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No one was surprised by how Lance responded to the news of his daughter being pregnant. No one was surprised that he blew up on Olivia, but they were all proud of her for how calm she was and that she took it better than she even thought she'd take it. 

"So, how was your lesson today?" Elliot asked as he and Olivia drove across town for her doctor's appointment with Dr. Yin. Today they had a late appointment to find out the gender of their baby.

"It was good. I have realized that the kids get a little more distracted lately." Olivia spoke.

"Why do you think that is?" Elliot questioned, as he squeezed Olivia's hand.

"They like asking about the baby since their teacher told them that I was having a baby. So I think that they are too busy thinking about their favorite student teacher and her baby." Olivia smiled. Elliot laughed softly before smiling.

"Honestly, I think about you and our kid all the time too. I honestly don't know how I pay attention in school." Elliot grinned.

"The whole thing is that you never pay attention in school. That is why you barely passed your exams." Olivia laughed softly. She drew her husband's hand to her lips and gave it a gentle kiss.

"So what do you think our baby is going to be?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia looked down at her stomach before shrugging.

"I think a girl. I don't know why, but I just think this baby is a girl." Olivia replied. Elliot nodded slowly.

"I think so too. A little girl is going to be amazing." Elliot smiled. He pulled into the parking lot and parked before looking at his wife.

"We don't know yet if she is really a she... so don't start picking out girl names yet. She could surprise us both and be a boy." Olivia laughed.

"God, we will be in trouble." Elliot laughed.


Dr. Yin was held up for about an hour, so Olivia and Elliot just sat in the ultrasound room and waited anxiously to find out what their baby was going to be. Olivia couldn't help but smile as Elliot looked at all the displays and held up the one of how the baby usually sits inside the womb.

"It is kind of a tight fit, huh?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded.

"It's not supposed to be a mansion in there. Have you honestly never learned about stuff like this?" Olivia questioned.

"I didn't pay attention during health. I was too busy thinking about you all the time... I guess I also kinda thought about us having kids someday..."

"So you thought about knocking me up, but not about how our children would be growing inside of me." Olivia laughed softly.

"I'm not smart, Liv." Elliot laughed. He sat the display down before walking over and standing between his wife's legs. He kissed her a few times before pressing his hands gently against her bump.

"I love you, El." Olivia smiled softly.

"I love you too, Livvie. Now, how much longer do you think until Dr. Yin comes in and tells us that our baby is a girl?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shrugged as a knock sounded on the door.

"Now I guess." Olivia smiled.

Dr. Yin came in and did her usual questions and then felt Olivia's bump to feel the position of the baby. Then she rolled up her shirt and started the ultrasound.

"Are you two ready for me to tell you what your baby is?" Dr. Yin asked. Olivia nodded quickly as she looked at Elliot. He was staring intently at the screen as he watched their child move around a bit inside his wife.

"Elliot?" Olivia asked.

"Yeah. Tell me the gender. Please." Elliot smiled. He squeezed Olivia's hand before staring back at the screen.

"Maybe next time you'll get that little girl. For now, you are getting a little boy." Dr. Yin smiled. Olivia quickly looked at her as tears welled in her eyes.

"Really?" She breathed.

"Really. He made it easy for me. His legs are wide open and I didn't even have to reschedule until he was in a better position."


Olivia smiled as Elliot told his parents with a large smile on his lips that they were going to have a boy. Joseph and Bernie were shocked because everyone thought that the baby was going to really be a girl. 

"We are going to have five grandsons and four granddaughters. It's crazy." Bernie smiled as she looked at the sonogram picture.

"We are so excited, guys. Like, I guess I didn't really realize that until we found out we were having a boy, that I wanted a son so badly. He's going to be so special to us." Olivia smiled.

"If he was a girl, what were you going to pick for the name?" Bernie asked.

"Serena Bernadette... but now that he's a boy we are naming him Benson Elijah Stabler. Still trying to honor my family." Olivia spoke. Bernie smiled as she stood and drew her daughter in law to her feet before hugging her tightly. Elliot shook his father's hand as they watched Bernie and Olivia hug.

"So, Benson, eh?" Joseph asked.

"Olivia just really wanted him to still have part of her family. Elijah was her grandfather's name, and of course, Benson was her last name. I thought we should have named him Elliot jr... but she didn't want any part of that." Elliot laughed.

"I don't blame her, son." Joseph smiled.

"Are you excited to have another grandson?" Olivia asked once she moved over to her husband and his father.

"I'm very excited. It'll be nice that all three of you will be living in this house. I get to see my grandson more than I get to see the rest of my grandchildren." Joseph replied.

"I'll be right back." Olivia smiled before moving towards the stairs.


Olivia and Elliot sat on their bed as they waited for Lance to answer his phone. Olivia wanted to give him one last chance, and Elliot was just there to support his wife.

"Hello?" Lance questioned.

"We found out the gender of the baby today. We are having a boy. We are naming him Benson Elijah Stabler." Olivia spoke.

"Great." Lance sighed.

"Still think that our baby is a mistake?" Olivia asked quietly.

"Your whole relationship with Elliot is a mistake. That baby is a mistake." Lance spoke. Olivia nodded as she grabbed her husband's hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Okay then. Have fun being lonely and angry." Olivia spoke. She hung up before looking over at Elliot.

"Are you doing okay, babe?" He questioned.

"No more chances. He is officially out of our lives. He will never get a chance to meet this little boy. Benson is going to be amazing."

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