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Bernie came back up to the hospital early the next morning. She came with Elliot's uniform for the academy, and one of Benson's stuffed animals that he insisted on giving to his mother and baby sister. He was beyond excited about Molly and couldn't wait to meet her, but that would have to wait until they were released from the hospital since he was too little to come up and meet his sister.

"He has to leave, doesn't he?" Olivia frowned, as soon as her mother-in-law walked into the room with Elliot's bag.

"I tried to call and see if he could miss a day to have more time with you and Molly, but they said he'd miss important things." Bernie spoke. Olivia nodded slowly as she looked quietly over at where Elliot was sleeping in a chair.

"Can you go ask the nurse to bring Molly in? Elliot is going to want to see her before he has to spend all day at the academy." Olivia whispered.

"I'll be right back." Bernie smiled gently before setting the bag down on the foot of Olivia's bed. Olivia looked at her husband before slipping from the bed. She slowly padded her way over to where Elliot sat before slowly lowering herself onto his lap. She pressed a soft kiss to his cheek before snuggling close.

"Liv?" Elliot yawned, as he held her close.

"So you have to get up and get changed. You need to get to the academy." Olivia spoke.

"What? I kinda assumed-"

"You can't assume anything, Elliot. And if you want to get into the NYPD, we have to have you finish at the academy and get a good rank. So your Mom is having a nurse get Molly. You can see her when she gets back in here, but then you need to go."

"Liv, are you two going to be okay?" Elliot asked, as he rubbed Olivia's back gently.

"We will be fine. We are in a hospital, nerd." Olivia grinned. She hugged and kissed her husband before hearing as the door opened. She looked over and saw as a nurse pushed Molly into the room.

"I'm going to miss not being here with her all day." Elliot mumbled.

"We will miss you too."


Bernie stayed with Olivia and Molly all day. She sat with Olivia while Molly was being tested for everything that could possibly be wrong with her but what ended up not being wrong. She even stayed until the next morning when Olivia and Molly were getting sent home.

"I'm exhausted." Olivia mumbled from the backseat of her vehicle, since Bernie was driving home.

"You can take a nap when we get home if you want." Bernie replied, as she looked in the rearview mirror and smiled.

"But I also haven't seen Benson in what seems like years. But it's only been a few days." Olivia yawned before looking over at Molly, who was sleeping deeply in her carseat. It was going to be hard for Olivia to get used to being a mother to two kids under the age of two, but she knew it would be worth it. 

"Olivia, you are an amazing mother." Bernie spoke, and Olivia looked at her in confusion.

"Why are you just randomly telling me that?" Olivia breathed.

"Because I don't think you get told that enough." Bernie admitted as she turned into Olivia's driveway. 

"Mom..." Olivia sniffled, as tears ran down her cheeks. She dropped her head and kept it down so Bernie didn't see her cry. But she did notice when she climbed out and opened the back door. She reached in and caressed Olivia's cheek before kissing her forehead.

"I am so very thank for you, Olivia. How you take care of my son and have given me two amazing grandchildren. I gained another daughter when Elliot married you, and I couldn't have picked a better partner for him. You stuck by him when he didn't remember anything and couldn't see. You are a special young woman, and I cannot wait to see what else you manage to do with your life." Bernie smiled. Olivia slipped out of the car slowly before clinging to Bernie.

"Thank you... I love you."

"I love you too, honey."


Benson snuggled up with his mother as soon as he laid eyes on her. She held him and told him how much she loved him and missed him, before letting him get a chance to meet his baby sister. He stood in front of his mother as she held Molly, who was wearing the handmade hat that Bernie had presented Olivia and Elliot shortly after Molly had been born.

"She's little." Benson breathed, as he reached out and touched his sister's cheek. At edging on two years old, Benson was such a gentle little boy. Olivia had been worried about having a son after hearing horror stories about her husband when he was younger.

"Yeah, she's smaller than you were." Olivia smiled softly, as she watched Benson move his hand from Molly's cheek and to her hand. Her small fingers wrapped around one of Benson's fingers.

"Momma, look." Benson whispered.

"I know, sweetie. She loves you..."

"I love her too... do you think she knows?" Benson asked, and Olivia nodded, as she moved a bit in her chair.

"I think she knows that, Benson. You are going to be an amazing big brother to her."

"Can I kiss her?" Benson asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Of course. Just be gentle."

"I promise."


Benson was obsessed with his sister and never wanted to leave her side. Olivia was thankful that Benson was excited about being a big brother, because that meant that whenever she was focusing on Molly, she also got to spend a lot of time with Benson too. Elliot was busy the first few days, but came home on Friday night and was actually awake enough to spend time with his family.

"How has everything been going?" Elliot questioned quietly, as he sank down beside his wife on the couch. Benson was sleeping with his head on Olivia's lap, while Molly slept in her bouncer.

"It's been going a lot better than I thought it would have been going. Benson is like completely in love with Molly. He is already an amazing big brother." Olivia smiled, as she continued to caress Benson's hair as he slept.

"We have an amazing family." Elliot smiled.

"We do... but I wish you could be home more often."

"I'll be home more often soon, Liv. I promise. I have about half of my training left and then I'll be here more often. I promise. Now, do you want me to take the kid to bed or can I steal Molly and we can continue to watch this kid show?" Elliot asked. Olivia smiled at him before leaning close and kissing him gently.

"I don't want to move. I'm loving this too much."

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