. She reached out and gently brushed the tears from his cheeks before biting her lip.

"Bye," Elliot whispered before feeling Olivia's lips against his cheek. He closed his eyes and he only opened them when the sound of his mother's van driving Olivia to the subway, had faded away.

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