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For the first fight of their marriage, it was a doozie. Olivia kept telling Elliot that she didn't make all the decisions, it was just that she didn't feel that accepting a huge amount of money from his parents was a good thing to do.

"But they did it for all of us! They want us to have a house that we can grow in!" Elliot exclaimed.

"But we are living here longer than your siblings did! And I don't think that they should give us money while we could put a downpayment on a house ourselves!"

"This isn't charity!" Elliot exclaimed.

"But I'm not their child!" Olivia yelled.

"This argument makes absolutely no sense at all. So I'm going to go sleep on the couch. You can be stupid up here." Elliot huffed. He walked away from his wife and she stood in the bedroom with her arms crossed over her chest and tears running down her cheeks.

"Liv, are you okay?" Bernie asked hesitantly as she stood in the doorway of Olivia and Elliot's room. Olivia shook her head before starting to bite her lower lip.

"I'm going out I think... We have exams in a few days so I'm going to go to the library and start studying." Olivia breathed. She walked around and gathered her stuff before moving past her mother-in-law and headed towards the stairs.


"I just feel so bad for taking so much money from you and Joseph." Olivia breathed.

"It's a gift, Olivia. And either you can take it to get a downpayment on your house or buy a new car with it. You'll need a van or something eventually." Bernie breathed. Olivia brushed a few tears from her cheeks before shrugging.

"Elliot can do what he wants with the money. I guess that me already making up my mind started this all. I'm stupid I guess too." Olivia mumbled before she ran down the stairs.


Elliot had been outside when his wife left, so he didn't even know that she left. He went upstairs after he calmed down a bit, but when he opened their bedroom door she wasn't there. He searched the house before finding his mother coming up from the basement with a basket of clothes.

"Where's Liv?" Elliot asked.

"She left," Bernie replied.

"Like, for good?" Elliot asked, and Bernie shook her head.

"No, carrot. She just went to the library and is going to be hanging out there for the rest of the night. So why don't you go and get some sleep." 

"Mom, I called her stupid." Elliot frowned.

"Well, that wasn't a good thing to call your wife," Bernie replied. She set the basket down before brushing a few tears from her son's cheeks before pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.

"I just don't know why she can't accept the money. It would really help us get a good house."

"Is there something else that is bothering her?" Bernie questioned as she picked the basket back up before walking into the living room and starting to fold the items.

"I don't know. You were with her all day." Elliot snapped a bit.

"Don't get sassy, little boy," Bernie warned, and Elliot rolled his eyes before sinking down on the couch and running his hands through his hair.

"I think I know." Elliot breathed, as he sat up and looked at his mother.

"So what's bothering that wife of yours?" Bernie asked, and Elliot frowned as he realized how big of an ass he was.

"She's scared that if we get a big house that our family can grow in, that we won't be having a family. She's scared that it will take years to have one baby. Just like how it happened with her parents. They spent so many years just trying to have Olivia." Elliot breathed.

"Go get your wife and make up, Elliot. Before she decides to give up already."


Olivia sat in the back corner of the library. She had her earbuds in and was listening to music as she tried to focus on studying. She kept her eyes down and she only lifted them when someone sat in front of her. Olivia fought off tears when she saw her husband.

"What are you doing here, El?" Olivia whispered.

"I know why you don't want to accept the money."

"No, you don't. You didn't even let me tell you before you ran off and called me stupid." Olivia replied.

"You are scared that if we get a big house, that we will never fill it with babies," Elliot replied, and Olivia frowned as she went back to writing notes for her exam.

"No, that's not it," Olivia replied because she didn't want to talk about her fears about not being able to have babies. She wanted many kids with Elliot, but she is so freaking scared that it won't happen. That they will try and try, and they will start to think it will never happen and it never will.

"Liv, please don't lie to me right now. I know you, and I know that I wasn't listening as I should have. You are scared that the money will go to waste. But you and I need a place to at least try for a family. It can be big or small. I just need to be with you." Elliot breathed. Olivia brushed a tear from her cheek before shrugging.

"I can't talk about this any longer, Elliot. I have to study. You probably should too." Olivia spoke quietly.

"That's why I brought my bag. Let's study for our exams together. Then tomorrow you and I can talk about everything again."

"We aren't-"

"We are going to talk about it because I don't want your fears to hold you back. We will have everything that we are meant to have. I do think that we are meant to have a few kids and have that white picket fence."

"Will you still want to be with me even if I can't have kids?" Olivia whispered.

"There is no one else that I'd rather be with. Babe, I'm so sorry for telling you that you are stupid and for being a jackass to you. I just need to learn to listen more."

"Yeah, you do."

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