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The morning after Christmas, Olivia was up early. She walked into the kitchen and looked around for any other members of the family, but no one was up. She quietly went and made a pot of coffee before filling a mug up and slipping on some warm shoes and a jacket before heading out back. She brushed some snow from the steps and sank down onto it as she sipped her coffee.

Lately, she has had a hard time sleeping. A few hours a night at the most, but she can't get out of bed because she was scared of waking up Elliot. She hadn't told him that she was anxious and restless, and she didn't tell him about how she was waiting for the 2nd day of January for a doctor's appointment to tell her if she can conceive a baby or not. A lot was leading up to that appointment and everything that kept pilling up made her even more anxious.

"It's so cold, Liv." Bernie breathed, as she opened the back door and quickly draped a blanket over her daughter-in-law's shoulders before sinking down beside her.

"It's not that cold," Olivia replied.

"It's freezing out here. So why are you out here?" Bernie questioned.

"Because I didn't want to wake you guys up. But clearly I did." Olivia sighed. She crossed her arms over her chest before handing the mug to Bernie. Bernie held it between her hands as she shivered a bit.

"What's happening with you, Olivia?" Bernie breathed, and Olivia closed her eyes before speaking.

"I'm anxious and depressed. I'm struggling to get through the days. And I have a very important appointment on the 2nd of January. I'm gonna find out if Elliot and I can have babies." Olivia whispered. Bernie sat the mug down before wrapping her arms around Olivia and hugging her tightly.

"No wonder you seem so off. I've come to check on you and Elliot sometimes and I see you laying awake."

"I just can't seem to get comfortable or relaxed enough to sleep." Olivia frowned.

"I'm assuming that you haven't told Elliot?" Bernie asked.

"No. And I'm not going too. I'm going to go alone and then tell him if I can't have children. If I can, he'll never know." Olivia spoke. She closed her eyes tightly as Bernie gently kissed her temple.

"I'll go with you," Bernie spoke quietly.

"No, Bernie. I'm sorry. I want to be alone." Olivia replied.

"But what if the news is bad?" Bernie asked, and Olivia stood slowly and shrugged.

"Yet another thing to make me feel like a horrible wife."


Elliot watched his wife from a distance for a while. He watched as her clothes got baggier because she was losing weight. He hadn't realized at first because of the sweaters and sweatpants, but as she wore different stuff it was clear to see. 

"I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go out of town for a few days?" Elliot asked, as his wife got ready to head into town on the second day of January.

"When?" Olivia replied quietly.

"Today. You and I could stay in a hotel and just spend time together. I know we aren't in school right now, but I'd love to see more of you." Elliot replied, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and placed kisses to her neck.

"I'm busy today, El. I'm sorry. Maybe tomorrow or something." Olivia replied.

"Why? Because you won't even let me see you naked anymore... it's like we don't do anything anymore." Elliot frowned.

"Babe, I promise you that I'd love to spend a few days with you... but not right now. I have to go. Okay? I love you so much, handsome." Olivia spoke, before turning around and looking at him. She drew him close and kissed him deeply before moving quietly from the bathroom.

Olivia moved down the stairs quickly and walked into the kitchen where Bernie was standing.

"Bernie?" Olivia asked nervously.

"Ready to go, honey?" Bernie replied, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"As ready as I can be."


Bernie had waited outside for the appointment because there was a lot of examining to be done and blood drawn. Olivia was beyond anxious and didn't know what the results would show. She hated the idea of having to tell her husband that his dreams of being a father would never happen because she's barren. She sat quietly on the examination table, dressed in a hospital gown and kept sitting there until the door opened. Bernie walked in and Olivia's doctor followed close behind.

"Is everything okay?" Olivia asked, as she grabbed Bernie's hand and held onto it for dear life.

"The test results came back and I just wanted Mrs. Stabler in here to make sure that you had support." Dr. Yin spoke. Olivia nodded slowly as her head dropped and tears welled in her eyes.

"So I can't have children? Like, no chance at all?" Olivia whimpered.

"You are completely healthy, Olivia. Your body is in the perfect condition to carry a child."

"Really?" Olivia asked as her eyes went wide.

"Yes, now I have something else to tell you." Dr. Yin smiled.

"Like?" Bernie asked because Olivia was just so excited that she could have children.

"I know that your body is in perfect condition to carry a child because you are currently pregnant. You're 12 weeks along." Dr. Yin spoke, and Olivia stopped smiling as her expression fell.

"What?" She asked. Bernie eyed the doctor as she felt completely confused.

"Olivia, you are 12 weeks pregnant. I was a little shocked when I saw that, but now I understand why you said you hadn't had your period in a while. It wasn't because you are infertile. It's because you are growing a baby." Dr. Yin smiled. Olivia looked at Bernie before shaking her head.

"I'm not pregnant. We have been careful. Condoms. Birth control. Like-"

"Olivia, I can show you your baby if that would help." Dr. Yin spoke, and Olivia nodded slowly.



When Olivia went home after her appointment, she had a huge bottle of prenatal vitamins in her purse and a sonogram picture in her hand. She walked straight up the stairs and was going to straight into her bedroom but Elliot was doing pull-ups on the bar in their doorway.

"Elliot, we need to talk," Olivia spoke.

"About?" Elliot asked before letting out a loud breath.

"Uh, I went to an appointment today to see if I could have children." She spoke, and Elliot dropped to his feet before staring at his wife.


"Elliot, don't look so sad. It's good news." She smiled.

"You can have kids?!" Elliot exclaimed, as he wrapped his arms around her and spun her around.

"Yes! Elliot, but that's not all!" Olivia laughed. Her husband sat her on her feet before looking at her.

"What else? Like did they find out you were pregnant." He laughed. He was only joking around, but when he saw the sonogram picture at his wife's side, he fainted on the spot.

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