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Olivia and Elliot got home at around ten the next morning, and Bernie and Joseph took them back to the house. Olivia was quiet the whole way home, but Elliot and his parents' didn't know if it was because she was tired or because she was upset about what happened. 

"Wanna sleep in here? I know that we aren't supposed to-" Elliot started, but Olivia was already slipping her shoes off and moving towards Elliot's bed.

"I'm tired," Olivia whispered.

"Something else is bothering you," Elliot spoke, and Olivia sighed.

"No, it's just jet lag," Olivia replied. Elliot climbed under the sheets and moved closer to his fiancee. He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips before kissing it softly.

"Is it the long-ass text your father sent you?" Elliot questioned, and Olivia quickly closed her eyes to stop herself from crying.

"He said that he is disowning me... El, that means that I have to get a job to pay for my car. I know that I should be doing that by now, but what if I don't get a full-ride next year?" Olivia breathed quietly.

"I'll help you out. I'll get a job-"

"No, you will not be paying for my car. You have a scholarship for soccer, and I don't want you to not practice enough and lose that scholarship." Olivia breathed, as she nestled her head into the crook of Elliot's neck.

"I will figure it out. I promise." Elliot breathed, before kissing her forehead gently. Olivia started to cry loudly as she thought about actually losing her father. It was like she didn't have any parents at all. It hurt her so much and was breaking her heart.


After finding out that Lance wanted nothing to do with Olivia anymore, the school year seemed to speed by extraordinarily fast. Olivia finished the year off then went straight into working 7 days a week to save up enough money to pay for car insurance and a new car since the one she had decided to break down a week before finals.

"She's working herself to death." Elliot frowned, as he stood beside his mother and looked into Olivia's bedroom. She was laying on her stomach and snoring loudly. She was working so often that she barely uses her free time for anything other than sleeping.

"She is really working hard though, Elliot. She is doing what she needs to." Bernie replied.

"I just hate not being able to see her or talk to her that often. She calls me before she goes on shift, but then she doesn't talk to me any other time. I think I'm going to get a job and start putting the money into a savings account. So I can start saving for our future so hopefully, she won't have to work again until she is starting her teaching job." Elliot breathed. He slowly moved into the room and laid down behind his fiancee. He held her close and kissed the back of her head gently as she sank into his arms.

"I wish you didn't have to work so freaking hard, my love," Elliot whispered.

"Shh, El. I'm sleeping." Olivia yawned, as she grabbed his arms and wrapped them even tighter around her body.

"Okay, but I love you. I don't get to say that enough to you." Elliot whispered.

"I love you too, but I have a closing shift tonight and I have to be ready for that."


Olivia worked herself too hard, and eventually, she fainted at work and hit her head hard against one of the counters. Elliot got a call in the middle of the night and he quickly rushed to the hospital to check on his fiancee.

"I'm looking for Olivia Benson?" Elliot asked at the front desk.

"Are you her fiancee and emergency contact?" The man questioned, and Elliot nodded.

"Yeah. That's me." Elliot replied.

"Alright, take this badge and then head down the hall and once you get to the double door, flash your badge. She is in room 15, which is to the right." He spoke.

"How is she doing?" Elliot questioned quietly.

"She is currently sleeping. She had to get stitches because she got a big gash in her forehead. They honestly think that she overdid it at work. She was dehydrated, her blood sugar was low, and her blood pressure was low. The doctor will tell you more later." He spoke, and Elliot nodded slowly.

Elliot took the badge and signed in before moving down the hall. He flashed his badge before walking through the double doors. Then he made his way to Olivia's room. He opened the door without knocking and found his fiancee laying on the bed with a large bandage on her forehead and she had a few IV's in her hand.

"Babe?" Elliot questioned quietly. He slowly walked into the room and stood behind his fiancee before gently caressing her hair. He did that for a while before she woke up and looked over her shoulder at him.

"You came." She smiled weakly.

"Of course I came. I'm your fiance." Elliot replied quickly.

"Are you gonna take me home now?" Olivia asked, and Elliot shook his head.

"No, not yet baby. I think you have to stay here for the night to make sure nothing happens. How are you feeling?" Elliot questioned as he helped Olivia sit up. He helped her settle against the pillows before sitting beside her and wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"I feel like my head is on fire. And I feel dizzy. I wonder what caused this." Olivia breathed.

"It was the fact that you were overdoing it! Liv, you worked nonstop. I don't even know how they could think to work you every day was a good idea! You are quitting that job." Elliot spoke.

"I need the money, El!" Olivia cried, before wincing and burying her face in Elliot's shoulder.

"I got a job, Liv. I've been making money... good money. I work with my father and I have started saving up for our future. Our wedding. Liv, we need money, but I also need you to be healthy. Please, just quit your job and focus on school and getting better."

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